
до - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Proto-Slavic *do, from Proto-Indo-European *de.

до (do)

  1. near, close to
    един до другedin do drugside by side
  2. up to, as far as
    до кръстаdo krǎstadown to the waist
  3. until, till
    до последната минутаdo poslednata minutatill the last minute

Cognate of Mandarin Chinese (dāo)

до (do) (I)

  1. knife

From Proto-Tungusic *dō, compare Manchu ᡩᠣ (do).

до (do)

  1. the inside

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *do.

до (do)

  1. next to, beside

    Ќе седнам до тебе.

    Ḱe sednam do tebe.
    I'm going to sit down next to you.
  2. to, up to

    Ќе одиме до езерото.

    Ḱe odime do ezeroto.
    We'll go up to the lake.
  3. until

    Нема да се видиме до крајот на годинава.

    Nema da se vidime do krajot na godinava.
    We won't see each other until the end of this year.

Borrowed from Italian do, from the name of musicologist Giovanni Battista Doni.

до (do)

  1. (music) do
  2. C (musical note)

From Proto-Tungusic *dō, compare Manchu ᡩᠣ (do).

до (do)

  1. the inside; the soul
  2. bosom; bowels of the earth

Old Church Slavonic


From Proto-Slavic *do.

до (do)

  1. up to
  2. until

From Proto-Slavic *do. Cognates include Old Church Slavonic до (do) and Old Polish do.

  • IPA(key): /dɔ//dɔ//dɔ/
  • Hyphenation: до

до (do) (+ genitive)

  1. up to
    • 1076, Sviatoslav's izbornik[1], page 2:

      ѥгда чьтеши книгꙑ· не тъштисѧ бърꙁо иштисти до дроугыꙗ главиꙁнꙑ·

      jegda čĭteši knigy· ne tŭštisę bŭrzo ištisti do drugyja glavizny·
      when you read books, don't strive to quickly read on to the following chapter.
  2. until
  • Old Ruthenian: до (do)
    • Belarusian: да (da)
    • Carpathian Rusyn: до (do)
    • Ukrainian: до (do)
  • Russian: до (do)
  • Sreznevsky, Izmail I. (1893) “до”, in Матеріалы для Словаря древне-русскаго языка по письменнымъ памятникамъ [Materials for the Dictionary of the Old East Slavic Language Based on Written Monuments]‎[2] (in Russian), volume 1 (А – К), Saint Petersburg: Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, column 670

Inherited from Old Slovak do, from Proto-Slavic *do.

до (do) [with genitive]

  1. expresses a spatial relationship
    1. in, into (denotes motion towards the interior of something)
      положиц до кишенкуpoložic do kišenkuto put in the pocket
      насипац воду до фляшиnasipac vodu do fljašito pour water into the bottle
    2. to, toward (indicates the place of direction of an action)
      Near-synonyms: ґу (gu), на (na)
      пошол до дутянуpošol do dutjanuhe went to the store
      преселєли ше до валалуpreseljeli še do valaluthey moved to a village

      Идзе рано даєден автобус до Нового Саду?

