
Volcanic eruption

Terra 10

Eruptions on Terra 10

Volcanic eruptions were the ejection of volcanic material such as molten lava and gases, and they generally produced igneous rock and pyroclastic flow.

Mount Tar'Hana was a volcano on the planet Vulcan. According to T'Pol in 2154, Tar'Hana still occasionally erupted. (ENT: "Home")

In 2267, geophysical findings of the rogue planet Gothos indicated that the surface had no detectable soil or vegetation, the temperature was extremely hot, it had a toxic atmosphere which was swept by tornadic storms, continuous volcanic eruptions, and deadly to any lifeform as the crew knew it without oxygen and life support systems. The estimated survival time of two unprotected individuals was not very long.

Spock ordered DeSalle to equip the landing party with full communications, armament, and life support gear. After beaming down to the surface with breathing masks, they realized the situation was not as indicated by starship sensors. There were no storms and the atmosphere was exactly the same as theirs. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

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