Unnamed USS Voyager sciences division personnel
List of unnamed sciences division crewmembers aboard the USS Voyager.
Human chief medical officer []
This male Human lieutenant commander served as Voyager's original chief medical officer in 2371.
Previously in his career, he worked as a surgeon on Caldik Prime. He learned of Tom Paris, who was stationed there at the same time, and his acts that landed him in prison. They never met, however.
While still docked at Deep Space 9 and during Voyager's maiden voyage to the Badlands, this officer performed physicals on Kashimuro Nozawa, Harry Kim, and Paris, but didn't bother to hide his dislike of Paris. He later had a meal with Kim and Lieutenant Commander Cavit in the mess hall, during which both officers filled Kim in on Paris' past affairs, as well as warning Kim that he'd be best off staying away from Paris, before they both promptly left when Paris arrived.
The officer was killed by an exploded console in sickbay along with his entire staff during Voyager's transport into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. (VOY: "Caretaker") He was replaced by Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram, who remained active thereafter, a fact the EMH shared with the USS Prometheus' EMH Mark II. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
This character was never named in script or dialogue, however, it may be deduced from the casualty list displayed in "Imperfection" that he may have been T. Ziegler or L. McGarry, as these were names of two deceased lieutenant commanders who had served aboard Voyager.
Human crewman 1 []

A sciences officer in the mess hall
This Human] male crewman was in the mess hall in 2371 where he sampled Neelix' pepper sauce, which made him cough because it was too hot. (VOY: "Elogium")
Not long after, he was aboard when Voyager was reconfigured by an energy field. When a confused B'Elanna Torres wound up in the mess hall while searching for engineering, he asked her if everything was all right. (VOY: "Twisted")
This sciences crewman was played by actor Terry Correll.
He had no dialogue in his first appearance, he was only coughing because of Neelix's pepper sauce. For this appearance, Correll is listed as "Crewmember" on the call sheet and as "N.D. Crewmember" in the end credits of the episode. He filmed this scene on Friday 21 April 1995 on Paramount Stage 8. For "Twisted", Correll filmed his scene on Monday 1 May 1995 on Paramount Stage 8 and is listed as "Crewman" on the call sheet and as "Crewmember" in the end credits.
Human crewman 2 []
This crewman spent time with an operations lieutenant in Voyager's mess hall enjoying silmic wine together in 2372.
Neelix mentioned them without naming names during a segment on his show, A Briefing with Neelix, and wished them all the best. (VOY: "Investigations")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Human ensign 1 []
This Human] male ensign was working in a corridor when he was passed by Vice Admiral Patterson and Captain Janeway while Voyager was still in drydock in early 2371. Later he was working in sickbay when Patterson demonstrated Janeway the EMH. (VOY: "Relativity")
A number of years later, he manned a side station on the bridge when the ship was hunted down by Hazari bounty hunters and made first contact with Kurros and the "Think Tank". (VOY: "Think Tank")

A male ensign
He was encountering a female ensign appeared in The Doctor's slide how called Love Amid the Stars: A Romantic Bestiary. The Doctor called this a "Chance Encounter," which depicted this ensign picking up a PADD off the deck while exchanging smiles with the female ensign. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")
The image that appeared in the episode "Someone to Watch Over Me" was somewhat different from what was described in the script. The script described the scene as "a Young Male Starfleet Ensign crouching to pick up a PADD dropped by an attractive Young Female Ensign, who crouches next to him. They're in a Voyager corridor." A deleted scene featured an additional interaction between the two, in a chapter called: "Flowers... to Show Your Care." Here the script notes described the "young Male Ensign in a corridor holding out a corsage to a young Female Ensign (the same two from "The Chance Encounter" in Scene 11) who's standing in the open doorway of her quarters." A second deleted scene featured further interaction between the two, in a chapter called: "The Kiss Goodnight". Here the script noted that "the Male and Female Ensigns from "The Chance Encounter" once again posed in a corridor, this time in front of an open doorway to a quarters. They are kissing, quite chastely."
He walked past Tom Paris and Seven of Nine in a corridor when Paris tried to get Seven into a tournament of ping pong. Later, he watched the ping pong tournament in the mess hall and witnessed how a temporal duplicate of Seven of Nine hunted down Captain Braxton. (VOY: "Relativity")
He manned the sciences bridge side station when Seven of Nine suggested using her Borg nanoprobes to deactivate the series 5 long-range tactical armor unit which took control over The Doctor. (VOY: "Warhead")
This sciences officer was played by recurring background actor Josh Sinyard who received no credit for his appearances.
According to his online resume, the character was named "Ensign Stephens".
Human ensign 2 []

A sciences ensign
This female ensign served aboard Voyager when the ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
She was working on a side station on the bridge of Voyager when Captain Janeway introduced Harry Kim to his operations station while docked at Deep Space 9.
She was also on duty on the bridge when the ship was transported into the Delta Quadrant and cared for the wounded crewmembers. She was on the bridge and armed with a phaser when Chakotay, Ayala, and Tuvok were beamed onto the bridge of Voyager and when a humanoid lifeform was detected in a nearby debris field.
Also on the bridge, she listened to Captain Janeway's speech following the desctruction of the Caretaker's array. (VOY: "Caretaker")
She was working on the bridge, manning the sciences station on the port side, when Voyager encountered a type-4 quantum singularity and learned that the ship was trapped inside this singularity. (VOY: "Parallax")
She walked down a corridor behind Neelix when the Talaxian was on his way to sickbay to talk to Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel. (VOY: "Jetrel")
She was sitting with Crewman Fitzpatrick in the mess hall when Chell asked her to get her glass of water while he stopped during his training run through the ship. She answered him "Be my guest." She was also in the mess hall when Neelix talked to Tuvok about the Vulcan's flexibility. After the crew discovered that the mysterious virus on board the ship comes from Neelix's Brill cheese, she was one of the crewmembers who scanned the area. She scanned a cooking pot and asked Neelix "what is this?". (VOY: "Learning Curve")
Peterson also filmed the short scene on 2nd unit along with photo double Scott Brody. Both times her voice was added in post production and performed by an unknown actress.
According to the call sheet, Peterson filmed bridge scenes for the episode "The 37's" but is not part of the final episode. It is possible that she manned the side science station which is mostly out of focus.

