Unnamed settlements
List of unnamed settlements organized by location.
Cities []
These cities on planet 892-IV were detected by the USS Enterprise when the starship visited the world in 2268. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")
These cities were only mentioned in dialogue.
Large city []
On the planet 892-IV, this large city, or great city, was a city visited by a landing party from the USS Enterprise in 2268. Captain James T. Kirk likened this city to Earth's Rome. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")
This city was only mentioned in dialogue.
Akaali homeworld[]
Coastal city []

A picture of the city taken from orbit

A map of the city
Earth ship Enterprise NX-01 visited the Akaali homeworld in 2151 and took a scan of this city from orbit.
Part of the city consisted of a large harbor which was frequented by sailing ships. The city also featured an apothecary and a curio shop. Tengala Street was a street in this city. (ENT: "Civilization")
City on the surface []

The city seen through a window
This city could be seen behind the Andorian general who contacted Commander Thy'lek Shran in 2153. (ENT: "Proving Ground")
Underground city []
Thy'lek Shran was treated by the Aenar in this underground city. (ENT: "The Aenar")
Angel I[]
Settlement []

Angel I settlement
This settlement was the seat of Angel I's government.
In 2364, this settlement was visited by crewmembers from the USS Enterprise-D, who were looking for survivors from the Federation freighter Odin. (TNG: "Angel One")
Angosia III[]
Capital city []

The Angosian capital city
The Angosian capital city was the capital city of Angosia III.
The Angosian Senate operated under the Angosian Prime Minister from the senate building in the capital city.
In 2366 an away team of the USS Enterprise-D visited the Angosian capital city to discuss the Federation membership of the Angosians with the Prime Minister Nayrok. (TNG: "The Hunted")
Argelius II[]
Chief city []
This chief city had shore leave facilities for Starfleet crewmembers. It had been visited at least once by both James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy, who knew of a café with women who were so special that it was memorable. In 2267, this city was administered by Mister Hengist. Jaris, the highest official of Argelius II, lived here in his home. Another café and Cantaba Street were located in this city.
That same year, this city was visited by Kirk, McCoy, and Montgomery Scott, who was recuperating from an accident aboard the USS Enterprise. During their visit, three women were murdered in this city by Redjac. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")
This city was described as a town by Kirk.
City []
This city was destroyed when the portion of the continental shelf it was built on sank into the ocean centuries before 2269.
In 2269, the ruins of this city were visited by James T. Kirk and Spock, who were looking for medical records on how to cure their mutation. Later, after seaquakes raised the land, this city was 'reborn', with the younger Aquans expected to repair and live in this city. (TAS: "The Ambergris Element")
Augris' homeworld[]
City []
This city, located on the Augris' homeworld, was visited by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2372.
Major landmarks of the city included a marketplace and, in the northeast corner, a Mokra Order prison. (VOY: "Resistance")
Bajor []
Ancient city []
Remnants of this city were more than thirty thousand years old when discovered under the ruins of B'hala in 2374. The city was inhabited until twenty-five thousand years prior to its rediscovery.
It was also the finding place of a stone tablet that enclosed a Prophet and a Pah-wraith. (DS9: "The Reckoning")
Dahkur Province city []

A city in 2375
This city was in the Dahkur Province on Bajor in 2375. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
Faren Kag's village []

Faren Kag's village
This village was located on Bajor. In 2369, its magistrate was Faren Kag.
Many years before 2369, the village was divided by hate and mistrust. To unite the people, a storyteller, called thereafter the Sirah, used a fragment of an Orb to give the villager's fears physical form while he told a story to assuage those fears, "driving" it away. Occasionally, the Sirah and those he or she trained would continue to tell the story to keep the villagers together.
In 2369, Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir were called to tend to the village's Sirah when he died, but not before he proclaimed O'Brien as the next Sirah. They spent the next couple of days trying to understand the situation, but realized it was a plot for the true Sirah to step up and save the village when O'Brien failed. (DS9: "The Storyteller")
- Faren Kag
- Hovath
- Village's Sirah of mid-24th century (DS9: "The Storyteller")
Massacred villages []
Half a dozen Bajoran villages had been massacred by Gul Zarale before Li Nalas ended his life. (DS9: "The Homecoming")
These villages were only mentioned in dialogue.
Beta III[]
Settlement []

