Unnamed plants
The following is a list of unnamed plants.
Alastrian plants[]

These plants were seen on the surface of Alastria. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
Aldean plants[]
These plants and flowers were seen as decorations on Aldea in 2364. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")
Trees and plants outside of the building
Archer IV psychotropic flower[]

Psychotropic flowers (portrayed by Lantana camara)
These psychotropic compound-producing flowers were native to Archer IV.
These flowers released a toxic pollen with a high concentration of tropolisine, causing symptoms of hallucination, paranoia, and lack of cognitive function. (ENT: "Strange New World")
Black licorice-tasting fruit tree []

A tree growing on a desert planet
A cluster of fruit-bearing trees grew on a planet with a desert environment. Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler were initially relieved to find the tree while seeking water when they were temporarily stranded on the planet in 2381. However, their enthusiasm immediately faded when they found that the liquid inside the fruit tasted similar to black licorice, which neither of them liked, but they continued eating it regardless, as their options were severely limited. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")
Dedestris flower[]

Material spun from the Dedestris flower
This flower grew on the planet Dedestris. It only bloomed in the moonlight. Gathorel Labin offered Kathryn Janeway a scarf made from a material composed of its petals, which was considered Exquisite and very delicate. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
Delta Theta III flora[]
These unnamed plants and trees grew on the planet Delta Theta III. (TAS: "Bem")
Denubian Alps wildlife[]

Several trees in the Denubian Alps
A holographic program of the Denubian Alps was created as a field trip aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364. The landscape featured several trees and bushes without leaves as well as fir tree-like plants. (TNG: "Angel One")
Dilmer III plants[]
(LD: "Fully Dilated")
Dilmer III tree[]
(LD: "Fully Dilated")
Elpanah flowers[]

In 3189, Saru brought T'Rina a bouquet of fresh flowers from Elpanah. According to the planet's people, the flowers gave good fortune to couples about to marry. (DIS: "Lagrange Point")
Enterprise-D quarters plants[]
The following plants were used as decorations in different quarters and guest quarters aboard the Enterprise-D.
A green-red leaved plant in Beverly Crusher's quarters
(TNG: "The Naked Now") (Portrayed by Snake Plant: Dracaena trifasciata)
Felicium source plant[]
This plant was the source of the addictive drug felicium. It only grew in the remote areas of Brekka. Its cultivation, harvest, and purification was both difficult and expensive. (TNG: "Symbiosis")
Flower bouquet[]

A flower bouquet
This flower bouquet was replicated by Tom Paris in 2374 as a present for B'Elanna Torres and an excuse for canceling the date last night. He held the flowers when he used the site-to-site transport to beam directly into the Jefferies tube where Torres was working. (VOY: "Scientific Method")
The call sheet for the day of filming listed the flower bouquet simply as "flowers".
Founders' homeworld's plants[]
Various plants could be seen on the surface of the Founders' homeworld in 2371. (DS9: "The Search, Part I", "The Search, Part II")
Frozen plants[]
Two types of unnamed plants were found in the crew quarters aboard the SS Tsiolkovsky in 2364, frozen like the rest of the interior. (TNG: "The Naked Now")
A frozen plant behind a chair
Hima water plant []

Booker squeezes a water plant's healing properties from a leaf
This type of plant was found in the shallow water near the lakefront on Hima.
In 3188, speaking the Kwejian language, Cleveland Booker persuaded one of these plants into appearing above water, so he could squeeze a healing liquid from one of its leaves. After passing this liquid into Michael Burnham's hand, she used it for treating a gunshot wound on her left arm. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 1")
Holographic plants[]
Several unnamed plants appeared in holographic programs such as the funeral setting for Natasha Yar and the recreation of the Café des Artistes in 2364. (TNG: "Skin Of Evil", "We'll Always Have Paris")
Invernian herb[]
An Invernian herb was a medicinal herb located in remote areas of Invernia II.
In 2351, a young Julian Bashir and his father witnessed the death of an Invernian girl who, unknown to them, could have been saved by the Invernian herb. This incident led Julian Bashir to a career in medicine. (DS9: "Melora")
Janeway's plant[]

Janeway attempting to escape the plant's grip
A large plant was given to Voyager as a gift by alien dignitaries while the vessel was docked at the Markonian outpost. According to Janeway, it grapped her when she tried to water it. Later, one of branches grapped on to Janeway's hair. (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
Lab 4005 plants[]
While performing anomaly consolidation duty aboard the USS Cerritos in 2381, Ensigns Beckett Mariner, Sam Rutherford, and D'Vana Tendi went into Lab 4005, which contained plants of various species. One such plant was smelled by Tendi, who invited Mariner to smell its flower, only for the plant to spray thorns into the latter's face, which had to be pulled out by the former. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")
Lactra VII flora[]
Several flowering bushes and leafy plants were native to Lactra VII. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder")
Ledonia III plant[]