On the bridge
While Voyager discovered a distortion ring in space under command of Tuvok, she manned the side science station on the bridge. Later, when the phenomena transformed Voyager into a maze, she was present in the mess hall where she talked to a command ensign while B'Elanna Torres entered. When all was set back to normal, she was again on duty on the bridge where she talked to Kurt Bendera at the tactical station before she left back to her station. (VOY: "Twisted")
Carrying a PADD, she crossed the corridor near the transporter room when Neelix, Tom Paris, and Kes left the room following their return from the surface of "Planet Hell". (VOY: "Parturition")
She was working on the bridge when the ship was attacked by the Mokra Orders phased ion cannons. (VOY: "Resistance")
This recurring sciences ensign was played by background actress Tami Peterson who received no credit for her appearances.
Peterson was scheduled to appear in scene 84, turbolift scene, in the episode "The Cloud" but was not part of the final episode.
Human ensign 3 []
This female sciences ensign manned the sciences station on the bridge when Voyager engaged the Numiri patrol ship for a second time. Later, when Voyager left orbit of Banea, she was seen outside the mess hall talking to an operations ensign. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")

On Sikaris
She was seated next to Tom Paris in the mess hall when Paris and Harry Kim discussed their encounters and activities with the Delaney sisters with Seska and B'Elanna Torres. Later, she was among the crewmembers who visited the plaza on Sikaris and enjoyed the hospitality of the Sikarians. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
For the scene on Sikaris, Somers was wearing a black wig.
She passed Commander Chakotay, Tuvok, and Captain Janeway in a corridor shortly after the surviving Kazon-Nistrim of a Kazon raider was beamed into sickbay. When the Kazon was killed by First Maje Culluh and his aide, Voyager turned back to the course back home, and Commander Chakotay entered the mess hall to talk to Tuvok, she was in the mess hall and carrying a drink. (VOY: "State of Flux")
She visited the mess hall while Neelix prepared frozen Sora roots. (VOY: "Cathexis") Talking to an operations officer and walking down a corridor she had to step aside when she was passed by Tuvok and his Maquis trainees Chell, Henley, Kenneth Dalby, and Gerron. (VOY: "Learning Curve")
She briefly manned the side science station on the bridge when Commander Chakotay entered the captain's ready room to talk to Janeway about the future of Voyager if crewmembers leave the ship. Later, she was talking to a command officer at a table in the mess hall during the visit of the 37's. (VOY: "The 37's")
She was on duty on the bridge and went to her station, the side science station, when Harry Kim returned to Voyager, eager to talk to Tom Paris following his experiences in an alternate timeline. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
She manned the side science station on the bridge when Voyager lost contact with the shuttle of Tom Paris and Neelix which transported them to the surface of "Planet Hell". (VOY: "Parturition")
She was on the bridge, when Tuvok was in command of the ship. (VOY: "Resolutions")
She was among the crewmembers who were left on Hanon IV after the Kazon Maje Culluh took over command of Voyager. (VOY: "Basics, Part I", "Basics, Part II")
She worked on a side station on the bridge when the Voyager went back in time into the year 1996 and had to face Henry Starling and when the ship returned into the 24th century. (VOY: "Future's End", "Future's End, Part II")
She was also working on the bridge when Kes, possessed by the Ilari Tieran took a shuttle. (VOY: "Warlord")

Working on the bridge
She was in the mess hall when B'Elanna Torres arrives for be reported by Tom Paris. (VOY: "Macrocosm")
She was on duty on the bridge in 2373. (VOY: "Blood Fever", "Unity")
She handled Captain Janeway a PADD. (VOY: "Darkling")
She visited the Paxau Resort when Kes experienced one of her timeshifts and witnessed the Krenim attack on Voyager and also attended the ninth birthday for Kes at the mess hall. Later, in the normal timeline, she attended the party for Kes at the Paxau Resort holoprogram. (VOY: "Before and After")
She was among the crew members of Voyager who were transported by the Nyrian translocator technology when the Nyrians invaded Voyager. (VOY: "Displaced")
In the holo-program "Insurrection Alpha", she manned a side sciences station on the bridge when the Maquis members started a mutin. Later, she stood next to Kes when the crew members were held captive in the cargo bay. Outside of the program, she visited the mess hall after Captain Janeway resturned to the ship. (VOY: "Worst Case Scenario")
She was one of the crewmembers who transported equipment through a corridor when the crew prepared to enter Borg space in 2373. Later, she passed Captain Janeway in a corridor on her way to sickbay. (VOY: "Scorpion")
She passed Tuvok and Captain Janeway in a corridor when the two were on their way to the brig where Seven of Nine was held. (VOY: "The Gift")
She was working on the side bridge console when the Voyager met the Caatati and had to eject its warp core. (VOY: "Day of Honor")
She attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander. (VOY: "Revulsion")
She passed Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay in a corridor when the two went to sickbay. (VOY: "The Raven")

Dying on the bridge in an alternate timeline
She visited the mess hall for breakfast when Neelix suffered from the hidden experiments of the Srivani and was brought to sickbay. Later, she was working in sickbay treating the patients who suffered from the experiments. (VOY: "Scientific Method")
She was working on the bridge when the Voyager made contact with a Krenim patrol ship. In the alternate timeline created by temporal incursions of the Krenim weapon ship, she was killed on the bridge following the attack of a Krenim warship. (VOY: "Year of Hell")
She was on duty on the bridge when Seven of Nine entered the captain's ready room to discuss the events on the Mari homeworld and a faster way to get to Earth. (VOY: "Random Thoughts")

A female ensign
In a dream of Tuvok, this ensign passed him in a corridor and greeted him with "Sir. Hello, sir" while she tried to look embarrassed away from Tuvok because he was naked. (VOY: "Waking Moments")
She was on duty on the bridge, manning a side station, when the crew decrypted a message from Starfleet Command. She was also present when Neelix delivered the first letter from the Alpha Quadrant to Commander Chakotay. (VOY: "Hunters")
In 2374 she was among the crewmembers who were evacuated into other sections due to lack of power. She passed Tuvok shortly after he ran into Neelix. (VOY: "Demon")
She was part of the away team which was beamed onto the bridge aboard the USS Dauntless. She used a tricorder to scan the consoles in the back of the bridge. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

