
USS Solvang

The USS Solvang (NCC-12101) was a Federation California-class starship operated by Starfleet, launched and destroyed in 2380.

That year, Captain Dayton was the ship's commanding officer. Dayton was given command following the loss of her previous ship, the USS Rubidoux.

While surveying a star in the Kalla system, the ship was suddenly attacked, and severely weakened by a Pakled Clumpship. While Dayton tried to escape, a mining arm took hold of one of the warp nacelles of the Solvang. To break free, Dayton ordered going to warp, but the nacelle was torn from the ship, causing a massive explosion. The Solvang was lost with all hands. (LD: "No Small Parts")

The Solvang was presumably named for Solvang, California.


California-class starships
USS AlhambraUSS AnaheimUSS BurbankUSS CarlsbadUSS CerritosUSS Culver CityUSS EurekaUSS FresnoUSS InglewoodUSS MercedUSS Mount ShastaUSS OaklandUSS Pacific PalisadesUSS ReddingUSS RiversideUSS RubidouxUSS SacramentoUSS San ClementeUSS San DiegoUSS San JoseUSS Santa MonicaUSS Sherman OaksUSS SolvangUSS VacavilleUSS VallejoUSS West CovinaUnnamed

The Solvang is presumably named after Solvang, California.

Like the Rubidoux, the Solvang has red markings on its hull. According to Star Trek: Lower Decks series creator Mike McMahan, a California-class ship with red hull markings is "for moving around ambassadors and doing more command-level stuff." [1]