Unnamed Alpha and Beta Quadrant planets
List of unnamed planets located in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
Alnitak planet []
This was an inhabited planet orbiting Alnitak. Around 2030, a planet in this system was home to a novelist who wrote a classic theme to the words, "Let me help." He recommended those words even over "I love you." (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Andorian gas giant []

Enterprise NX-01 near Andoria and its gas giant in 2154
This ringed gas giant was a planet in the Andorian system. Found within Andorian space in the Andorian sector, this Alpha Quadrant world was approximately 11.5 light years from Sol.
The moon Andoria, which served as the homeworld of the Andorians and the Aenar, orbited this planet, along with at least one other moon. (ENT: "The Aenar"; DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"; PIC: "Maps and Legends")
In the final draft script of "The Aenar", this planet was described as "a huge, spectacular ringed gas giant" which "hangs majestically in the sky [of Andoria]."
According to writers Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens in a special features segment in ENT Season 4 DVD, the establishment of the Andorian homeworld as a moon orbiting a gas giant was devised to help explain the contradiction of why it was sometimes called Andor and sometimes it was called Andoria. They explained that it could be both and that they had hoped to establish the gas giant as Andor and the moon as Andoria. This would, however, seem to contradict Worf's claim in DS9: "Change of Heart" that Andor had mountains.
Arboreal planet []
An arboreal planet near the Denobula Triaxa system was the site where a group of Antarans had once settled. Despite their having left some time ago, some Denobulans, including Phlox's grandmother, believed it to be unclean. Phlox and some friends had been planning a trip there for months, but the week before they left, his grandmother told him he couldn't go due to the Antarans having lived there once. (ENT: "The Breach")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Argo-like planet []
Around 2269, a Federation planet "identical" to the planet Argo was expected to undergo seismic disturbances of a similar nature as had transformed Argo. The planet's population was at least in the millions. (TAS: "The Ambergris Element")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Argolis Cluster planet []
This planet was the fourth planet of a system in the Argolis Cluster.
In 2368, the USS Enterprise-D detected a distress call from a crash landed Borg scout ship on a moon of this planet. (TNG: "I Borg")
Arkonian planet []

A blue gas giant and three of its moons
This blue gas giant planet was in a system annexed by the Arkonians. It was visited by the Enterprise NX-01 in 2152.
The planet had sixty-two moons, at least some of which were partially habitable. Some of the moons' atmospheres were rich in selenium isotopes, which affected the sensor systems of the time. Many of them had an approximate overnight temperature of −10 degrees and a daytime high of 170 degrees.
Commander Tucker's shuttlepod crash landed on one of the moons when an Arkonian patrol ship fired on him. (ENT: "Dawn")
Baran's hide-out []

Baran's ship in orbit of his hideout planet
After a short battle with the USS Enterprise-D in orbit of Calder II, mercenary Arctus Baran made a stopover at this planet to repair his ship in 2370. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")
Badlands gas giant []
This planet was located in a star system in the Badlands. This gas giant had a moon where, in 2371, a Maquis courier ship crash landed on and Odo later encountered the Female Changeling. (DS9: "Heart of Stone")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Badlands planet []
After the Maquis attacked the shuttle of Starfleet informant Cing'ta, he was marooned on a "particularly nasty" planet in the Badlands in 2373. (DS9: "For the Uniform")
Beta Lyrae system planets []
An ice-planet in the Beta Lyrae system
The Beta Lyrae system had at least two planets, one of which had a moon. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")
Beta Quadrant planet []

Yorif's ship over planet
This yellow, ringed planet orbiting a nearby star was located "somewhere in the Beta Quadrant." In 2382, the collector Yorif's ship orbited near this ringed planet while entertaining a woman he thought was Haliian, but was actually D'Vana Tendi in disguise, leading an Orion pirate boarding party. (LD: "Dos Cerritos")
Betazoid colonies []
In 2374, the Tenth Fleet was assigned to defend the Betazoid homeworld and its colonies during the Dominion War. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")
Binary system planet []

An uninhabited planet
This uninhabited planet was more than a hundred light years from Earth and more than twenty light years from the Takret system. It teemed with all sorts of plant and animal life. Its southern continent featured a gorge five times deeper than the Grand Canyon. Due to its binary suns it experienced night only four days a month.
The crew of Enterprise NX-01 was planning to explore the planet in 2152 when instead they were forced to take shelter in its orbit from a class five neutronic wavefront. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
Blue planet in Klingon space []

The planet with some moons
This planet, with at least three moons, was part of a system located inside Klingon space. In May 2154, a Bird-of-Prey hijacked by Augments dropped the Denobulan ship Barzai into its upper atmosphere. It became trapped between two thermal layers, forcing Enterprise NX-01 to halt the pursuit of the Bird-of-Prey to rescue the ship and its pilot. (ENT: "The Augments")
This planet was intended to be a gas giant; the script of "The Augments" described it as "a massive, Jupiter-like planet." Given the details of the story, the planet is probably close to the border of Klingon space, and very close to the path from the border to Qu'Vat Colony.
Brechtian Cluster planets []
These two inhabited planets in the Brechtian Cluster were a possible destination of the Crystalline Entity in 2368. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
Calindra planet[]

Calindra planet
The Calindra planet was a gas giant in the Calindra system. It had several moons, which were used by the Xindi as a proving ground. (ENT: "Proving Ground")
Cerritos encounter planet[]
In the space above this planet, there was an encounter between the USS Cerritos and a Klingon bird-of-prey in 2380. (LD: "Temporal Edict")
Chin'toka system planets[]
The Chin'toka system, located in Cardassian space, contained a number of bodies, including a binary planet. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
In 2374 the system was captured and occupied by the Federation Alliance. General Martok landed Klingon troops on two planets once the battle in their orbit was over. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
A map depicting the layout of the system was displayed aboard Deep Space 9 in 2374, shortly before the First Battle of Chin'toka. The system was subsequently captured and occupied by the Federation Alliance, but fell to a Dominion-Breen counterattack the following year. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets", "The Changing Face of Evil")
The Chin'toka system fell back into Dominion hands the following year, after a devastating Breen counterattack destroyed all but one of the Alliance's defending starships. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil", "When It Rains...")
Class L planet (2153)[]

The class L planet
In March 2153, Skalaar and Jonathan Archer set down on this Class L planet to escape Kago and conduct repairs to Skalaar's Tellarite shuttle. The planet was located less than six light years from Klingon space. (ENT: "Bounty")
In the final draft script of "Bounty", this planet was described as being in a system consisting of "a gas giant and a half-dozen planets." This class L planet was also scripted to have a "murky atmosphere" with "murky, turbulent clouds" which covered the planet. The planet's surface was described as featuring "some rocky outcroppings."
Class L planet (2373)[]

A class L planet
In 2373, Odo and Quark crash landed on this planet. According to Quark, it wasn't much of a planet, and it wasn't much of a sun it orbited. It featured mountainous terrain where only rocks and trees were found there, no slugs, no beetles, no worms, no snails. Its plants appeared to be poisonous. (DS9: "The Ascent")
Class L planet in Rutharian sector[]