Surface of Beta III
From the Hall of Audiences in this settlement, Landru ruled over the planet Beta III until its destruction by a landing party from the USS Enterprise in 2267. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons")
Over a century later, a landing party from the USS Cerritos visited this settlement, where they discovered that Landru had again become functional and resumed manipulating the Betans. Landru was ultimately stopped by Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom, though he remained intact and online. Freeman, exasperated at the Betans' return to worshiping the evil computer, angrily suggested that they "Maybe write [Kirk's lesson] down this time". (LD: "No Small Parts")
City []

A city on Brekka during the Breen occupation
By 2381, this city on Brekka had become occupied by Breen soldiers, as discovered by a landing party from the USS Cerritos and the visiting reporter Victoria Nuzé. During the occupation, the city appeared largely devoid of any Brekkians, save for a single individual who was ultimately killed by the Breen. (LD: "Trusted Sources")
Capella IV[]
Village []
This unnamed village on the planet Capella IV was where, in 2267, Federation and Klingon representatives negotiated for a mining treaty to the mineral topaline. During negotiations, there was a coup, resulting in the assassination of High Teer Akaar and the promotion of Maab to High Teer. The main structures of the village were tents. (TOS: "Friday's Child")
Cardassia Prime[]
Capital city []
This city was the seat of government of the Cardassian Union and also the headquarter of the Dominion's Alpha Quadrant forces during the Dominion War. Like other major Cardassian cites the capital was badly damaged at the end of the war. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
... and after heavy bombardment in 2375
Ceti Alpha V[]
Settlement []

The settlement in 2165
In an alternate timeline, the last surviving Humans built a small settlement on the planet Ceti Alpha V after the destruction of Earth and its colonies by the Xindi. (ENT: "Twilight")
Cities []

Several large cities of the planet Cheron were detected by the USS Enterprise in 2268. These cities were connected by traffic systems. They were uninhabited, with the unburied corpses of the inhabitants littering the cities.. Lower animals and vegetation were slowly taking over these dead cities. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
These cities were only mentioned in dialogue.
The Colony[]
Mining settlement []
This mining settlement was located on a planet known as "The Colony" in the 32nd century.
This settlement was located in an area rich in minerals, including rubindium. The settlement was within a decagon-shaped pocket of artificial atmosphere which provided more oxygen than was available outside the pocket. Atmosphere was maintained by silos, which were vulnerable to weapons fire. By 3189, the settlement had a population of fifty, many of them Coridanites, and was a stop on a courier route.
Before a recon team from the USS Discovery visited the settlement in 3189, the courier Zareh wrecked the settlement's mining rigs, decapitated the last courier, and took the route for himself. As he exploited the miners, Zareh would deliver the supplies the settlement could not make or grow.
With Zareh's defeat, control of the settlement reverted back to the miners. (DIS: "Far From Home")
Commerce planet[]
City []
This city on a planet in the Delta Quadrant was a place for merchants and commerce. The materials and technology used to construct it appeared to originate from numerous sources, and were theorized to be stolen. As a result, using a scanner in the city was hampered by high interference levels.
The city was ruled by the "prince", the weapons dealer Tau and was surrounded by four storage facilities where Tau kept his stolen goods and technology. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
Delta Theta III[]
Village []
This village, located in the northern continent of the planet Delta Theta III, was the home of the aboriginal population.
In 2270, this village was visited by a contact team (a type of landing party) from the USS Enterprise. (TAS: "Bem")
Capital city []

