President of the United States

The President of the United States was the head of state and chief executive officer of the government of the United States of America. The President led this country by proposing and executing policy, and was also the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military. The President resided in the White House. (DS9: "Little Green Men"; ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

In 2024, the current President decided to stall treaty talks amid unrest. (PIC: "Two of One")

In 2152, Trip Tucker, hearing that Mestral may have lived on Earth from 1957 until well into the 22nd century, reckoned that the Vulcan explorer would have lived through "what – thirty presidents?" The first two of these would have been Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. (TOS: "The Cage"; DS9: "Little Green Men"; ENT: "Carbon Creek")

US Presidents[]

  1. Individual was referred to while serving in a capacity other than President (his previous service as a general in the Civil War).


Background information[]

Mount Rushmore 2287

Presidents' heads on Mount Rushmore from Star Trek V Special Edition DVD

Although the aired version of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier seems to imply that Sulu and Chekov are in Yosemite National Park with Captain Kirk and the others, a deleted part of that scene actually establishes that they are exploring Mt. Rushmore, which has by the 23rd century had the head of an African-American woman President added. The scene was never made a part of any cut of the film, though, so the addition to Mt. Rushmore is non-canon.

Yamato plaque

The plaque on the fake Yamato

Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President, was part of the deleted scene mentioned above. His quote "I have sworn eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." appeared on the dedication plaque of the USS Yamato in "Where Silence Has Lease".

According to the novel Spock's World the office of President still exists in the early 23rd century, however by then it's a largely ceremonial position rather than one with actual political power. In the short story "Eleven Hours Out" in the anthology Tales of the Dominion War, the United States still exists as a political subdivision of United Earth as late as 2375, and is still led by a President.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine guest star Mary Kay Adams (Grilka) is a descendant of Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams.

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