A class L planet in the Rutharian sector
The USS Olympia crashed on this Beta Quadrant L-class planet in the Rutharian sector in 2371, when it was returning from its long-term exploratory mission. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")
Class M planet []
This class M planet was one influenced by violent plasma storms.
In 2370, a shuttle carrying Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Voval crash landed on this planet. When Picard detected another structure on the surface, he went to investigate, finding the ruins of a Terellian cargo freighter and one survivor named "Anna". (TNG: "Liaisons")
Cochrane namesakes[]
By 2267, several planets had been named after Zefram Cochrane. (TOS: "Metamorphosis")
Cratered planet[]
The rogue Starfleet ship USS Discovery rendez-voused with a shuttle carrying admiral Katrina Cornwell while orbiting this reddish and barren looking planet with crater-like structures. (DIS: "Project Daedalus")
Crisis planet[]
In the mid-24th century, during a crisis, Lieutenant William T. Riker's solution was for his ship, the Potemkin, being powered down and holding a position over this planet's magnetic pole, hiding the starship from a foe's sensors. (TNG: "Peak Performance")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
D'Arsay system planet[]
This planet was the homeworld of the extinct D'Arsay. It had one moon. (TNG: "Masks")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Dark matter nebula planet[]

A planet in a dark matter nebula
In 2374, Captain Benjamin Sisko and his crew crash-landed a Jem'Hadar attack ship on this planet in a dark matter nebula. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")
The planet was classified both in the script of "Rocks and Shoals" and in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 181, in the entry for "dark matter nebula", as being class M.
Denubian Alps planet[]

Holographic recreation of the Denubian Alps
This planet's surface had a mountain range, called the Denubian Alps. (TNG: "Angel One")
Deuterium mining colony []

The planet with Enterprise

A deuterium mining colony on the surface
On this planet, members of an alien species built a mobile colony used for mining deuterium. The surface was partly like a desert, rocky, and filled with deuterium fields. Some parts of the hills were filled with some green bushes, trees, and grass. (ENT: "Marauders")
This alien surface was filmed at Ventura County in California.
In the final draft script of "Marauders", five seasons on this planet were equated with "years". The planet as viewed from orbit wasn't physically described, though the script did refer to the colony as consisting "of several modular buildings similar to Quonset huts."
Diamagnetic storm planet[]
The Enterprise NX-01 surveyed a planet containing ruins of an extinct humanoid species in 2152. The ruins consisted of several underground chambers, some of them four thousand years old. The planet experienced intense diamagnetic storms from time to time. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")
Dominion planet[]

A Dominion planet
Damar and his Cardassian Rebellion sabotaged a Jem'Hadar attack ship that exploded while leaving orbit of this planet. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")
Dorvan sector planets[]
These three planets in the Dorvan sector were uninhabited and had similar environmental conditions to Dorvan V. They could be colonized immediately. (TNG: "Journey's End")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
Douglas Station planet []

The planet near Douglas Station
Douglas Station, a Federation Spacedock-type space station, was in orbit of this planet in 2380, 2381, and 2382. (LD: "Second Contact", "Crisis Point", "No Small Parts", "A Few Badgeys More", "Dos Cerritos")
Dytallix Mining Company planets[]
These six uninhabited planets, along with Dytallix B, were mined for the Federation by the Dytallix Mining Company. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
El-Aurian survivors' planet[]
This planet was the home for survivors of the El-Aurian species in the aftermath of the invasion of their system by the Borg. Interviews with these survivors by Doctor George Herbert confirmed Starfleet Tactical's theory that reports of a combat force was, in fact, an advanced expedition by the Borg.
Information on this planet was included in the biographical data for Doctor Tolian Soran. (Star Trek Generations)
This planet was only mentioned in writing.
The name of this planet was illegible on screen.
Enterprise library computer planets[]
A number of planets, not further commented upon, were displayed on screens aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Naked Now", "The Last Outpost", "Hide And Q", "Datalore", "Conspiracy")
Exchange planet[]
This planet was the location of a mercantile exchange in the late 32nd century. The planet had at least one moon.
In 3188, Michael Burnham visited this planet as a courier, where she exchanged goods for dilithium and for information about the cause of The Burn. While there, she was handed a data capsule with data about the USS Yelchin. (DIS: "People of Earth")
Far future planet []

Far Future planet
On this planet in the far future, a professor was educating her students about great historical figures from Starfleet history. (LD: "Temporal Edict")
Federation outpost[]
This Federation outpost was defended by Starfleet during a Cardassian border conflict. Starfleet and the Cardassians spent weeks killing each other, but Starfleet ultimately secured the outpost, which was considered a major victory.
Kathryn Janeway, then a lieutenant, was part of the defense. (VOY: "Prey")
Funeral planet[]
The USS Discovery traveled to this planet to conduct the funeral of commander Airiam in its orbit. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
Galen's planets[]
These seventeen planets were visited by Professor Galen in the 2360s. They were all from the same quadrant. With each visit, the professor collected DNA samples from the world's native species. These samples were clues to a 4.5 billion year old genetic code programmed into their DNA by the Progenitors. (TNG: "The Chase")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
In total, before his death, Galen had visited twenty planets. Three were Earth, Ruah IV and Loren III, the latter of which was removed from his database by the Yridians and not counted at first.
Gas giant[]

The gas giant with the trapped Raptor-class vessel
In 2151, the Enterprise NX-01 visited this gas giant planet and found a disabled Klingon Raptor-class ship slowly descending through the layers of the gas giant planet's atmosphere. The crew managed to save the ship just before it buckled under the stress of the extreme pressure of the planet's atmosphere. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs")
Genesis sector ringed planet[]

The ringed planet
A ringed planet in the Genesis sector in 2285. (ST: "Ephraim and Dot")
Gorlan rebel home planet[]
The Gorlan rebel home planet was an inhabited planet in the mirror universe, which served as a headquarters for the Gorlan uprising against the Terran Empire. The first action of Captain James T. Kirk, after the assassination of Captain Christopher Pike, was the destruction of this planet, resulting in the suppression of the uprising. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")
External link[]
- Gorlan at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Gorn breeding planets[]
Gorn breeding planet 1[]
This planet was used as a breeding planet by the Gorn in the 2230s or 2240s. The passengers and crew of the SS Puget Sound were deposited here after their ship was captured, to be eaten alive by hatchlings or slit open and used as "breeding sacks". A device similar to a Gorn tower, which prevented the Puget Sound's passengers from calling for help, was present on this planet. La'an Noonien-Singh was the only survivor of this ordeal, and ultimately escaped into space aboard a Mark IV liferaft. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Memento Mori", "Hegemony")
Gorn breeding planet 2[]
In 2259, the USS Peregrine rescued three refugees from another breeding planet: a class M world. (SNW: "All Those Who Wander")
Gorn Hegemony planet[]
In 2254, Harrad-Sar offered Jonathan Archer meridor from a planet in the Gorn Hegemony. (ENT: "Bound")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Gorn wedding planet []

The surface of a Gorn planet, as seen through Rutherford's cybernetic implant
This planet was the site of a Gorn wedding that was being held in 2380. The ceremony was interrupted by Ensign Sam Rutherford after a long range shuttle crash landed there. (LD: "Veritas")
Gravity well planet []

Gravity well planet
This planet was part of a star system located between Molmol's homeworld and Earth. This planet's desert region had such wildlife as a type of burrowing crab and a type of large predatory animal. It also had a type of tree that produced a type of fruit that tasted like black licorice.