Capital city
The capital city of Deneva was the seat of government for the Deneva colony. In 2267, the city had a population of over one hundred thousand Humans.
In that year, the colony was experiencing mass insanity brought about by the flying parasites. Using ultraviolet satellites, the USS Enterprise killed the parasites, saving the colonists.
This was the home of the family of George Samuel Kirk, brother of Captain James T. Kirk. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
Dilmer III[]
Village []
In 2382, this village on Dilmer III was visited by Lieutenants jg Beckett Mariner, D'Vana Tendi, and T'Lyn during a mission to recover the head of an alternate dimension's Data. The lieutenants did not stay in the village proper, as the Dilmerians were a pre-warp civilization, and so theirs was an undercover mission. Therefore, Mariner, Tendi, and T'Lyn stayed in an abandoned house outside the village. (LD: "Fully Dilated")
Arctic base camp []

Base camp
In 2153, the A-6 excavation team, part of the Arctic Archaeology Team of the Earth Sciences Institute, built a base camp on a glacier in the Arctic Circle on Earth. It consisted of three research modules. (ENT: "Regeneration")
Bashir family's new hometown []
Julian Bashir's family moved to a new city after he received accelerated critical neural pathway formation. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
This city was only mentioned in dialogue.
Big cities []
These big cities had parklands which were, in the opinion of Christopher Pike, prettier than the parkland surrounding his home town of Mojave. (TOS: "The Cage")
These cities were only mentioned in dialogue.
Cole's hometown []
The hometown of Amanda Cole was less than fifty kilometers from Panama City, Trip Tucker's hometown. Her high school and his were rivals. The town was destroyed in the Xindi incident, but thankfully, her family had already moved north by that point and was spared. (ENT: "Harbinger")
This city was only mentioned in dialogue.
Irina's city []
After dropping out of Starfleet Academy, Irina Galliulin stayed in this city with friends. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
This city was only mentioned in dialogue.
Time stream cities []
These cities, or city, were seen by Captain Jonathan Archer and temporal agent Daniels in the time stream after it reset following the end of the Temporal Cold War. Since Archer was from 2154, these cities would have existed before that point in time. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
The cityscape with the shuttlepod is a reuse of footage from "Dear Doctor".
The cityscape with a bridge is reuse of footage from VOY: "Workforce".
Earth Two[]
Onlies' settlement []
This settlement was where in the 1960s the life prolongation project plague originated, which ultimately decimated the adult population of Miri. Three centuries later, in 2266, a landing party from the USS Enterprise visited the settlement. They successfully cured the surivors left behind by the plague. (TOS: "Miri")
Capital city []
This city was the capital city of the planet Ekos. The Führer's Headquarters, the Gestapo Command Headquarters, and the Chancellery Detention Center were located in this city. Outside of the capital, the Underground had its subterranean headquarters.
In 2268, an announcemnt from the Führer's Headquarters declared that Führer John Gill had given an order for the removal of Zeons from this city by Ekosian troops. This action had begun on the dawn of the day when this message was broadcast. Throughout the day, Zeons were rounded up by troops, imprisoned, and "eliminated". (TOS: "Patterns of Force")
Cities []
These other cities, on the planet Ekos, were where Zeons were being rounded up by troops, imprisoned, and "eliminated" on the same day as above. (TOS: "Patterns of Force")
El-Aurian homeworld[]
Cities []
These cities were destroyed by the Borg when they successfully attacked the El-Aurian homeworld. (TNG: "Q Who")
Eminiar VII[]
City []

The city in 2267

The city "hit" by fusion bombs
This city, located on planet Eminiar VII, was the seat of the Eminiar VII government, based in the Division of Control.
In 2267, the city was attacked at least twice during the Eminiar-Vendikar War. After Captain James T. Kirk ordered General Order 24, this city was located, identified, and targeted by the fire-control system of the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")
Other cities[]
These other cities were located, identified, and targeted by the fire-control system of the USS Enterprise after Captain Kirk ordered General Order 24. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")
Ferengi capital city []

