
USS Voyager (NCC-74656-D)

The USS Voyager (NCC-74656-D) was a Federation starship in service sometime between the 24th and 31st centuries.

In 2381, when attempting to gain entrance to the Command Conference afterparty being held on aboard Starbase 25, Ensign Beckett Mariner told the bouncer that she served on this ship. However, his check of the database revealed that she was assigned to the USS Cerritos. As a result, Mariner was denied admittance to the event by the bouncer, who was only admitting Starfleet personnel assigned to Luna-class starships or above. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

While the eventual existence of a Voyager-D can be inferred from the existence of the USS Voyager-J in 3189, the vessel clearly could not have existed in 2381, given the appearance of the Voyager-A three years later in Prodigy and the Voyager-B twenty years later in Picard.

The Starships Voyager
Federation: NCC-74656NCC-74656-ANCC-74656-BNCC-74656-DNCC-74656-J
Terran Empire (mirror universe): NCC-74656-A