
SmartCity - Budapest Transport

SmartCity is a totally free, OFFLINE public transport information application for Budapest. SmartCity contains a vector based map with address search, a public transport route planner and the full timetable of all the public transport lines of Budapest. All functions of SmartCity can be used offline, without data traffic.

You can download the application for iOS and Android devices.

Offline route planner

On first run the application will download the required database of timetable and route planning. Then you can browse lines, informations or you can plan a route without additional data traffic.

Favorite routes

You can save your favorites and frequent travel goals. The actual plan to your favorite destinations are always available on the main screen.


If you would like to know which services stops nearby you or just want to check a specific line's timetable, perhaps you would like to path of a service on the map then you can do all this using SmartCity.

If you want to find service stops nearby, a timetable of a specified service or the route of a service, there is no problem. Smartcity show them to you.