Volan II
Volan II was the inhabited second planet orbiting the primary Volan, in the Alpha Quadrant. This colony was one of the Volan colonies.
This planet was the site of a Federation colony in the mid-24th century. In 2370, the planet changed governments to the Cardassian Union when it was located on the Cardassian side of the Demilitarized Zone after the Federation-Cardassian Treaty.
William Samuels and his wife Louise Samuels came to the colony in 2350. Until 2370, when he left the planet for Deep Space 9 to take part in a Maquis plot to bomb the Bok'Nor, William Samuels was employed as a farmer for the colony. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
Background information[]
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
According to the script, the pronunciation for Volan was "VOE-lahn". [1]
According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 47) and the Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), Volan II was located in the Volan system.
According to StarTrek.com, this primary was named Volan. Furthermore, it was stated that Volan II was a M-class planet. [2](X)