Surface of planet
During their escort mission transporting AGIMUS back to the Daystrom Institute in Okinawa on Earth in 2381, the USS Cerritos Type 6A shuttlecraft Yosemite piloted by Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler encountered an unspecified gravity well associated with this planet. The gravimetric shear it created caused the shuttle to crash land on the unknown planet, which was stated to have a "breathable atmosphere".
After their supply of emergency rations was consumed by the local wildlife, and stuck with a replicator that was capable of only producing sticks of licorice, they sought out water to prolong their survival. Eventually, they discovered the fruit of a native tree that contained a "random liquid" that, too, tasted like licorice.
The next day they located a sufficiently functional derelict they were able to send a distress signal that lead to their rescue by a nearby Starfleet runabout. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")
Halee system planet[]
This planet, located in the Halee system of the Beta Quadrant, was suggested by Worf as an option of exile for the renegade Klingons Korris, Konmel and K'Nera. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
External link[]
- Halee II at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Hatchery planet[]

An uninhabited planet, the location of a derelict Xindi-Insectoid starship
This was an uninhabited planet where, in 2154, the crew of Enterprise NX-01 found a derelict Xindi-Insectoid starship located on the surface.
According to Captain Jonathan Archer, the planet was only a few light years from a red giant which Azati Prime orbited. However, it should be noted that his judgement was severely compromised at the time. (ENT: "Hatchery")
Specifically, Archer might be suspected to have wanted to downplay the distance, to justify remaining on the planet longer.
In the final draft script of "Hatchery", this location was initially described as "a small, barren planet."
Holodeck planet[]

Ringed planet
In 2365, Wesley Crusher took Salia on a tour of the Milky Way Galaxy via the holodeck, showing the many places he had visited. This ringed planet was one of the locations seen in that tour. It was orbited by at least two moons. (TNG: "The Dauphin")
Iron-silica planet []

Lazarus' planet
An iron-silica composition planet in an unnamed system was visited by the USS Enterprise in 2267. This planet had an oxygen-hydrogen atmosphere. This uninhabited planet was arid. According to Lazarus, this planet was the homeworld for his species. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
External link[]
- Lazarus's planet at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Jaradan sector planet[]

A planet in the Jaradan sector
This planet was located in the Jaradan sector.
In 2364, it was the location where the USS Enterprise-D established contact with the Jarada. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")
This planet may have been intended to be Torona IV, which appeared in an early version of the script.
Kaferian apple planet[]
This planet was the origin of the Kaferian apple. Whenever James T. Kirk and Gary Mitchell visited the planet, Mitchell favored these fruits. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
Kantare planet[]

A crashed Kantare ship on the planet
In 2151, the alien trader D'Marr gave Enterprise the coordinates of a planet that had an abandoned ship for spare parts, but warned that the ship was haunted. Upon arriving at the planet, they discovered it was not haunted, but was in fact a ship of holograms and two living people, that the Kantare supply ship had crashed on, about halfway between Kantare and their colony on Kotara Barath. It had at least one moon. (ENT: "Oasis")
Kelvan colony planet []

The Kelvan colony

The surface of the Kelvan colony
This unnamed planet was where first contact between the Federation and the Kelvans was made in 2268. The planet's atmosphere was capable of supporting humanoid lifeforms. The planet had one moon. The planet was not too far from the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, being "within an hour" of the outer barrier - at warp 11.
In that year, a Kelvan ship from the distant Andromeda Galaxy had crash-landed on this planet. Their multi-generational ship had taken only three Earth centuries to cross over from their endangered homeworld Kelva, but could not come through our galaxy's energy barrier intact. The survivors, who had been born in transit and known no other environment, were forced to take shelter here. Sensing a Federation starship was near, they took Human form in anticipation of appropriating the vessel. But they were not yet Human enough to feel comfortable in their surroundings. Rojan called it "this accursed planet" and his lieutenant Hanar said it was "an undisciplined environment." On the other hand, Kelinda did find one of the planet's flowers to be like a Kelvan crystal seen in the record banks of their lost intergalactic ship.
The Kelvans transmitted a distress call which was picked up by the USS Enterprise. A landing party, led by Captain James T. Kirk, made first contact with the Kelvans who subsequently took them captive. After a failed escape attempt, which resulted in the death of Yeoman Leslie Thompson, the Kelvans commandeered the Enterprise for a return trip to the Andromeda Galaxy. After Captain Kirk had convinced the Kelvan leader, Rojan, to release the ship, the Enterprise returned to this planet with the hopes that Rojan and his people could establish a colony for their people. (TOS: "By Any Other Name")
External link[]
- Nalogen IV at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Klingon planet[]
On this Klingon planet, in the late 2260s, trader Cyrano Jones sold tribbles to the Klingons. For selling tribbles and for stealing a glommer from this planet, Jones was accused of ecological sabotage by Captain Koloth and, after escaping from the planet, was pursued by the IKS Devisor. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Klingon prison planet []
In the alternate reality, this Klingon prison planet was a planet claimed by the Klingons. It served as a prison for enemies and captives of the Klingon Empire.
In 2258, the Romulan mining vessel Narada from 2387 of the prime reality, commanded by Nero, attacked the Klingon prison planet. It then destroyed an armada of 47 Klingon warbirds. Those on the planet sent an emergency transmission relating the situation, which was picked up and translated by Nyota Uhura in the long range sensor lab at Starfleet Academy. (Star Trek)
Although not stated on-screen, the Klingon prison planet was meant to be Rura Penthe (which is actually an asteroid). A deleted scene from the film shows that Nero and his crew from the Narada were captured by the Klingons and imprisoned on Rura Penthe for twenty-five years after their ship was crippled by the USS Kelvin in 2233. The attack on the prison planet referenced in the film was Nero and his crew escaping from Rura Penthe and reclaiming their vessel. [1] [2]
Korath's planet[]
In 2404, Admiral Kathryn Janeway visited this planet to receive the chrono deflector created by Klingon scientist Korath. After Korath initially refused when he expressed interest in SC-4's unusual shield generators, Janeway returned to steal the deflector and traveled back in time to 2378 for the purpose of changing history. (VOY: "Endgame")
L-370 planets[]
These seven planets were charted by the USS Enterprise in 2266. By 2267, they had been reduced to debris by the planet killer. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")
Laap system planets[]