The end credits of "Waking Moments"
This recurring Starfleet officer was played by regular background actress and Jennifer Lien's stand-in Jennifer Riley who received no credit for her appearances.
Her only credited episode was the fourth season episode "Waking Moments" for which she filmed her scenes, scenes 6-8, on Thursday 9 October 1997 on Paramount Stage 9 according to the call sheet. The end credits of the episode are listing her as "Jennifer Gundy – Ensign". During the first season she is listed as "Jennifer Somers" on the call sheets.
Human ensign 4 []

At the quantum slipstream celebration
This female ensign served on board the Voyager in the 2370s.
In 2375, Ashmore and she were in the Holodeck when The Doctor did a photo exhibition. (VOY: "Nothing Human")
Later that year, she was present at the celebration in main engineering when the new quantum slipstream drive was completed, talking to another officer of Asian descent in the command division. (VOY: "Timeless")
The same year, she was at the science station on the bridge during the mission to obtain a transwarp coil from a Borg sphere. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
In 2376, The Doctor imagined she attended one of his recitals in the mess hall, sitting behind Captain Janeway. However, this was only a daydream of his. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy")
This ensign was played by background actress Lin Chong who received no credit for her appearances
Human ensign 5 []

A biomimetic copy of her
A biomimetic copy of this female ensign attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall and threw some rice into the air. Later she was one of the Silver Blood copies who suffered from degradation following radiation from the new warp core technology. She was treated in the mess hall where she was lying on a bed. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
She was in the mess hall when several Klingon crewmembers visited the place for a feast. (VOY: "Prophecy")
This recurring sciences ensign was played by background actress Loran Taylor who received no credit for her appearances.
Human lieutenant junior grade []

A science officer
This male lieutenant junior grade was seen speaking with Harry Kim in the ship's corridor when Neelix interrupted the conversation. (VOY: "Investigations")
The science officer was played by then-Crown Prince Abdullah bin al-Hussein of Jordan. Since he was not a member of the Screen Actor's Guild, he was not allowed to have any lines.
Human medical officer []

Wounded in sickbay
This medical officer served aboard the Voyager while it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
This sciences officer was wounded during the transport of the ship into the Delta Quadrant. He was brought into sickbay where he was placed on a biobed. (VOY: "Caretaker")
He was waiting outside a turbolift when Captain Janeway left the turbolift on her way to the mess hall. (VOY: "The Cloud")
He was sitting at a table in the mess hall when Tuvok and the Maquis trainees crossed the section. Later, he was ordered by B'Elanna Torres to take the glass container with the Brill cheese inside to sickbay so The Doctor could examine it. He took the container and acknowledged the order. (VOY: "Learning Curve")
His answer "Yes lieutenant." was added in post production and performed by an unknown actor.
He was part of the away team which beamed down to the surface of a planet to locate the power source and accompanied Commander Chakotay into a cave. The away team found five cryo-stasis chamber, which contained eight Human bodies, the 37's. (VOY: "The 37's")
A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the crewmembers in sickbay who cared for the wounded, when The Doctor was first activated. (VOY: "Projections")
He walked down the corridor and crossed behind Neelix and Kes when the Ocampa tried to talk to Neelix about his fight with Tom Paris in the mess hall. (VOY: "Parturition")
He attended the funeral for Kurt Bendera and was sitting near the window in the back of the mess hall. (VOY: "Alliances")
He was wounded during a Kazon attack in 2372 and was lying unconscious in a corridor when an intruding Captain Braxton tumbled over him. (VOY: "Relativity")
He was part of the medical team that helped Tom Paris in the mess hall to carry him to the sickbay. (VOY: "Threshold")
He descended to the planet Hanon IV, when the ship was taken by the Kazon-Nistrim. (VOY: "Basics, Part I")
He was among the crewmembers who were left on Hanon IV after the Kazon Maje Culluh took over command of the Voyager. (VOY: "Basics, Part II")
In mid-2373, he was in the mess hall during the absence of Neelix and had problems with the replicator caused by a macrovirus. (VOY: "Macrocosm")
He was present in the hallucination Captain Kathryn Janeway experienced in 2373 about her death and funeral. (VOY: "Coda")
He was working in the science lab, analyzing a sample of the asteroid to follow up on Dr. Vatm's theory that they were artificial. (VOY: "Rise")
In an alternate timeline, he was in the mess hall to celebrate the ninth birthday of Kes. (VOY: "Before and After")
He along with was command division officer on the bridge to attend Ensign Lang to impede, that the Nyrians take the ship. (VOY: "Displaced")
He accompanied Commander Chakotay and a security detail to cargo bay 2 to get Captain Janeway and Tuvok medical attention. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")
He visited the mess hall when Neelix served B'Elanna Torres a blood pie to honor her Day of Honor. (VOY: "Day of Honor")
He was eating and talking to fellow crewmembers in the mess hall when Seven of Nine attacked Neelix and threw him over a chair. He was then among the crewmembers who cared for Neelix. (VOY: "The Raven")

As a "lab rat" for the Srivani
He left sickbay and passed Seven of Nine while the Srivani performed medical experiments on him. (VOY: "Scientific Method")
In 2374, he attended the party for Neelix held in the mess hall. (VOY: "Mortal Coil")
He passed Chakotay and Captain Janeway in a corridor when the two were on their way to Astrometrics after a call by Seven of Nine. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
He was among the crewmembers in the mess hall who awaited letters from home through the Hirogen communications network but Neelix had no letter for him during the mail call. (VOY: "Hunters")
He passed B'Elanna Torres in a corridor on her way to the holodeck. (VOY: "Extreme Risk")

