
Болгарщина - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From болгар (bolhar, Bulgarian) +‎ -щина (-ščyna). Compare with Ukrainian Словаччина (Slovaččyna, Slovakia), Ukrainian Німеччина (Nimeččyna, Germany), or Ukrainian Греччина (Hreččyna, Greece).

An unattested form *Бовгарщина is also possible, as the form бовгар[1] exists, which is a cognate to болгар, where "л" (l) after "о" (o) got changed to "в" (v), which is a common occurrence in Ukrainian phonology.

Болга́рщина (Bolhárščynaf inan (genitive Болга́рщини, uncountable)

  1. Bulgaria (a country in Southeast Europe)
    Synonym: Болга́рія (Bolhárija)