Laap's two gas giants
Besides Lapeeria, the Laap system contained two additional planets, both of which were class J gas giants. (LD: "First First Contact")
Loque'eque system planets[]

A graphic showing the Loque'eque system of origin
The Delphic Expanse system containing the Loque'eque homeworld also contained several other planets (ENT: "Extinction")
Lya Station Alpha []

Lya Station Alpha in orbit of a planet
The planet that Lya Station Alpha orbited in the late-24th century. This planet had one moon. It was located in the Alpha Quadrant. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")
M-class planets on Maquis ship course[]
These four M-class planets were considered as potential locations for where the Maquis were holding Gul Dukat in 2370. Their coordinates were downloaded into the computer of the search vehicle USS Rio Grande. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
For the fifth planet in this search, see Maquis planet.
Magnesite planet[]

Enterprise approaches a planet which is rich in magnesite
In December 2154, Enterprise encountered an Orion trader called Harrad-Sar. He invited an away team from Enterprise to beam aboard his ship, where he told Captain Jonathan Archer of a planet rich in magnesite that his vessel had detected. His ship was incapable of removing the magnesite from beneath the planet's surface, so he requested the help of Enterprise. When the starship proceeded to the planet, it was attacked by an Orion ship. Although Harrad-Sar's claim held true – the planet did contain large quantities of magnesite – he later attacked Enterprise and revealed that his plan had always been to disable the NX-class starship. (ENT: "Bound")
Maquis settlement planet []
This planet, located on the Cardassian side of the Demilitarized Zone, was a former Federation colony that became home to a Maquis settlement where Macias, Santos, Kalita, and others resided in 2370.
Late that year, Santos abducted Ro Laren from a bar on Ronara Prime, and took her to the planet containing the settlement, where Ro was interrogated.
This planet also had access to several civilian ships. After Ro earned the trust of the Maquis cell that resided there, and they eventually gave her access to a ship.
A short time after that, three Cardassian soldiers disguised as monks infiltrated and attacked the settlement, killing Macias, before themselves being killed. (DS9: "Preemptive Strike")
The script described the location Ro was taken by the Maquis as simply being a "Maquis settlement", that was "a "frontier town" – it has a rough-hewn quality, although there is evidence of Federation technology."
Lines trimmed from the script also made it clear that, when Ro believed to still be on Ronara Prime, the Maquis told her "not anymore", and when Ro asked where she was, she was told "we're not going to tell you that until we know more about you."
Maquis planet[]

A Maquis planet
In 2370, Gul Dukat was held captive and tortured on this small class M planet by the Maquis. The Cardassian was later rescued by Commander Benjamin Sisko. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")
Mar Oscura Nebula planets[]
The Mar Oscura Nebula contained several class M planets, one of which was briefly visited by the USS Enterprise-D in 2367. Due to malfunctions caused by collisions with dark matter deformations, the planet momentarily disappeared from view upon arrival, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard opted to study it from outside the dark matter nebula for safety's sake. (TNG: "In Theory")
Mericor system planet[]

A planet in the Mericor system
On stardate 45587.9, the USS Denver was hit by a Cardassian gravitic mine while transporting over five hundred colonists to the Beloti sector. The ship then crash landed on one of the planets in the Mericor system after it hit the mine. The USS Enterprise-D later responded to the disaster and provided medical assistance to the survivors. (TNG: "Ethics")
Mikulak world[]

Mikulak world
In 2366, the Enterprise-D picked up tissue samples, donated by the Mikulak species, on this world. (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits")
Nassuc's homeworld[]
This planet was part of the empire of the Regent of Palamar, until some time before 2373 his protégé, General Nassuc, a native of this world, founded the Palamarian Freedom Brigade and declared independence. The planet had a population of at least twenty-eight million, with seven or eight million concentrated in Nassuc's home city. (DS9: "Business as Usual")
Nassuc's homeworld was not explicitly clarified to be a planet (as opposed to a moon or planetoid).
Oceanic planet[]

Oceanic planet
After escaping from a Retellian freighter in 2151, Commander Trip Tucker and the Kriosian First Monarch Kaitaama set course for a system containing several planets and moons. Only one of the planets turned out to have an atmosphere, consisting of oxygen, nitrogen, and a trace of methane. It was mostly covered by water, but there was a chain of islands near the equator. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")
Organian observation planet []

Enterprise in orbit of a planet under Organian observation
This uninhabited class M planet had been under observation by Organians for ten millennia. A deadly silicon-based virus was present on the planet, and the Organians used visitors reaction to the infection as a litmus test to see if visiting species had enough rational intelligence to be ready for first contact.
Among the visitors to the planet who had been infected with the virus were Cardassian and Klingon crews. The Klingons had visited several years before 2154, and had been killed by their own commander in a shuttlecraft, the remains of which still orbited the planet.
In 2154, the Starfleet vessel Enterprise surveyed the planet. They sent four landing parties to the surface, the last of which got infected with the virus. Enterprise left a warning beacon in orbit in order to prevent further infections. (ENT: "Observer Effect")
While leaving the planet, Ensign Sato was seen removing a piece of coral-like plant out of her hair, showing a hint as to the vegetation on the planet.
Shots of the shuttlepod returning and Enterprise in orbit of the planet were reused shots of Weytahn from "Cease Fire", with the Vulcan and Andorian ships removed.
Parasite beings' planet []
Prior to stardate 41044.2, this uncharted distant planet was visited by a survey team. During its mission, the team discovered and were subsequently possessed by parasitic beings. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
Pelagic planet[]
This planet was the home of an Earth colony populated by sea ranchers in 2266. Ruth Bonaventure hailed from this planet. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")
In the final draft script of "Mudd's Women", this pelagic planet was said to have "lots of robots, but no men." This idea echoes how Bootes III is described on screen.
Pergium reactor planets[]
In 2267, a dozen planets, presumable of Federation origin, were depedent on the pergium from Janus VI for their reactors. When production fell behind due to the Mother Horta's attacks on the miners, these planets began experiencing reactors shutting down and the failure of their life support systems. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")
Phillips' surveys planets[]
As of 2268, astrobiologist Phillips had surveyed 29 planets that were biologically similar to Alpha Carinae II, making him a good choice for a landing party that would survey Alpha Carinae II, in M-5's opinion. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")
Planet in binary star system[]

The planet on a painting
This planet depicted on a painting was located in a binary system.
The painting of this world depicted a fusion-powered landing spacecraft on approach. The painting was displayed at various times in the observation lounge and in quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-D and in a corridor at Starfleet Headquarters. (TNG: "The Naked Now", "Conspiracy", "The Child")
Planet in USS John F. Kennedy orders[]

In 2364, the USS John F. Kennedy received orders from Starfleet operational support services, detailing its patrol duties. These orders were accompanied by several maps and a graphic of a planet. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
The graphic was reused from a screen displaying information on the Maxia Zeta system in "The Battle", and may or may not be intended to be the same planet.
Planets in USS Albert Einstein orders[]