A biomimetic copy of him
He took part in the celebration in engineering for the modified warp core, the quantum slipstream drive. (VOY: "Timeless")
A biomimetic copy of him attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall aboard the Silver Blood Voyager. Later, he was talking to other crewmembers in the mess hall while Tuvok was scanning Neelix' inventory. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
He was working on a console in sickbay when The Doctor gave him his tricorder due to an emergency in the mess hall regarding Ensign Mannus. (VOY: "Relativity")
He appeared in the mess hall while Two of Nine and Four of Nine were on board. (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
This sciences officer was played by regular background actor Brian Donofrio who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 1 []

A biomimetic copy of him
This sciences officer was working in the transporter room aboard Voyager when Captain Janeway was first beamed aboard the ship and welcomed by Vice Admiral Patterson. Later he was working in sickbay when Patterson demonstrated the EMH to the captain. He was again passed by Janeway and Patterson when he was working in a corridor. (VOY: "Relativity")
A biomimetic copy of him attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall aboard the Silver Blood Voyager. Later, he passed Paris and Harry Kim in a corridor when Paris went to the quarters of Torres. He also had a drink in the mess hall and later listened to the speech of Captain Janeway while suffereing from degradation due to radiation from the new warp core technology. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
This recurring science division officer was played by background actor Jerome Robertson, who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 2 []

A sciences officer
This male sciences officer passed Quark's Bar on the Promenade in 2371.
Later, he was among the crewmembers who were transported aboard the Caretaker's array. He scanned the environment with his tricorder and witnessed the dancing farm folk. (VOY: "Caretaker")
He talked with Seska about a report in engineering while B'Elanna Torres and Lieutenant Carey had a conversation about the chief position of engineering. (VOY: "Parallax")
He was sitting in the mess hall shortly after Voyager left the planet Banea. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")
He was part of the away team which beamed down to the surface of an M-class planet to collect fruits and vegetables for the crew. (VOY: "State of Flux")
He passed crewmen Kenneth Dalby and Henley in a corridor after they had their training run with Tuvok through the ship. (VOY: "Learning Curve")
This sciences officer was played by background actor Ondar Tarlow who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 3 []
This female sciences officer passed Quark's Bar on the Promenade of Deep Space 9 and stopped to see and listen to Quark's speech.
She was talking to a fellow crewmember in the mess hall shortly after Voyager left Deep Space 9. Following the transport of the ship into the Delta Quadrant, she went into sickbay and treated the wounded crewmembers.
She was among the crewmembers who were transported aboard the Caretaker's array where she witnessed the dancing farm folk. (VOY: "Caretaker")
She was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres took over as chief engineer of Voyager. (VOY: "Parallax")
She was working in engineering when Torres and Harry Kim demonstrated the polaric generator with which Captain Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris should be retrieved. (VOY: "Time and Again")
She visited the mess hall when Seska, B'Elanna Torres, and Joe Carey discussed to violate the Prime Directive and Captain Janeway's orders. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
She was part of the away team which beamed down to the surface of an M-class planet to collect fruits and vegetables for the crew. (VOY: "State of Flux")
She walked down the corridor to the transporter room when the Haakonian scientist Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel, Captain Janeway, and Tuvok left the transporter room shortly after Jetrel was beamed aboard. (VOY: "Jetrel")
According to the call sheet for "Projections", Mortley was scheduled to work in sickbay scene 18 in this episode but was replaced by Brian Donofrio.
She walked past Commander Chakotay in a corridor shortly before Chakotay discovered two crewmembers kissing in a turbolift. A moment later, she visited the mess hall where she had a conversation with Kashimuro Nozawa while Neelix and Kes had a dispute. She was also in the mess hall, eating and talking to another crewmember, when Neelix and Tuvok had a conversation about being a parent at the table next to her. (VOY: "Elogium")
Mortley was scheduled to work in mess hall scenes on the second season episode "Parturition" but was replaced by Susan Lewis.
Like the other crewmembers, she was stranded on the surface of Hanon IV in 2372. (VOY: "Basics, Part I")
She was working on a side station on the bridge when the Voyager entered Borg space and made First contact with Species 8472 in 2373. (VOY: "Scorpion")
She also manned the side station when Voyager formed an alliance with the Borg and the ship was brought into fluidic space. Later, when Seven of Nine's link to the Borg Collective was disabled, she brought her to sickbay. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")
She was sitting at a table with Murphy in the mess hall when Neelix entered to hand out some letters from Earth. (VOY: "Hunters")
She passed Captain Janeway and Arturis in a corridor shortly after the alien cryptologist arrived on board. Later, she walked down a corridor in front of Seven of Nine. She was smiling and talking to a fellow sciences officer after Voyager received good news from home. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")
She attended the reception for the participants of the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally held in the mess hall aboard Voyager in 2377. She talked to an alien official and later watched the rally through one of the windows. (VOY: "Drive")
She was among the crewmembers who stood in the corridor between the turbolift and the shuttlebay to bid Neelix farewell when he left Voyager in 2378. (VOY: "Homestead")
This sciences officer was played by recurring background actress Trina Mortley who received no credit for her appearances.
Human officer 4 []

A sciences officer on the bridge
This sciences officer passed Tom Paris and Harry Kim in a corridor when the two went to the captain's ready room after boarding Voyager.
Later, he was in the mess hall when Tom Paris told Harry Kim about his troubled past.
He walked past Lieutenant Tuvok in a corridor when Tuvok went into the quarters of Neelix.
He was back on the bridge and manning an aft station when Captain Janeway contacted Ensign Rollins from inside the Ocampa underground courtyard. (VOY: "Caretaker")

Chin in a deleted scene
This sciences officer was played by background actor Don Chin who received no credit for his appearance.
Chin was identified by the call sheets of the episode.
Human officer 5 []

A wounded officer
This sciences officer was wounded during the transport of Voyager into the Delta Quadrant. He was brought into sickbay, suffering from wounds on his head. He was treated by the EMH who sedated him with a hypospray. Later, after all the crewmembers were brought back aboard Voyager from the Caretaker's array, he was also back on the biobed. (VOY: "Caretaker")
A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the wounded crewmembers in sickbay, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for by another officer while lying on the biobed. (VOY: "Projections")
This sciences officer was played by regular background actor Ken Gruz who received no credit for this appearance but is listed on the call sheet. He filmed his scenes on Friday 30 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 9 and is listed as "Injured (M)" on the call sheet.
He reprised the role for the episode "Projections" for which he filmed his scene on Wednesday 5 April 1995 on Paramount Stage 9.
Gruz later portrayed the recurring Maquis character Kurt Bendera on Voyager.
Human officer 6 []