The city in 2373
This city, surrounded by swamp land, was the seat of government on Ferenginar. It was primarily a series of low domes broken by a tall spire, the Tower of Commerce, which stood in the center of the Sacred Marketplace, and was the seat of power of the Grand Nagus, the leader of the Ferengi Alliance. Both the Sacred Marketplace and its Tower of Commerce were prominent features of the city's silhouette. In the late 24th century, Ishka was one of the city's residents. (DS9: "Family Business")
A scene description from the script for "Family Business" stated, "The capital city of the [Ferengi] homeworld rises out of the swamp, a series of dome-like structures piled almost haphazardly one atop another." [2]
In ultimately excised dialogue from the first draft script of DS9 Season 4 outing "Body Parts", Garak commented about Ferenginar, "I must admit it's a magnificent city... I quite enjoyed my time there." This would probably imply either that Ferenginar's capital city was the only city on the planet or that it was at one point intended to have the same name as the planet.
Southern peninsula settlements []
Several settlements composed of eight thousand people were scattered along the southern peninsula of the planet Gaia in 2373. (DS9: "Children of Time")
Galardonian capital planet base camp []

The base camp on Galardon
In 2380, Starfleet officers from the USS Cerritos set up a sort of base camp on the homeworld of the Galardonians, Galardon. A modular shelter seemed to be at its center. (LD: "Second Contact")
Galardonian city []
A small city was present on the capital planet of the Galar system, Galardon. In 2380, officers from the USS Cerritos set up a base camp within this settlement. (LD: "Second Contact")
Gamma Trianguli VI[]
Village []
In 2267, this village was visited by a landing party from the USS Enterprise. It was described as looking like a primitive tribal village in appearance by a member of the party. This was the home of the Vaalians, whose leader was Akuta. The access point to the ancient computer-machine Vaal lay within walking distance of the village. It was known to the natives as the "place of Vaal". (TOS: "The Apple")
Capital city []
The capital city of Gideon was the seat of government for the planet Gideon, with the council chamber located here.
In 2268, the USS Enterprise was in synchronous orbit over this city. (TOS: "The Mark of Gideon")
Gosis' species homeworld[]
Disputed city []

Orbital scan of the city
A large city was visited by the crew of Enterprise in 2152. The city had way over 100.000 residents and was subject of a border conflict between two major powers on the planet. (ENT: "The Communicator")
Guardian of Forever's planet[]
Ancient city []
On an unnamed planet, there was an ancient and expansive ruined settlement. This settlement was approximately ten thousand centuries old. In one of the destroyed structures of this settlement, there was the immortal being known as the Guardian of Forever. This settlement was visited by Starfleet personnel in 2267 and 2269. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever"; TAS: "Yesteryear")
Halkan homeworld[]
Primary city []
This city, identified as planetary target A, on the mirror universe homeworld of the Halkans was located at coordinates 712-4 on the planet's surface.
In 2267, it was selected as the primary target for a phaser barrage from the ISS Enterprise. According to the command procedures of the Imperial Starfleet, the destruction of this city would serve as a customary example to a recalcitrant population of what would happen to them if they continued to refuse the empire. Although the Human Captain James T. Kirk delayed its destruction, Spock had received orders from Starfleet Command that the city was to be destroyed on the dawn of a new day, if the Halkan Council had not agreed to terms. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")
Secondary city []
This city was selected as a secondary target, if the ISS Enterprise could not destroy the primary city. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")
City ruins []
In the mirror universe, remnants of a city with skyscraper-like structures could be seen near the camp of the Fire Wolf on Harlak in 2257. The city was destroyed by the ISS Charon via orbital bombardment. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")
Major cities []

An Iconian city
Two hundred thousand years ago, the major cities of the planet Iconia were destroyed by large-scale orbital bombardment.
In 2365, the ruins of these cites were scanned by the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Contagion")
City []
This city was on Kaminar. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")
Kerkhovian moon[]
Settlement []
This seemingly abandoned settlement was present on the Kerkhovian moon. (SNW: "Charades")
Settlement []
This settlement was located on the planet Khwopa. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")
Capital city []