A planetary system
In 2364, the USS Albert Einstein received orders from Starfleet operational support services, detailing its patrol duties. These orders were accompanied a graphic of a planetary system. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
Planet orbited by Mudd's ship[]

Mudd's ship near a planet
During the mid-23rd century, Harry Mudd conducted a con involving androids operating from a ship stationed near a planet. (ST: "The Escape Artist")
Planets searched for USS Honshu survivors[]
As part of a search for survivors after the USS Honshu was destroyed in 2374, the USS Defiant visited several planets.
At one planet, two Human survivors were found.
Later the Defiant was in orbit of a brown-hued planet. From there, it went to the third planet in the same system.
At the very end of the allotted time, one more shuttle was detected, leading the Defiant to yet another planet, where Benjamin Sisko was retrieved. Its day was between 22 and 23 hours in length. (DS9: "Waltz")
Planet within Delphic Expanse anomaly field[]

The planet

The devastated surface of the planet
In an expanding field of Delphic Expanse anomalies, T'Pol located a planet that had once been inhabited, but now had not a single lifeform due to being engulfed in the field some time before December 2153. Its location was within a few hundred million kilometers of a point equidistant to five of the Delphic Expanse spheres. Captain Jonathan Archer speculated that the alien rescued from the anomaly field was the last survivor. (ENT: "Harbinger")
Based on the diameter of the anomaly of seven hundred million kilometers, and assuming that the rate of expansion of "several" (i.e. at least three) kilometers per second was constant, a quick calculation suggests that the planet was engulfed at the latest about three and a half year before December 2153, which would turn out to be June 2150.
Planet (2256)[]

A Federation starbase orbiting the planet
This planet was orbited by a Starfleet station in 2256. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")
Planet (2268)[]

The Enterprise orbiting this planet
The USS Enterprise picked up Ambassador Kollos, Miranda Jones, and Larry Marvick from this planet. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")
Planet (2368)[]

A planet in 2368
After helping treat survivors of the USS Denver and performing an operation on Lieutenant Worf, Doctor Toby Russell was dropped off at this planet by the USS Enterprise-D in 2368. (TNG: "Ethics")
In the script of the episode, the Enterprise-D was in orbit of this planet at the beginning of the episode, too. The planet was identified as Starbase 27. The USS Potemkin transported Doctor Russell to the Enterprise-D while the latter was still in orbit of Starbase 27. In the actual episode, the Enterprise is never seen in orbit of the planet at the beginning of the episode and the starbase is never mentioned; instead, the ships rendezvous in open space. This leaves the possibility that the unnamed planet seen at the end of the episode is Doctor Russell's home base, where the Adelman Neurological Institute was located.
Planets near Crepusculan homeworld[]

Two planets as seen from the Crepusculan homeworld
Two planets could be seen from the surface of the Crepusculan homeworld. One of them was smaller or far away. In 2256, Captain Philippa Georgiou and Commander Michael Burnham went through the desert on the Crepusculan homeworld by day and saw the two planets. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello")
Planets surveyed by Ullians[]
These eight planets, located in seven star systems, were surveyed by the Ullian telepathic historians in the 2360s. They were collecting a library of memories from the inhabitants. (TNG: "Violations")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
In total, the Ullians surveyed eleven planets. The named planets were Hurada III, Melina II, and Nel III.
This entry includes the unnamed second planet surveyed by the Ullians in the Epsilon Nel system.
Progenitor homeworld[]
The Progenitors originated from this planet 4.5 billion years ago. (TNG: "The Chase")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Psychotronic stability examination planet[]

planetary body
This planet or planet-like object was part of Starfleet's psychotronic stability examination. (TNG: "The Schizoid Man")
Promised planet[]
The promised planet was the destination of the asteroid ship Yonada, carrying the descendants of those who survived the destruction of their homeworld in 8,000 BC. They were scheduled to arrive at this planet in 2269. (TOS: "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky")
In the non-canonical novel Ex Machina, the promised planet was identifed as Lorina (Daran IV).
External link[]
- Lorina at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Remote planet[]
Spock visited this remote planet in 2257 after taking leave from USS Enterprise. He was drawn there by the Red Angel, whom he mind melded with and was given a glimpse of the future, which he described as "the end". (DIS: "If Memory Serves")
Research Station 75 planet []

The planet housing Research Station 75
Research Station 75 was located on this planet in the mid-24th century. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy")
Ringed gas giant[]

A ringed planet
A system just outside the border of the Klingon Empire had at least five planets, the fifth of which was a ringed gas giant that was the site of a confrontation between the Earth ship Enterprise and the Klingon battle cruiser IKS Bortas in 2152. The planet featured rings with a typical composition of methane ice, isolytic plasma, and diamagnetic dust. (ENT: "Judgment")
Presumably this planet was also near Raatooras.
Rock creature planet[]
The rock creature planet was located in an uncharted planetary system.
The planet was classified as M-class. The atmospheric pressure on the surface was 800 millibars; gravity was 1.2 times that of Earth, and the average temperature was hot. Though there was no intelligent life on this planet, the planet was inhabited by rock beasts.
In 2269, Harcourt Fenton Mudd with his hostage, Lieutenant Christine Chapel, traveled to this planet. While there, the rock beasts destroyed their transport. The USS Enterprise apprehended Mudd and rescued Chapel. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")
External link[]
- Rock creature planet at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Romulan minefield planet[]

An unnamed Minshara-class planet seized by the Star Empire by 2152
In 2152, Enterprise NX-01 planned to explore an uncharted Minshara class planet. It was uninhabited and its most notable geological feature was a chain of volcanoes spanning an entire hemisphere. After the ship was hit by a mine and two Romulan Birds-of-Prey decloaked, it became clear that the planet was claimed by the Romulan Star Empire. (ENT: "Minefield")
Romulan planet[]

A Romulan planet
In 2369, the Romulan Warbird IRW Khazara beamed aboard several cargo containers from this planet. The crates contained Vice-proconsul M'ret and two of his aides in stasis. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy")
Romulus system planets[]

A map of the Romulus star system, featuring two unnamed planets
The innermost and the outermost planet in the Romulus system, containing Romulus and Remus, were depicted on a display graphic. This system was located in the Beta Quadrant. (Star Trek Nemesis; PIC: "The End is the Beginning"; SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")
Science Station Delta-05 planet []
This distant planet, in Sector 30, was located on the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone. In 2364, the Federation outpost Science Station Delta-05 was one of several on both sides of the Neutral Zone that was attacked. Nothing remained. Starfleet initially suspected the Romulans, a theory that was disproved when it became clear that Romulan outposts had been attacked in the same manner. The two major powers then decided to share any information they discovered about the incident.
Less than a year later, the Enterprise-D discovered cities wiped from the face of its planet in an identical matter. The Borg were determined to be responsible. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", "Q Who")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Selcundi Drema planets []