Passing Captain Janeway
This sciences officer visited the mess hall where he was talking to Ayala while Captain Janeway was searching coffee. Later, he left and passed Captain Janeway outside of the galley. (VOY: "The Cloud")
He handed a report to Commander Chakotay after the crew discovered the 247th element in the rings of a class D planet. He also worked on the bridge, at the science side station, when several dead Vhnori bodies were transported aboard Voyager. (VOY: "Emanations")
He was talking to a fellow crewmembers when he walked the corridor near sickbay while Captain Janeway, Torres, Tuvok, and Kes discussed the situation aboard Voyager. (VOY: "Cathexis")
This sciences officer was played by background actor Chad Patterson who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 7 []

A sciences officer in the mess hall
This female sciences officer passed Captain Janeway outside the mess hall. Later, she visited the mess hall when Harry Kim and Tom Paris were talking about inviting the captain to their table. She sat down and talked to other crewmembers when Captain Janeway tried to find some coffee in the galley. (VOY: "The Cloud")
She was sitting next to Culhane in the mess hall and chatting with him after Voyager left the planet Banea. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")
She visited the mess hall and talked to fellow crewmembers while Neelix served Tuvok his plomeek soup á la Neelix. (VOY: "Faces")
This sciences officer was played by recurring background actress Jaehne Moebius who received no credit for her appearances.
According to the call sheets, Moebius was scheduled to appear in mess hall scenes for the second season episode "Parturition" but was replaced by Maureen Nellis who was then replaced by C. Bender.
Human officer 8 []

A sciences officer
This sciences officer was passed by Captain Janeway on her way to the turbolift. She was talking to another officer. A short time later, she walked past a corridor when Captain Janeway and Harry Kim went to the holodeck. (VOY: "The Cloud")
She passed Commander Chakotay in the mess hall when the first officer entered to talk to Tuvok following his betrayal by Seska. (VOY: "State of Flux")
This sciences officer was played by background actress R. Capurro.
Human officer 9 []

A sciences officer
This sciences officer passed Chakotay and Seska in a corridor before Seska was uncovered as Cardassian. (VOY: "State of Flux")
He visited the holodeck. (VOY: "Before and After")
This sciences officer was played by background actor Jamie Hernandez who received no credit for his appearances.
According to the call sheet, he was scheduled to appear as one of the crewmembers in the corridor when Dr. Jetrel left the transporter room in the first season episode "Jetrel" but was not part of the final episode. He was also scheduled to work corridor scene 20 of the episode "Parturition" but was replaced by Brian Donofrio as well as mess hall scenes in the same episode but there he was replaced by John Copage.
Human officer 10 []

Male officer in the mess hall
This male officer was in Voyager's mess hall enjoying a drink after Seska had left Voyager on a Kazon raider. (VOY: "State of Flux")
Human officer 11 []

A sciences officer
This sciences officer visited the mess hall and talked to fellow crewmembers while Neelix served Tuvok his plomeek soup á la Neelix. (VOY: "Faces")
This sciences officer was played by background actress Lauren Chang who received no credit for her appearance.
Human officer 12 []

In the mess hall

A sciences officer in an alternate timeline
This graying male officer served aboard Voyager upon arriving in the Delta Quadrant.
Alongside a female ensign he passed Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel, Captain Janeway, and Lieutenant Tuvok in a corridor, shortly after Jetrel was beamed aboard in 2371. (VOY: "Jetrel")
A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the wounded crewmembers in engineering and was brought to a chair by another crewmember. (VOY: "Projections")
He was talking to a female engineer near the replicator in the mess hall while Tom Paris and Harry Kim entered. Then the engineer and him went to the counter to pick something to eat. He then chose a table behind Tom Paris where he sat opposite of William McKenzie and talked to him. When Tom Paris and Neelix got into a "food fight", the two crashed on his table and passed him on their way to the ground. (VOY: "Parturition")
In 2372, he was sitting at the table in the mess hall together with the others crewmembers as the crewman William McKenzie, when Quinn suddenly appeared for Captain Janeway in the mess hall. (VOY: "Death Wish")
He was among the Starfleet officers who took part in the Paris Radiogenic Sweepstakes bets on the holodeck at Chez Sandrine's. (VOY: "Meld")
In 2373, he talked to a female command division officer when Captain Janeway and Tuvok passed him in a corridor. (VOY: "Flashback")
He attended the banquet held for the Enarans in the mess hall. (VOY: "Remember")
Along with William McKenzie and Brooks he transported equipment through a corridor when the crew prepared to enter Borg space in 2373. (VOY: "Scorpion")
In 2374, he attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander. (VOY: "Revulsion")
He was assigned to the team in cargo bay 2 which was tasked to find the reason behind Seven of Nine's irrational behavior. (VOY: "The Raven")
He went into the mess hall for breakfast when Neelix suffered from the covered Srivani experiments and was brought into sickbay. Later, he passed Seven of Nine in a corridor when the former Borg drone observed the Srivani doing her experiments. (VOY: "Scientific Method")
In an alternate timeline created by the temporal incursions of the Krenim weapon ship, he was among the patients in sockbay who had to be evacuated from deck 5. He was brought into the mess hall where a triage was opened and treated there. Later, he was among the crewmembers in the mess hall who listened to Captain Janeway's speech before he left the ship aboard one of the escape pods. (VOY: "Year of Hell")
This recurring sciences officer was played by regular background actor John Copage who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 13 []

In the mess hall
This sciences officer visited the mess hall in 2371 while Kes and Tom Paris brought salad from airponics bay. Later, he joined a fellow sciences officer for dinner in the mess hall and was talking to her while seated at the table next to Tuvok who talked with Neelix about being a parent. (VOY: "Elogium")
This sciences officer was played by contest winner Ardan James who received no credit for this appearance.
Human officer 14 []

