
Matthew R Dunn

Vulcan captain, first contact

Live long, and prosper.

Hello, my name is Matthew R Dunn, a "Hew-mon" from Wales, UK. I'm a Star Trek fan, but there is a long list of other TV shows and movies ahead on the list as my favourites, such as Stargate, Battlestare Galactica, Doctor Who, Lost, Prison Break, as well as others. My favourite Series is Star Trek: Voyager. I'm thinking about seeing the new movie when it comes out May 2009, since J.J. Abrams did Lost, Fringe and Mission Impossible: 3. I often turn to this site when finding out Star Trek stuff. I'll try to edit what I can.

Favourite episodes/movies[]

Favourite characters[]



(Fewer on the list, because there are only a couple per series)

My creations[]

Star Trek dreams[]

Here's some I know so far, more to come;

  • I was talking to T'Pol about some unknown topic. I notice her smiling a little (I'm obsessed with trying to get Vulcans to smile, because they don't do it much, don't they)
  • Chakotay is looking for Captain Janeway near my house.
  • I tell Tuvok in my Nan's house that I consider him a friend. He had a shocked look on his face.

Other wikis you can find me in[]