Planet in the Selcundi Drema sector
This planet was one of the five uninhabited planets in the Selcundi Drema sector. It was not suitable for colonization due to severe geological activity and was expected to end up like Drema V. Several planets were surveyed by the USS Enterprise-D in 2365. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
Seven other planets[]
The crew of Arctus Baran's mercenary vessel faced charges on at least seven other worlds besides Vulcan, Qo'noS, Ferenginar, and Cardassia, as of 2370. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")
These planets were only mentioned in dialogue.
Silaran Prin's planet[]

Silaran Prin's planet
Silaran Prin lived on this planet near the Demilitarized Zone until his death in 2373. This planet orbited a single star. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
Skagaran colony planet []

Enterprise orbiting planet

Planet from low orbit

Planet's surface
This planet, located within the Delphic Expanse, was the home to a Skagaran colony established during the mid-19th century. The desert planet, which contained little water, had such indigenous animal-life as bluehorns and sun vipers. In addition to the Humans transplanted there, the planet was also home to the Earth horse.
A number of hunting trophies can be seen in a saloon in one of the Human settlements. Horses and what appears to be a mounted buffalo head are also present on the planet; it is unsaid if these were taken from Earth, or if they were native.
The planet was visited by Enterprise NX-01 in 2153, during the Xindi incident. (ENT: "North Star")
Some footage of Enterprise in orbit of the Skagaran colony planet was a reused shot of Qo'noS from "Broken Bow".
Sluggo's homeworld []
This planet was the homeworld of a species resembling the Earth slug and had an atmosphere that was rich in argon. In 2151, the planet was visited by an away team from the NX-class Enterprise that included Ensign Hoshi Sato, who took one of the planet's slug-like inhabitants, which she named "Sluggo", with her when she returned to Enterprise. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
Since Sluggo was found before Enterprise traveled to Archer IV (the first M-class planet to be surveyed by the ship's crew), it is reasonable to assume that the creature's homeworld was not an M-class planet. Given that the creature was from a planet with an argon-rich atmosphere, it is possible that its homeworld was a class H planet.
Sluggo's adoptive homeworld []
This planet had an argon-rich atmosphere. Ensign Sato and Doctor Phlox of Enterprise visited the planet on May 6, 2151, and transplanted a slug-like creature there. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
The surface is referred to in the script as "a dry, arid landscape, uninhabited" and as a "desert floor" with a "small cluster of rocks."
Sol system planet []

Starbase 1 orbiting the planet in the outer Sol system in 2257
This planet was located 100 au from Earth in late 2257, when USS Discovery visited it briefly. During the Federation-Klingon War, Starbase 1 was located in its orbit when it fell to the forces of the House of D'Ghor. After the war, Starbase 1 was moved into the orbit of Jupiter. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within"; SNW: "Strange New Worlds")
At a distance of 100 au from Earth, twice that of Pluto at its furthest point, this planet would have been located in the far reaches of the Sol system, likely within the scattered disc. The planet remained unnamed on-screen but may have been intended to represent one of the many icy dwarf planets found in that region of space.
In what is likely a VFX error, close inspection of the planet reveals features from Earth, such as Lake Michigan and the Florida peninsula.
Starbase planet []

The planet
This planet was where an unnamed starbase was located. It was located near the Romulan Neutral Zone. In 2269, the USS Enterprise dropped off the survivors of an expedition to Eden at this planet. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
This planet was remapped for the remastered edition of "The Way to Eden".
Starbase 6 []

Planet housing Starbase 6
The inhabited planet where Starbase 6 was located. A large space station was located close to this planet in the mid-23rd century. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome"; TNG: "The Schizoid Man")
Starbase 12 []
The planet where Starbase 12 was located. This Alpha Quadrant world was located in the Gamma 400 star system, in Sector 25712. (TOS: "Space Seed"; TNG: "Aquiel"; DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
External link[]
- Rontelm at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Starbase 25 []

Starbase 25 orbiting a planet
The planet where Starbase 25 was located at in the Alpha Quadrant. (SNW: "A Quality of Mercy"; LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers", "A Few Badgeys More")
External link[]
- Dengella II at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Starbase 73 []

Planet housing Starbase 73
The inhabited planet where Starbase 73 was located. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")
Starbase 84 []

Starbase 84 in orbit of the planet
The Federation Spacedock-type Starbase 84 orbited this planet in the mid-to-late 24th century. (TNG: "Phantasms")
Starbase 112 []

Planet housing Starbase 112
The planet where Starbase 112 was located. (TNG: "True Q")
Starbase 133 []

Starbase 133 in orbit of the planet
The Federation Spacedock Starbase 133 orbited this planet in the mid-24th century. The planet had at least one moon. (TNG: "Remember Me")
Starbase 179 []

Planet housing Starbase 179
The inhabited planet where Starbase 179 was located. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor")
Starbase 234 []

Planet housing Starbase 234
The planet where Starbase 234 was located. This planet was located in an unnamed system of the Beta Quadrant. (TNG: "Redemption II")
Starbase 310 []

Starbase 310 planet
The Alpha Quadrant planet where Starbase 310 was located. (TNG: "Journey's End")
Starbase 416 []

Planet housing Starbase 416
The planet where Starbase 416 was located. This planet was located near Ogus II. (TNG: "Brothers")
Starbase 515 []

Starbase 515
The world where Starbase 515 was located. It was located a "considerable distance" from Rhomboid Dronegar Sector 006. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare")
Starbase Montgomery []

Planet housing Starbase Montgomery
The inhabited planet where Starbase Montgomery was located. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor")
Starfleet briefing room planets[]
The walls of a meeting room at Starfleet Headquarters on Earth featured a number of photographs or paintings depicting planets and sometimes their moons. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Strnad solar system planet[]
This class M planet in the Strnad solar system was, for a brief moment, home to the Strnad colony in 2364. (TNG: "Justice")
This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
Suliban gas giant []

The gas giant
In 2151, Enterprise encountered a class 7 gas giant while following the warp trail of a Suliban vessel. Under the cyclohexane layer of the planet's atmosphere was an unexpected layer of liquid phosphorus. The planet could be observed to have at least one moon.
A Suliban helix composed of many Suliban cell ships was located in the planet's atmosphere, just beneath the liquid phosphorus layer. Enterprise Captain Jonathan Archer boarded the helix and used a device to separate the cell ships from the helix. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
Suliban hiding planet []

The planet (right) with its inner moon
Orbiting one of the stars in a binary system 2.5 light-years from Paraagan II, this planet had two moons. In 2152, a Suliban stealth cruiser hid on this planet's inner moon. (ENT: "Shockwave")
Symbiotic lifeform homeworld []