Kreetassan capital city
The Kreetassan capital city was visited by the crew of the Enterprise in 2152. One of the major landmarks of this city was the Hall of Diplomacy. During the Earth starship's visit, the Kreetassans suggested as a courtesy to them that the crew synchronize their clocks to the city's time. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay")
Krios Prime[]
Capital City []

Krios capital city
This city was the capital city of the planet Krios Prime. The governor's office was located in this city.
In 2367, this city was visited by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")
The script for this episode identified this settlement as the capital city, describing the architecture as "simple, Spartan, very Klingon." [3]
Kyrian and Vaskan homeworld[]
Museum of Kyrian Heritage city []

A part of the city near the museum
The Museum of Kyrian Heritage was build in this city in the 31st century. It was also the side of ethnic riots some time later. (VOY: "Living Witness")
Voyager encounter simulation []
In the 31st century, Kyrian historians believed that the USS Voyager was responsible for the destruction of several cities on their homeworld through biogenic weapons. (VOY: "Living Witness")
Lactra VII[]
Lactran city []

Lactran city
The Lactran city was a city on Lactra VII where several exhibits of the Lactra VII zoo were located. It covered an estimated five square kilometer area, an admirable feat by Federation standards.
James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy were taken to the Lactran city after being captured by the Lactrans in 2269. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder")
Ligon II[]
Settlement []

Ligon II settlement
This settlement was the seat of the Ligonian government. The Centerplace, the official residence and workplace of the planet's leader, was located here.
In 2364, the Centerplace was visited by crewmembers from the USS Enterprise-D, who were obtaining a rare vaccine for the Federation planet Styris IV. (TNG: "Code of Honor")
Malcor III[]
Capital city []

Malcor III capital city
This city was the capital city of Malcor III.
In 2367, a tourist from the Marta community named Rivas Jakara visited the city. During his visit, he got caught up in the riots when the police moved in and was badly hurt. He was later moved to the Sikla Medical Facility, where he subsequently disappeared. (TNG: "First Contact")
The episode's script described this location as "a large, metropolitan city that could be from the mid-21st century Earth, with a few alien touches." [4]
In lines not aired in the episode, it was explained that the riots began as a demonstration against the policies of Chancellor Avel Durken. This demonstration descended into violence.
Village []

The Meridian village
This village was built on the surface of the planet Meridian. It was home for thirty members of Seltin Rakal's species.
In 2371, an away team from the USS Defiant visited this village and made first contact with the group of people led by Seltin Rakal.
The village featured several buildings, a meeting hall, and a townsquare where the Meridians held their rituals of first meal and last meal. (DS9: "Meridian")
Mordan IV[]
Principal city []
The principal city was devasted by the forty-year long civil war. Underground tunnels were what remained of the city after the war. When the city was rebuilt in the years after 2359, the Mordanites buried the tunnels under the new city. (TNG: "Too Short A Season")
Wasted cities []
These wasted cities were devastated by the civil war. In the post-war years, there were efforts underway in rebuilding these cities. (TNG: "Too Short A Season")
These cities were only mentioned in dialogue.
Narendra III[]
City []

A panorama of the city
Captain Jonathan Archer was put on trial by the Klingons in this city in 2152. It was located in a mountainous region of the planet and had structures hewn out of the rock, similar to the monastery on Boreth. (ENT: "Judgment")
Village []
This village on the planet Neural was located near Tyree's camp. The village consisted of houses and other buildings. For much of Tyree's lifetime, the villagers and the Hill People of his camp were friends. In 2267, the Klingons began providing flintlocks to the villagers, resulting in conflict between the two factions. (TOS: "A Private Little War")
Nyrian biosphere vessel[]
City []
The environment allocated to the USS Voyager crew on the Nyrian biosphere vessel contained ten compounds scattered through a wooded environment resembling an idyllic version of Earth. The compounds were spread over an area of four square kilometers. (VOY: "Displaced")
Ocampan homeworld[]
Surface city []

Ruins of a city
The ruins of an Ocampan city on the surface of their homeworld were used by the Kazon-Ogla as their settlement in 2371. (VOY: "Caretaker")
Underground city []
The underground city for the Ocampa was provided by the Caretaker. It featured courtyards, corridors, a hospital, eating areas, and enclaves. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Before and After")
Ockmenic 9[]
Village []