A sciences officer
This female sciences officer walked down the corridor and passed Harry Kim's quarters when Tom Paris entered to find Kim play the clarinet. Later, she walked down another corridor behind Neelix and Kes when the Ocampa tried to talk to Neelix about his fight with Tom Paris in the mess hall. (VOY: "Parturition")
Human officer 15 []

A female sciences officer
This female sciences officer served aboard the Voyager while it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
In 2372, she was one of the officers who passed Seven of Nine in a corridor during an attack of the Kazon on Voyager. (VOY: "Relativity")
In 2375, she participated in a meeting in the cargo bay to find a source for the microfractures on the Varro generational ship. (VOY: "The Disease")

A biomimetic copy of this officer
A biomimetic copy of her was attending the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall. Later, she passed Paris and Harry Kim in a corridor when Paris went to the quarters of Torres. Due to the effects of the new warp core technology, she was one of the Silver Blood individuals who suffered from degradation and gathered in the mess hall. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
She was sitting at the couch in the mess hall when Tom Paris and Neelix entered while discussing the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. She later grabbed another cup from the counter. (VOY: "11:59")
She was walking past Seven of Nine and Tom Paris in a corridor when Paris tried to get Seven into the ping pong tournament. Later, she was one of the spectators of the tournament in the mess hall and witnessed how a temporal duplicate of Sven hunted down Captain Braxton. (VOY: "Relativity")
In 2376, she was present in the mess hall when Seven of Nine asked Tuvok if he was ill. Later, she passed Captain Janeway and The Doctor in a corridor. (VOY: "Fair Haven")
In 2377, she gathered along with other crewmembers in Astrometrics to watch the positions of the participants in the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. She stood behind Harry Kim and Neelix. (VOY: "Drive")
She passed Seven of Nine and Icheb in a corridor when Icheb was told by Seven to deactivate the Borg alcoves of Mezoti, Rebi, and Azan following their departure from Voyager. (VOY: "Imperfection")
She visited the mess hall when Neelix told Harry Kim how to act like a commanding officer. (VOY: "Nightingale")
In 2378, she passed Neelix and Dexa in a corridor. Later she stood in the row of crewmembers who bid farewell to Neelix, when he left the ship. (VOY: "Homestead")
Later that year she was reading a PADD when she walked through a corridor and was watched by the Overlookers Nar and Zet through The Doctor. (VOY: "Renaissance Man")
She had a conversation with another crewmember in the mess hall when Icheb defeated Tuvok in a kal-toh game. (VOY: "Endgame")
This science officer was portrayed by background actress Linnea Soohoo who received no credit for her appearances.
Human officer 16 []

A science division officer
This female sciences officer was eating and talking to other crewmembers in the mess hall when Seven of Nine attacked Neelix and threw him over a chair. She was then among the crewmembers who cared for Neelix. (VOY: "The Raven")
This sciences officer was played by an unknown actress who received no credit for her appearance.
Human officer 17 []

A sciences officer
This female officer was working on the bridge in 2374, when a crewmember suffered from the hidden experiments of the Srivani and died on the bridge. She also witnessed Captain Janeway trying to revive her but without success. (VOY: "Scientific Method")
In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim weapon ship in 2374, she was working on the damaged bridge. (VOY: "Year of Hell")
She was sitting at a table with Susan Nicoletti and next to Golwat in the mess hall when Neelix entered to hand out some letters from Earth. (VOY: "Hunters")
She manned the side science station on the bridge when Voyager activated the newly installed quantum slipstream drive to pursue Arturis aboard the USS Dauntless. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")
In 2375, she was among the crewmembers in sickbay whose DNA was tested by The Doctor to exclude an impostor from Species 8472 among the crew. Later, she walked past Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine in a corridor shortly before Janeway beamed to Terrasphere 8. (VOY: "In the Flesh")
She was working on the bridge when the Voyager escaped from chaotic space. (VOY: "The Fight")
She was walking past Captain Janeway and the Varro Jippeq in a corridor while the two were arguing about the relationship between Harry Kim and Derran Tal. (VOY: "The Disease")

A biomimetic copy of her
A biomimetic copy of her attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall aboard the Silver Blood Voyager in 2375. Later, she was talking to other crewmembers in the mess hall when Tuvok was scanning Neelix' inventory for radiation. She was also present in the mess hall when all crewmembers who were suffereing from degradation were gathered and treated. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
She passed Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres in front of their quarters after Paris returned from an away mission. Later, she and two other crew members entered the mess hall and started laughing while Neelix experienced some hallucinations. (VOY: "Memorial")
She was in the audience of a Tsunkatse match where she was seated next to a female alien. (VOY: "Tsunkatse")
She was walking down a corridor along with James Morrow in 2377 when the two stopped to listen to Neelix commentary on the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. Later, she went onto the bridge where she talked to Ayala when the rally participants started for a second time. (VOY: "Drive")
Together with a command officer she passed Tuvok in a corridor when the security chief went to his quarters just to find them sealed. (VOY: "Prophecy")
She visited the mess hall but left when Neelix proposed Captain Janeway as Q's mentor. (VOY: "Q2")
She was among the crewmembers in the mess hall when Neelix handed out isolinear chips with different numbers to every crewmember which allowed them to have free call time to people on Earth including their families and friends. (VOY: "Author, Author")
She was among the crewmembers who stood in the corridor between the turbolift and the shuttlebay to bid Neelix farewell when he left Voyager in 2378. (VOY: "Homestead")
She visited the mess hall and passed Icheb when he defeated Tuvok in a kal-toh game. (VOY: "Endgame")
This recurring sciences officer was played by regular background actress Alicia Lewis who received no credit for her appearances.
Human officer 18 []

A sciences officer
This sciences officer was among the crewmembers who treted the wounded in the triage mess hall in 2374 after the Voyager was heavily damaged by the attacks of Krenim warships. Later, he was working in a damaged corridor when Seven of Nine and Tuvok passed him on their way to Deflector Control. He was also present in the mess hall, listening to Captain Janeway's speech shortly before he left the ship aboard one of the escape pods. (VOY: "Year of Hell")
This sciences officer was played by an unknown actor who received no credit for his appearance.
Human officer 19 []
This sciences officer was present in the mess hall when Neelix delivered several letters from home through the Hirogen communications network. He received no letter. (VOY: "Hunters")
He was sleeping in the sickbay during a deuterium supply shortage in 2374. (VOY: "Demon")
This sciences officer was played by recurring background actor Musso Sparks who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 20 []