The surface of the symbiotic lifeform homeworld (2152)
The planet had a moon or a large neighboring planet. Its surface conditions didn't allow Humans, Vulcans or Denobulans to set foot on it without wearing an EV suit.
In early 2152, after Enterprise had been infected with a symbiotic lifeform, they were able to find the location of its homeworld with the help of the Kreetassans.
Upon finding the planet, an away team went down to return the lifeform, and its severed tendril that Phlox examined, to the larger creature that took up much of the planet. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
This planet was represented with a combination of CGI and live-action footage. The latter was filmed on Paramount Stage 9.
System J-25 planets[]
At least six planets were part of System J-25. One M-class planet was uninhabited and was located seven thousand light years from 24th century Federation space.
Prior to the mid-2360s, the sixth planet was home to a highly industrialized civilization with cities linked by a system of roads. When the Borg attacked, the attacking ships removed cities, which caused rips to appear on the planet's surface. In 2365, the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D scanned this planet, noting that the rips were very similar to the scarring detected on several Federation and Romulan outposts along the Romulan Neutral Zone in 2364, which had removed all machine elements on the planet. (TNG: "Q Who")
According to the script of "Q Who", this is where the firm Borg connection would be made between this episode and the earlier "The Neutral Zone", "DATA: There is a system of roads on the planet which indicate a highly industrialized civilization. But where there should be cities there are only great rips in the surface. WORF: It is as though some great force just scooped all machine elements off the face of the planet. DATA: It is identical to what happened to the outposts along the Neutral Zone". (Scene 28)
External link[]
- FGC J25 at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
System with shifted orbits[]

Planet undergoing massive volcanic eruptions
This system contained at least three planets. One of them was detected to have undergone an orbital shift by Starfleet, taking it between two gas giants. The gas giants' influence was expected to superheat the core of this planet, covering the planet with erupting volcanos in no time. Enterprise was ordered by Admiral Forrest to study it. While the planet initially appeared lifeless, the seismic activity unearthed subterranean microbes. (ENT: "Horizon")
In the final draft script of "Horizon", multiple lines of ultimately unused dialogue were written about the geologically unstable planet, Malcolm Reed initially remarking that it "Doesn't look particularly interesting," and Charles Tucker III wryly observing, "Glad I don't own property there." Also, the volcanic planet was scripted to be "rugged-looking", whereas the two gas giants were described as "Jupiter-sized planets".
Takara sector planet[]

L class planet
An ice-covered class L world was located in the Takara sector, just outside the Alpha Quadrant.
In an alternate timeline, this planet was the crash site of USS Voyager following a disastrous use of the quantum slipstream drive. (VOY: "Timeless")
The planet was stated to be outside the Alpha Quadrant, but was close enough to travel to from Federation territory. Depending on the route taken by Voyager, it could be located either in the Delta Quadrant or in the Beta Quadrant.
Terra Nova system planets[]

Terra Nova system planets
This system, located less than twenty light years from Earth, contained Terra Nova and two other planets. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
Given how Terra Nova was presented as an uniquely close to home example of a class M planet, it can be suspected that the other planets in the system were not class M.
Terran base[]

The surface of the planet
This planet was located in the Badlands.
In the mirror universe, this planet hosted a base used by the Terran Rebellion in 2371. (DS9: "Through the Looking Glass")
Tessic's species homeworld[]
The homeworld of Tessic's species was a planet far away from the planet on which some members established a mining colony. (ENT: "Marauders")
This information was the only information mentioned by Tessic.
Tkon Empire throne world[]
This inhabited planet, the throne world of the Tkon Empire, orbited a blue giant star in sector 9.
600,000 years ago, the planet's sun went supernova, resulting in the destruction of the planet and the deaths of billions. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1", "Terra Firma, Part 2")
This planet was only mentioned in writing.
Trellium mining planet []

A trellium mining planet

The surface of the planet
The trellium mining planet was located about a six-week journey inside the Delphic Expanse. Trellium-D was mined there. The atmosphere of the planet was extremely polluted; many of the staff wore breathing masks and sustained survival on the surface was impossible. Members of thirty-one different species worked in the mines in some capacity.
Enterprise visited this planet in September 2153 because a freighter captain informed them that he had taken a Xindi there some time ago. Upon arrival, Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander Tucker were forced to provide a half-liter of liquefied platinum to the foreman of the north mine to see the Xindi, a Primate named Kessick.
It turned out to be a trap, however. The miners worked by capturing ships and forcing their crew to work as slaves. Enterprise was barely able to escape, but Kessick died in the attempt. (ENT: "The Xindi")
According to the call sheets, the scenes filmed on the surface were shot on Paramount Stage 9.
Uninhabited planet[]
Enterprise had been exploring this planet for three days in March 2153 when they were forced to recall their three surface science teams to pursue a bounty hunter who had captured their captain. They had also put down a number of crewmen on it for shore leave.
Among the planet's most enjoyable regions were equatorial range, including a north summit with an inspiring view. In the north there was the Rykos shoreline, the southern tip of which was 227 kilometers from the polar island chain. These islands featured a pyroclastic debris field, lava tubes, and the hydrothermal pools of Ren-gham. The planet also featured ravines. However, as Skalaar mentioned these things after learning Archer's name, it is possible he made these features up to earn Archer's trust and be able to kidnap him.
The planet supported life, for example a species of marsupials whose saliva was a natural anti-coagulant. There was also an unusual microbe which was capable of inducing pon farr in Vulcans. The microbe was also suspected of being more dangerous to Humans than to Vulcans or Denobulans. (ENT: "Bounty")
Vintaak system gas giant []