A village on Ockmenic 9
This Ockmenian village was present on Ockmenic 9 when it phased into normal space-time in 2381. The buildings within the village appeared to be made of stone, with roofs made of straw. (LD: "The Stars At Night")
Omega IV[]
Village []
In 2268, a landing party from the USS Enterprise met up with Captain Ronald Tracey, commander of the USS Exeter, in this village on planet Omega IV, The village was occupied by the Kohm, who were under constant attack by the Yangs. It was led by village elders. This village was later conquered by the Yangs, led by Cloud William. (TOS: "The Omega Glory")
Village []
This village on Organia was visited by a landing party from the USS Enterprise during the Federation-Klingon War of 2267. Located in the village, there were the council chambers of the Council of Elders, led by Chairman Ayelborne. Within visual range of the village, there were the ruins of a citadel. These ruins were inconsistent with the reports, which described the Organians as being peaceful and friendly. During the Federation-Klingon War, this village was briefly occupied by a Klingon army. It was later learned that this village was created with conventional points of reference, like the fields, buildings, and the citadel, for visitors from the Federation and the Klingon Empire. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
City []

A city on Ornara
In 2381, this city on Ornara was visited by a landing party from the Cerritos as part of Project Swing By. The settlement and its inhabitants were seemingly prosperous, as they had ultimately overcome their addiction to Felicium by focusing on exercise and proper diet. After the local magistrate, B'Nir, informed Captain Freeman that the Ornarans did not need any aid from Starfleet, he left to run a 10K. (LD: "Trusted Sources")
Pentarus V[]
Mining settlement []
This mining settlement on Pentarus V was home to salenite miners in the 24th century.
In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his assistant Ensign Wesley Crusher were being ferried to this settlement aboard the mining shuttle Nenebek. Picard would be a mediator in a dispute involving the miners. When the Nenebek failed to arrive at the settlement, the miners contacted the USS Enterprise-D. They asked the Enterprise if they had begun a search, to which the respone was that they would begin a search after the starship took care of an emergency situation in the Gamelan system. The settlement was asked to provide whatever vessels they had to the search; however, the settlement had few operable shuttlecraft and requested when the Enterprise would join the search. (TNG: "Final Mission")
This settlement was only mentioned in dialogue.
Penthara IV[]
City []

Penthara IV city
This city on Penthara IV was the location for Doctor Moseley's science lab.
In 2368, after an asteroid impacted the planet, the global temperatures began dropping and this city was covered in a blanket of snow. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")
City []
This city on the planet of Phylos was visited by a landing party from the USS Enterprise in 2269. The laboratory building was located in this city. Numerous defenses, including the weapons deactivator and a force shield, protected the city. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan")
Planet Q city []
This town on Planet Q was located within walking distance of the Leighton home.
In 2266, Thomas Leighton visited the town as his wife Martha Leighton hosted a cocktail party at their home. As Doctor Leighton was returning home, he was murdered by Lenore Karidian. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
This town was seen briefly through a window of the Leighton home.
Qomar homeworld[]
City []