A sciences officer
This female sciences officer manned the side sciences station on the bridge when Voyager went after Kovin aboard his ship. (VOY: "Retrospect")
She was walking down a corridor in front of Seven of Nine, talking and smiling with another sciences officer when Voyager received good news from home. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")
This sciences officer was played by background actress and stand-in Laura Millar who received no credit for her appearances.
Human officer 21 []

A sciences officer
This female sciences officer was present at the celebration in main engineering when the new quantum slipstream drive was completed. Later, she was seen talking to Ashmore. (VOY: "Timeless")
Human officer 22 []

A biomimetic copy of him
A biomimetic copy of this male officer was a sideline musician at the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall in 2375. He played the double bass and accompanied Harry Kim's play on the oboe. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
This science division officer was played by musician Joel Pelletier who received no credit for his appearance.
Human officer 23 []

A sciences officer
This sciences officer was passed in a corridor by The Doctor and two officers carrying the series 5 long-range tactical armor unit to sickbay. She was working at a display and stopped to watch the group pass her. (VOY: "Warhead")
This sciences officer was played by background actress Maya Fujimoto who received no credit for this appearance.
Human officer 24 []

A sciences officer
This female sciences officer was part of B'Elanna Torres' hallucination where she appeared in the mess hall and celebrated the Klingon day with other crewmembers. (VOY: "Barge of the Dead")
She passed Neelix, Tom Paris, and the trader Abaddon in a corridor shortly after he was beamed aboard. (VOY: "Alice")
She was in the mess hall when Tuvok tried chef as a new occupation and created a variety of desserts. (VOY: "Riddles")
She was working on the side sciences station on the bridge when Seven of Nine questioned Tuvok about the destruction of the Caretaker's array back in 2371. (VOY: "The Voyager Conspiracy")
She visited the mess hall when Harry Kim replicated flowers for Maggie O'Halloran. Later, she passed Captain Janeway and Michael Sullivan in a corridor. (VOY: "Spirit Folk")
She attended the first Annual Voyager Science Fair in the mess hall. (VOY: "Child's Play")
She was also in the mess hall when Neelix and Tom Paris started to regret their trust in the impostors. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper")
She was part of Neelix's story he told the Borg children during the power shutdown. In this story, she visited the mess hall while Neelix was talking to Tuvok. (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")
She passed Captain Janeway and Icheb in a corridor when the two discussed the fate of Seven of Nine. (VOY: "Imperfection")
She was among the medical personnel who treated the wounded Hirogen in the mess hall following the attack of the photonic lifeforms. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")
Human officer 25 []

A sciences officer
This male sciences officer listened to the concert of The Doctor in the mess hall, a concert he performed for the Qomar. (VOY: "Virtuoso")
Carrying a case, he passed Seven of Nine in a corridor when Seven went to the shuttlebay. (VOY: "Tsunkatse")
He had dinner in the mess hall while Harry Kim joined the re-vived Lyndsay Ballard for a meal. He was also part of Ballard's nightmare in which she saw her funeral held in the mess hall. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")
He attended the reception held for the participants of the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally in the mess hall in 2377. He was seated at a table with the Imhotep mechanic and later shared a drink. (VOY: "Drive")
Also in 2377 he was interrogated by Tuvok following the attacks on Maquis crewmembers. He was dismissed by Tuvok and asked to bring Harry Kim into the conference room. He later manned the side sciences station on the bridge when the Maquis took over the ship and was stunned by a phaser. After the threat by Teero Anaydis was eliminated, he passed Tuvok and Chakotay in a corridor when the two headed for holodeck 2. (VOY: "Repression")
He performed repairs on the bridge while the ship landed on the surface of a planet in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Janeway gave the Annari Geral a tour of the ship. (VOY: "Nightingale")
He was among the crewmembers who bid farewell to Neelix when he left Voyager. He stood next to the turbolift on the left side and next to Crewman Thompson. (VOY: "Homestead")
This sciences officer was played by recurring background actor Tom Miller who received no credit for his appearances.
Human officer 26 []

In the mess hall
This sciences officer was among the crewmembers in the mess hall when Neelix handed out isolinear chips with different numbers to every crewmember which allowed them to have free call time to people on Earth including their families and friends. (VOY: "Author, Author")
This officer was played by recurring background actor Gilley Grey who received no credit for his appearances.
Human provisional officer 1 []

A sciences officer
This female provisional officer worked in sickbay while Voyager was still in drydock and when Vice Admiral Patterson demonstrated the EMH to Captain Janeway. (VOY: "Relativity")
In 2372, she was one of the officers who passed Captain Janeway in a corridor during a Kazon attack. (VOY: "Relativity")
She worked on the bridge while the crew assisted the Varro repairing their warp core. When the Varro generational ship broke into several pieces, she manned a side station on the bridge. (VOY: "The Disease")
She had a biomimetic copy aboard the Silver Blood Voyager. This copy attended the wedding of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall. Later, she worked on the bridge. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
In 2375, she was one of the spectators of the ping pong tournament in the mess hall and witnessed how a temporal duplicate of Seven of Nine hunted down Captain Braxton. She was also in the mess hall when The Doctor appeared to treat Ensign Mannus. When Captain Janeway activated the red alert due to increasing temporal incursions aboard the ship, she entered the bridge and worked on an aft console. (VOY: "Relativity")
She was among the crewmembers traumatized by an alien beacon, which was causing the crew to have horrific flashbacks of a slaughter of Nakan colonists. (VOY: "Memorial")
She was working on a console near the door in sickbay while the Terrellian Joxom was treated. (VOY: "Drive")