A gas giant in the Vintaak system
The Vintaak system contained at least one planet, this ringed gas giant with several moons. In the mirror universe, it was located in Tholian space, and one moon contained a Tholian base. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
Volterra Nebula planets[]
Two unnamed gas giants were located in the Volterra Nebula, a stellar nursery. In 2369, the USS Enterprise-D visited this nebula for a three-week analysis. (TNG: "The Chase")
Vulcan monastery planet []
This planet, between the neighboring Vulcan and Andorian systems, was the site of the monastery at P'Jem. The planet was the site of the first contact between Andorians and Humans.
A nearby ringed moon was visible in the sky of the planet. The surface featured several mountains, many trees and several other plants, canyons and a foggy air. There was also at least one lifeform native to the planet.
The planet was known to the Vulcans since at least the early 1st millennium BC. The construction of the monastery at P'Jem, later consecrated to the memory and teachings of Surak, predated the Time of Awakening by over twelve centuries.
By the 22nd century, the Vulcan High Command thought to capitalize on the planet's proximity to the Andorian system by installing a secret long range sensor array there. The ancient monastery provided cover for this listening post.
Certain Andorian factions remained suspicious even after the peace treaty with the Vulcans. Andorian Imperial Guard commandos forcibly searched P'Jem twice before the successful June 2151 raid led by Thy'lek Shran. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
Within a year, the spy station and its ancient cover had been destroyed. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
In the first draft script of "The Andorian Incident" (which had the working title "Incident at P'Jem"), this planet was called "Kro'el". In "Shadows of P'Jem", Archer calls P'Jem the "Sanctuary at P'Jem", suggesting that either the area it was in or the planet was also called P'Jem. In the final draft script of ENT: "Desert Crossing", Trip Tucker made reference to "that Vulcan monastery on P'Jem," proving the planet was indeed meant to be called "P'Jem". However, this line did not make it on screen.
The shot of Enterprise in orbit of the planet was recycled footage of Archer IV from "Strange New World". Digital matte paintings of the P'Jem Monastery were created by Black Pool Studios. [7]
The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 118 identified the planet as "P'Jem". It further stated that the monastery was founded on this class M planet around 800 BCE. Then, in a note to the main entry "P'Jem", the authors said that "it is not entirely clear whether P'Jem was the name of the planet or simply the name of the monastery".
Additionally, Michael and Denise Okuda, noted that the location of P'Jem was ambiguous but they assumed it was close to Vulcan, Andoria, and Earth. ("The Andorian Incident", text commentary, ENT Season 1 DVD special feature)
War games simulation system[]
In a holographically-simulated tactical scenario played out on USS Voyager in 2371, a red giant system with eight planets, none of them M class, played a minor role. (VOY: "Learning Curve")
The simulation was not explicitly said to be set in the Alpha or Beta quadrant, however the inclusion of Ferengi and Romulan vessels makes this a pretty safe bet.
Worlds visited by Alidar Jarok[]
These worlds, numbering over a hundred, were visited by the Romulan Admiral Alidar Jarok during his lifetime. According to him, none of them "possessed the awesome beauty of Romulus". (TNG: "The Defector")
These worlds were only mentioned in dialogue.
Worlds unaffected by Romulan supernova[]
After it became clear that Romulus would go supernova, the Federation devised a plan to relocate nine hundred million Romulan citizens to worlds outside the blast of the supernova. (PIC: "Remembrance")
Xendi Sabu system planet []

A planet in the Xendi Sabu system
This unnamed planet was located in the Xendi Sabu system. (TNG: "The Battle")
Xindi-Arboreal colony planet []

The Arboreal colony planet and its moon
This inhabited planet, located in a system within the Delphic Expanse, was the home to a Xindi-Arboreal colony. It was located near Tarquin's planet and had one moon. It was home to the indigenous tree scarab and contained several deposits of topaline ore.
During the mid-22nd century this planet was home to a Xindi kemocite refining facility, at the time the planet had no artificial satellites or orbiting starships.
In October 2153, Captain Jonathan Archer of the Earth ship Enterprise came to the planet, on a tip from Tarquin while searching for the Xindi weapon. (ENT: "The Shipment")
In the final draft script of "The Shipment", this planet was commonly referred to simply as "alien planet". StarTrek.com and the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 313 identified this planet as "Gralik's planet". [8](X)
The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 313) classified the Xindi-Arboreal colony as a class M planet.
The final draft teleplay established that the planet, as seen from orbit, was intended to look "heavily forested". In an ultimately excised line of dialogue from the same script, there was said to be a "processing matrix on level two" of the Xindi complex.
Xindi Council planet []
The Xindi Council planet was the home to the Xindi Council. Its location was top-secret, and the planet was located inside a security zone. The planet was located approximately fifty light years from the Sol system.
The Council chambers were located in a fortress built into a mountainside by the Xindi-Avians sometime in the 2nd millennium BC. The fortress was two kilometers above ground level and was perfectly concealed by the cloud layer that surrounded it. The only way in was through the air.
After the Xindi weapon's location on Azati Prime was discovered by the Humans, it was moved to the Council planet. It was located in a large underground facility in a rocky portion of the planet. (ENT: "The Xindi", "The Council")
In the scripts for "The Xindi" and "Rajiin", the Council chamber was commonly referred to as "Xindi secret chamber". In both scripts, it was described as "a large, dark chamber". However, the script of "The Xindi" referred to the room having "a donut-shaped table in the center," whereas the "Rajiin" script described the table at the center of the room as "triangular". Both scripts made reference to "graphics on the table-top" which dimly illuminated the Xindi sitting there. However, no such graphics actually appear in the final version of the room as depicted in those scenes.
Since the production staffers were at first unsure how the Council chamber would work, it was decided only retroactively that the room's designers had been the now-extinct Xindi-Avians. "At the time we knew that there were Insectoids and Reptilians," remembered Herman Zimmerman, "so there's a certain look of spurs in the columns, for instance; later on, that didn't work at all as Insectoid or Reptilian, but it worked fine for Avians because talons are like spurs – so we feel we kinda lucked out in choosing that as a leit motif." (Star Trek: Communicator issue 151, p. 55)
Herman Zimmerman was additionally instrumental in designing the Council chamber's other features, including its access points. "We had a discussion about Forbidden Planet," he recollected, "because I've always admired the triangular doorways there, and we emulated a variation [....] On the columns [that made up the doorways], there's a little spot where it juts out, and then juts out again; [and] the spaces between them get wider as you go from the ceiling to the floor. It's a minor thing – as most environmental things are in design, you don't notice it unless it's wrong! So if you accepted it, then we did our job. We designed the table after some kind of organic fluid look, as much as we could do with ordinary carpentry. The whole room was designed so there were no parallel walls, for instance; it was a kind of a dead room, soundwise; it was an interesting way to make a council chamber seem a little more eerie, because people walked down the halls or across the room and there's no footfalls, there's no sound." (Star Trek: Communicator issue 151, p. 55)
For "The Council", a concept sketch of the mountainous Xindi-Avian fortress was drawn by illustrator John Eaves. [9]
In the final draft script of "The Council", this planet was commonly referred to as "cloud-covered planet". The surface of the planet was described thus; "The cliffs thrust upwards from a lower cloud layer and disappear into an upper one... they seem to hang in space. Clinging precariously to the cliff walls are a cluster of majestic, ancient-looking structures... a dizzying, vertical compound suspended in the heavens." The script also described this spectacle as an "awe-inspiring sight" and detailed that the first visible representation of the planet's Xindi-Avian stronghold was to be "a staggering view of the stronghold in all its vertiginous glory." Another area of the planet's surface (the Xindi weapon's launch site) was scripted to be "a barren, desert-like plain." The "temporary residence" in the Avian stronghold was described in the script for "The Council" as "a sparse suite where Council members reside during off-hours. A window looks out on the massive cloud-cover."
In the final draft script of "Countdown", this planet was referred to only once, identified as "Council planet". The same script additionally included a description of the Avian stronghold that echoed the one from the script for "The Council", describing it as "the cluster of majestic, ancient-looking structures clinging to the towering cliff face seen in 'The Council'."
Xindi database planets []
Images of several planets appeared in the Xindi database captured by Enterprise NX-01 in 2153. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
Zeta Gelis star cluster planet []
This planet, which was capable of supporting humanoid life, was located in the Zeta Gelis star cluster orbiting a nearby star.
In 2366 the USS Enterprise-D encountered "John Doe" in a crashed escape pod on the planet. (TNG: "Transfigurations")