A city on the surface
This city on the surface of the Qomar homeworld housed the lecture hall in which The Doctor performed his concert for the Qomar in 2376. (VOY: "Virtuoso")
Qo'noS []
Klingon 22nd century capital city []
This city, located within a high mountain range, served as the Klingon capital city in the mid 22nd century. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "Unexpected", "The Expanse")
Population centers []
A holographic globe of Qo'noS generated mostly from 22nd century black market surveys used for planning a mission to the Klingon homeworld by the USS Discovery in 2257 included several points of interest labeled as "Qo'noS Pop Center". (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within", "Will You Take My Hand?")
Geographical features on Qo'noS |
Land formations: Caves of Kahless • Hamar Mountains • Kang's Summit • Ketha lowlands • Kri'stak volcano • Caves of No'Mat • Lake of Lusor • River Skral |
Regions: Central Plains Area • Ketha Province • Mekro'vak region |
Landmarks: Great Domes of Qo'noS • Great Hall/Klingon High Council Chamber • Hall of Heroes • Klingon nightclub • Three Turn Bridge |
Settlements: Bar'or Lhess • First City/Old Quarter • H'Vek Tar • Ha'r Kling Jaa • Kl'alath • L'chorta • L'vln Lak Raal • Lhess Taal Dax • Lyn'Knor Tak • Mor'em Cha • Qam-Chee • Quin'lat • T'Val K'rang • Tong Vey • V'hechess • Unnamed |
Other: B'ror Tulvac • B'thel Krang Cha • Ba'Har Tor • Bar' Dak • Br' bethtik • Har'Doth • Hess Kl'gar • K'tang mar • K'ull Tan Saq • Kalax • Khell Tas So • L'Har Mo'Tuk • L'Raal • Moog Kal Chack • Pen'la Took • Qo'har dess • Qo'nVas Tem • Ren Sim'dhal • T'chuu Nak • T'Voq Har • Tar' Kl'val • V'char Tem • Vi'chak • Vort Kling Tuuk |
Romulan capital city []
This city housed the Romulan Senate and other administrative buildings. It was divided into different districts called "segments". Parts of the city were located at the shore of an ocean or a big lake. (TNG: "Unification I", "Unification II", Star Trek Nemesis)
In 2154, the Romulan drone ship was piloted from within this city. (ENT: "United", "The Aenar")
Valley of Chula city []

The city in the Valley of Chula
Data showed defector Alidar Jarok a holodeck recreation of the scenic Valley of Chula, complete with a city next to a lake, in 2366. (TNG: "The Defector")
Rutia IV[]
City []
This city was located on the planet Rutia IV.
It was visited by an away team from the USS Enterprise-D in 2366. They were delivering medical supplies. The city was victim to several terrorist attacks from the Ansata, including a bombing at the Lumar Cafe and the destruction of a shuttlebus, resulting in the deaths of sixty schoolchildren, in the 2360s. (TNG: "The High Ground")
City []

This city on the planet Scalos was home to the last known surviving Scalosians. In 2268, a distress call was sent from a location in the city to lure the USS Enterprise to the planet. It was claimed in the call that the city had a population of 113,477. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye")
Setlik III[]
Settlement []
This settlement was located on the planet Setlik III. This settlement was divided into districts. By the time of the Federation-Cardassian War, the settlement had a population of at least 100 civilians.
In the war, this settlement was destroyed in the Setlik III massacre. (TNG: "The Wounded")
Sigma Draconis VI[]
City []
This ancient city was destroyed and buried by the time it was discovered by a landing party from the USS Enterprise in 2268. Only the foundations of the buildings were extant.
In the ruins, an elevator disguised as a cave transported its passengers to an underground complex built for the females of the native species by the Ancients. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")
Sixth planet of System J-25[]
Cities []
The cities of the sixth planet of System J-25 were connected by a system of roads. Sometime before 2365, these cities were lifted from the planet by the Borg, who had assimilated the planet's inhabitants. The evidence of the cities' destruction was detected by the sensors of the USS Enterprise-D when it visited the planet in that year. (TNG: "Q Who")
Takarian homeworld[]
City []
This city on the Takarian homeworld was home to the Takarian people and Arridor and Kol conned the inhabitants by pretending to be the Holy Sages there. (VOY: "False Profits")
Tau Cygna V[]
Town []

Tau Cygna V town
This town on the planet Tau Cygna V was founded by the surviving crew and passengers of the colony ship SS Artemis in the mid-2270s. The town was abandoned by the colonists in 2366, after the Sheliak Corporate claimed dominion over the planet. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command")
Torothan homeworld[]
Zobral's encampment []

Zobral's settlement
A small settlement within a sand desert in the Cygniai Expanse region was the home of Zobral's species. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
City []

