Valo II
Valo II was the inhabited second planet in the Valo system, in the Alpha Quadrant. This system was located on the outskirts of Cardassian territory. It was an M-class planet, which was settled by Bajoran refugees displaced by the Cardassian annexation of Bajor. The Bajorans lived in desperate poverty on the surface, struggling to meet even their basic needs. Ro Laren spent some of her formative years at the encampment on the southern continent, where she became acquainted with an unofficial local leader named Keeve Falor.
In 2368, the USS Enterprise-D sought out Keeve concerning a possible threat to the Federation made by resistance leader Orta. Captain Jean-Luc Picard elected to provide humanitarian assistance to the camp after witnessing their conditions first-hand. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")
- See: Valo II inhabitants
Valo system |
Valo I (moon) • Valo II • Valo III |
This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of the Cardassian Union in the star chart appearing in the Star Trek: Picard episode "Maps and Legends".
According to the script, the pronunciation for Valo was "VAH-lo". [1]
According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 47) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Valos system was, in the late 24th century, it was an independent system.
External link[]
- Valo II at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works