Ledonia III plant
This exotic plant from Ledonia III shared its environment with a mycorrhizal fungus that helped it to retain water. Without the fungus, the plant would quickly die. (DS9: "The Wire")
Ligon II flora[]
Several plants, flowers, and trees were native to the planet Ligon II. (TNG: "Code of Honor")
Minosian wildlife[]
The surface of the planet Minos featured several types of plants, trees, bushes, and flowers. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")
Mokra Order-controlled planet[]
The city and the surrounding alleys of the marketplace on a planet in the Delta Quadrant featured several green bushes, trees, and plants. (VOY: "Resistance")
Observation lounge plants[]
These types of unnamed plants were set as decorations in the observation lounge aboard the Enterprise-D.
Orellius pear[]
This plant was a pear-like fruit indigenous to Orellius.
A few years before 2370, colonists living on Orellius discover this fruit growing along a riverbank. The colony leader Alixus believed the fruit was "lovely".
In 2370, Alixus offered this fruit as breakfast to Benjamin Sisko, who had spent the night on watch duty. (DS9: "Paradise")
Pakled Planet foliage[]

Pakled Planet's foliage
During Captain Carol Freeman and Lieutenant Shaxs' visit to Pakled Planet in 2381, a number of ruddy-colored trees and shrubbery could be seen on the planet's surface, in the Pakleds' capital of Big Strong City. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")
- See: Unnamed Phylosians
Plants aboard the Enterprise-D[]
Beside the quarters and the observation lounge and sickbay, several other rooms aboard the ship featured plants. Some were also placed in corridors.
A green plant in the captain's ready room
({{TNG|Hide And Q|Haven|Home Soil|Coming of Age|Skin Of Evil}}, {{e|We'll Always Have Paris}}, {{e|Conspiracy}}, {{e|The Neutral Zone}})
A small tree in the schoolroom
({{TNG|When The Bough Breaks}})
A flowered twig, a gift by Alexandra
({{TNG|When The Bough Breaks}})
Plants on Angel I[]
On the planet Angel I several green plants and trees surrounded the buildings. Inside the buildings several plants were placed in bowls. (TNG: "Angel One")
Rubicun III flora[]
The planet Rubicun III, homeworld of the Edo, featured many plants, trees and green on its surface. Some were planted in bowls and displayed in the court hall of the main building. (TNG: "Justice")
Sickbay plants (2150s)[]
Doctor Phlox kept several green plants in sickbay aboard Enterprise NX-01 for his animals. Some of them were placed in the cages. (ENT: "The Catwalk", "Regeneration")
Sickbay plants (2364)[]
These plants decorated the waiting area and the CMO's office of the sickbay aboard the Enterprise-D in 2364.
A green tree
(TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "The Naked Now", "Where No One Has Gone Before", "Lonely Among Us", "Justice", "The Battle", "Haven", "Datalore", "Angel One", "11001001", "Too Short A Season", "Heart of Glory", "Symbiosis", "We'll Always Have Paris", "Conspiracy", "The Neutral Zone")
Starfleet Headquarters park[]

The park
The park area between the buildings of Starfleet Headquarters featured several plants, flowers, bushes, and trees in the 2150s. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem", "Shockwave, Part II", "Regeneration", "First Flight", "Home")
Starfleet Headquarters plants[]
These plants and flowers were placed in corridors at Starfleet Headquarters and in the surrounding green places. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
Surata IV predatory vine[]

Part of the predatory vine
In 2365, Commander William T. Riker was attacked by the rhizomatic predatory vine native to the planet Surata IV. Its thorns contained microorganisms, later named as Surata IV microbes. These microbes possessed elements of both a bacteria and a virus, and were designed to infect the nervous system of warm-blooded animals. (TNG: "Shades of Gray")
Symbiogenetic hybrid[]

Symbiogenetic hybrid
This hybrid of a symbiogenetic alien orchid from the Delta Quadrant, as well as a prize-winning chrysanthemum and a garden-variety clematis, was created in a 2372 transporter experiment aboard USS Voyager. (VOY: "Tuvix")
Terrasphere 8 bloom[]

A bloom
This plant grew at Terrasphere 8 in a holographic re-creation of the Starfleet Academy grounds. It's bloom was gathered by the groundskeeper Boothby with a garden clipper. He then smelled at it. (VOY: "In the Flesh")
The call sheet features the note for the art department, "Exotic flowers/garden".
Trees at Farpoint Station[]
The spaceport and the shopping mall at Farpoint Station housed several sorts of trees when the crew of the Enterprise-D visited this place in 2364. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
Vulcan monastery planet plants[]
The planet housing the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem featured several plants, bushes, and trees on its surface. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
Vulcan plants[]
Different green- and red-leafed trees were planted in front of the Vulcan Science Academy in 2249. (DIS: "Lethe")
Yorktown plants[]

Trees on Yorktown
Two people sat beneath a large plant at Yorktown in 2263 of the alternate reality.
Stocky trees with thick reddish canopies were present at Yorktown Central Plaza.
Small palm-like trees with purple stems could be found outside the space where James T. Kirk celebrated his birthday. (Star Trek Beyond)