City ruins
A civil war destroyed all major cities on the planet Triannon by 2153. Captain Archer brought the religious leader D'Jamat to one of the cities to witness the destruction he and his people caused. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")
Ruins []
This ancient ruined settlement on the planet Triskelion was visited by James T. Kirk and Shahna in 2268. When he asked her if this was a city of the Providers, she replied that she did not think it wise to ask such questions. It was located two miles from the development area, in the lower hemisphere of the planet. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")
Vaadwaur homeworld[]
City []
This city was one of the targets of the assault on the Vaadwaur homeworld by the Turei. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")

Earls' concept art for the Vaadwaur city
In designing the Vaadwaur city, Tim Earls' first version looked "a lot like New York City," so he redid the structures to incorporate more "pagoda-type" buildings. Earls noted his intention to design using "shapes that would be a little difficult to build with our current technology." (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 24, pp. 30-31)
Ventax II[]
Main city []

Ventaxian city
This city was where the Atheneum and the Federation science station were located. According to the prophecies surrounding Ardra, the Ventaxian devil would return after a thousand years had elapsed. Adra's arrival would be heralded by the shaking of the cities.
In 2367, this city experienced minor quakes. The inhabitants, believing Ardra was returning, went into mass hysteria, looting and setting fires to the city. A mob penetrated the science station and took the science team hostage. (TNG: "Devil's Due")
It is described as being agrarian in nature in the episode's script.
Other cities []
These other cities, as well, experienced minor earthquakes in 2367. (TNG: "Devil's Due")
These cities were only mentioned in dialogue.
Vori homeworld[]
Village []
According to Rafin, the Kradin "fumed" his village. (VOY: "Nemesis")
Vulcan []
Vulcan capital city []
This city was the location of the Vulcan High Command. It was located near the Vulcan's Forge. (ENT: "Home", "Kir'Shara")
Vulcan "ceremonial ground" city []

A city in the background
This city could be seen in the background of the ceremonial grounds of Spock's family. (TOS: "Amok Time")
Vulcan city lights []

Cities on Vulcan's night side
The lights of several cities could be seen from orbit, when the USS Enterprise-D visited the planet in 2366 and in 2370. (TNG-R: "Sarek", "Gambit, Part II")
Settlement []
In the 21st century, the Andorians began terraforming the planetoid Weytahn. When there was an atmosphere, they established this settlement on the surface. After Weytahn was annexed by the Vulcans, the Andorian colonists were forcibly removed. For nearly a century, the settlement was left deserted. In 2152, Shran, an Andorian regimental commander, landed a force on Weytahn and occupied the settlement. They established a command post west of the old residential quarter. (ENT: "Cease Fire")
Colony []

A city on the surface
This city housed the Zahl colony until it was destroyed by the Krenim weapon ship. (VOY: "Year of Hell")
Uncertain planets[]
Cochrane namesakes []
By 2267, several cities had been named after Zefram Cochrane. (TOS: "Metamorphosis")
These cities were only mentioned in dialogue.
Kim's mission colony[]
Young Harry Kim and his parents Mary Kim and John Kim went on a humanitarian mission to a colony affected by a radiation disaster. (VOY: "The Thaw")
This colony was only mentioned in dialogue.
Solarion system sector settlements []
These dozens of Federation settlements were located in the same sector as the Solarion IV colony. They were located near Cardassian space. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")
These settlements were only mentioned in dialogue.
Troi's vacation destination []

The settlement seen from the beach
This settlement with a skyscraper could be seen near the beach, where Deanna Troi relaxed on her vacation in 2377. (VOY: "Inside Man")
While the clothing of the waiters and the logo seen on Troi's deck chair indicate the location being Risa, no further evidence was given. The script simply list this location as "Beach" with no further description while the shooting schedule lists the same, a "Beach".
Filming of these scenes took place on Tuesday 22 August 2000 on location at the Leo Carrillo State Beach in Malibu, Los Angeles County. (Shooting schedule)
Mirror universe city []

The city under fire
In the mid 22nd century, this unknown alien city was attacked by the ISS Enterprise. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")