In an alternate 2371
In an alternate timeline, experienced by Commander Chakotay when Voyager was hit by a chronokinetic surge, she was part of the Maquis group which appeared in the transporter room aboard Voyager in 2371. She suspiciously eyed Captain Janeway. (VOY: "Shattered")
She was among the crewmembers who stood in the corridor between the turbolift and the shuttlebay to bid Neelix farewell when he left Voyager in 2378. (VOY: "Homestead")
This recurring science officer was played by background actress Sunny Hawks who received no credit for her appearances.
Human provisional officer 2 []

Aboard the Val Jean
This female officer was a former Maquis aboard the Val Jean when the ship was transported into the Delta Quadrant. She was working on the bridge behind B'Elanna Torres.
Dressed in a sciences division uniform, she was present on the bridge where she listened to Captain Janeway's speech, uniting the crew of Voyager and the Maquis crew, following the destruction of the Caretaker's array. (VOY: "Caretaker")
She manned the science station on the port side of the bridge when Voyager tried to escape from a type-4 quantum singularity. She talked to a fellow operations division officer shortly before the ship was hit by a discharge. (VOY: "Parallax")
She was working on the bridge when Voyager changed course to investigate the disappearance of a planet's population. (VOY: "Time and Again")
She was working on the bridge when Voyager tried to assist the regeneration process of the nucleogenic cloud being. (VOY: "The Cloud")

Working on the sciences station
She was also working on the bridge when the crew discussed their technological possibilities to use the microprobe as a booster and when the crew established contact with the Romulan scientist Telek R'Mor in the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: "Eye of the Needle")
She visited the mess hall when Voyager received a distress call from a Sikarian vessel. A few moments later, she was on duty on the bridge and reported to the relief tactical officer. She visited the mess hall again when Seska, B'Elanna Torres, and Joe Carey discussed to violate the Prime Directive and Captain Janeway's orders. (VOY: "Prime Factors")

Being held hostage on the bridge
She manned the side sciences station on the bridge while an away team collected fruits and vegetables on the surface of an M-class planet and when the crew made "first contact" with Kazon-Nistrim First Maje Jal Culluh. (VOY: "State of Flux")
She entered the bridge when Captain Janeway and Torres guided Tuvok and Chakotay on the holodeck and witnessed their disappearance. Later, she was talking on the bridge to Ayala when Captain Janeway announced new orders. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")
She was on duty on the bridge when Voyager beamed Chakotay and Tuvok aboard, both unconscious, when they returned from their trade mission with the Ilidarians. Later, she witnessed how the Komar took over Tuvok and was stunned by a wide beam dispersal phaser shot from Tuvok's phaser. She was then taken hostage like the whole bridge crew until Captain Janeway forced the Komar to leave Tuvok. (VOY: "Cathexis")

Sitting in the mess hall
She visited the mess hall and talked to Ensign Doug Bronowski while Neelix served Tuvok his plomeek soup á la Neelix. Later, she was working on her sciences station on the bridge when Voyager arrived at the planet Avery III to pick up an away team. (VOY: "Faces")
She manned the side sciences station on the bridge when the Haakonian scientist Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel introduced himself to the crew of Voyager. She remained on the bridge when Voyager arrived at Rinax. (VOY: "Jetrel")

Working with Captain Janeway
She was again in the mess hall and cheered to the Maquis members Chell, Kenneth Dalby, Henley, and Gerron when the four passed the mess hall during their drill training with Tuvok. She was talking to another officer later when Tuvok had a conversation with Neelix about his flexibility. (VOY: "Learning Curve")
She manned the science station on the bridge when Voyager arrived at Commander Chakotay's shuttle's last known coordinates. She was also present while Tom Paris was in command and Kazon-Ogla Maje Razik's Kazon carrier approached Voyager. (VOY: "Initiations")
She passed Tom Paris at the counter in the mess hall when he flirted with Kes. Later, she was sitting next to and talking to Michael Parsons in the mess hall when Neelix and Tuvok were talking about being a parent. She was back on duty on the bridge and manning the sciences station when Samantha Wildman entered the captain's ready room to tell Captain Janeway that she was pregnant. (VOY: "Elogium")

Monheim behind the scenes
This sciences officer was played by regular background actress Jordan Monheim.
She is listed on the call sheets of the episodes "Phage", "Ex Post Facto", "Emanations", and "The 37's" for working on the bridge but was not seen in the final episodes as the science station on the bridge was mainly out of focus. In "Emanations", Monheim was also part of the deleted scene 34, an extended scene in the mess hall. For the episode "Parturition", she was scheduled to work as "Corridor Crew" in scene 85, the corridor scene near the transporter room, but was not part of this scene.
While normally wearing an updo hairstyle with a bun, Monheim can be seen wearing a short hair wig in the episodes "State of Flux" and "Heroes and Demons".
Human provisional officer 3 []
This female sciences crewman was one of the Maquis members aboard the Val Jean. She was among the Maquis personnel found by an away team of Voyager unconscious and probed at the Caretaker's array. (VOY: "Caretaker")
She visited the mess hall while Captain Janeway received from Neelix an even better than coffee substitute. Later, Neelix served her a plate of bantan but she left when the red alert was activated. (VOY: "The Cloud")
She visited the mess hall again when Voyager received a distress call from a Sikarian starship. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
She was part of the away team which beamed down to the surface of an M-class planet to collect fruits and vegetables for the crew. (VOY: "State of Flux")
She passed Harry Kim and Tom Paris when the two entered the mess hall. Later, she sat on a couch in the mess hall where she talked to an operations officer and also watched the fight between Paris and Neelix. (VOY: "Parturition")
This sciences crewman was played by background actress C. Bender who received no credit for her appearances.
She was identified by the call sheets of the episodes and is listed as "Maquis (F)" on her first day of filming Voyager, Monday 3 October 1994.
Vulcan nurse []

Voyager's late Vulcan nurse
This Vulcan nurse was aboard Voyager, seen both in sickbay while Voyager was docked at Deep Space 9 and later eating in the mess hall. She was killed when Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant, along with the rest of their medical staff. (VOY: "Caretaker")
This nurse was portrayed by background actress Tami Peterson, who received no credit for this appearance. The call sheets for "Caretaker" identify her as "Vulcan."
She can also be seen smiling and laughing in the mess hall, which may imply that she is a descendant of the V'tosh ka'tur.