      Idze rano dajeden avtobus do Novoho Sadu?
      Is there any bus going to Novi Sad in the morning?
    3. to (indicates the sphere of direction of action)
      идзе до братаidze do bratahe went to his brother's place
      пошла до фризеркиpošla do frizerkishe went to the hairdresser's
    4. until, up to, to (denotes a spatial boundary)
      до варошу єст дзешец километриdo varošu jest dzešec kilometrithere is ten kilometres to the city
      вода му до пасаvoda mu do pasathe water is up to his waist
    5. against, over, on (indicates an object with which something collides or on which something rests or leans)
      вдериц з главу до мураvderic z hlavu do murato bang the head against the wall
      шпотали ше до каменьохšpotali še do kamenʹoxthey tripped over stones
      упрец ше до каменяuprec še do kamenjato lean against a rock
      диждж бил до облакохdiždž bil do oblakoxthe rain was beating against the windows
    6. to, in (denotes belonging or inclusion in some group)
      заяц спада до глодарохzajac spada do hlodaroxthe rabbit belongs to the gnawers
  2. expresses a temporal relationship
    1. until, up to (denotes a temporal boundary)
      робели зме до ноциrobeli zme do nociwe worked until dark
      до концаdo koncauntil the end
    2. for (denotes the length of the duration of the action)
      робели до тижняrobeli do tižnjathey worked for a week
      до рока нїч нє знали о нїмdo roka njič nje znali o njimthey didn't know anything about him for a year
    3. per, every (denotes the number of repeated actions in a specified time)
      два раз до рока ходзи на контролуdva raz do roka xodzi na kontrolutwice per year he goes for checks
      три раз до тижня маю тренинґtri raz do tižnja maju treningthey have training three times a week
  3. with, in, using, on (indicates medium, agent)
    Near-synonym: на (na)
    закруциц до новинохzakrucic do novinoxto wrap in newspaper
    утар чоло до рукаваutar čolo do rukavahe wiped his forehead with his sleeve
  4. for
    Synonym: за (za)
    1. indicates purpose
      то нам треба до обисцаto nam treba do obiscawe need this for the household
      купела паприґи до дунцаkupela paprigi do duncashe bought peppers for winter preserves
    2. for (indicates ability, usefulness for something)
      способни до роботиsposobni do robotifit for work
      хорйовити є, нєбарз є до поляxorjoviti je, njebarz je do poljahe is sickly, he's not very suitable for working in the field
  5. on, at (indicates object of an action; not necessarily translated)
    Near-synonym: на (na)
    потрафиц до облакаpotrafic do oblakato hit the window
    залюбени є до наукуzaljubeni je do naukuhe is in love with science

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *do, from Proto-Indo-European *de, whence English to.

  • IPA(key): [də]
  • IPA(key): [dɐ] (before a stressed syllable)
  • IPA(key): [ˈdo] (when stressed)

до (do) [with genitive]

  1. before
  2. up to, till, until
  3. with respect to, concerning, regarding

до (don inan (indeclinable)

  1. (musical note) C
    до́ дие́зdó dijéz/diézC sharp
    до́ бемо́ль bemólʹC flat

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *do, from Proto-Indo-European *de, *do.

до̏ (Latin spelling )

  1. only, except
    ни(т)ко до јаnobody but me, only me
    не једе ништа до комад хљеба/хлебаhe eats nothing except a piece of bread
  2. around, approximately
    до два метраaround two meters
    до 5 килаaround five kilograms
  3. due to, because of
    то је до хранеthat's due to the food

до̏ (Latin spelling ) (+ genitive case)

  1. up to, to, until, as far as, by
    од Загреба до Београдаfrom Zagreb to Belgrade
    од јутра до мракаfrom morning to night
    од 5 до 10 сатиfrom 5 to 10 o'clock
    од врха до днаfrom top to bottom
    до р(иј)екеas far as the river
    сад је пет до седамnow it's five minutes to seven
    до понед(ј)ељкаby Monday
    до садаso far, thus far, till now
    до недавнаuntil recently
    до дана данашњегаto this very day
    све доas far as up to, all the way to
    до кудаhow far
    до тудаthus far, up to here
  2. before (= при̏је/пре̏)
    до ратаbefore the war
  3. beside, next (to)
    с(ј)еди до менеsit next to me
    један до другогаside by side
  4. idiomatic and figurative meanings
    није ми до тогаI don't feel like doing that
    није ми до см(иј)ехаI don't feel like laughing
    њему је само до сексаhe is only interested in sex
    није ми пуно стало до тогаI'm not very much interested in that
    није до менеit's not up to me, it's no me to lame

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *dolъ.

до̑ m (Latin spelling )

  1. dale, small valley

Borrowed from Italian do.

до̑ m (Latin spelling )

  1. (music) do
  • до”, in Hrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal] (in Serbo-Croatian), 2006–2025
  • до”, in Hrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal] (in Serbo-Croatian), 2006–2025
  • до”, in Hrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal] (in Serbo-Croatian), 2006–2025

до (doclass 4

  1. name
  • Ibragimov, G. X., Nurmamedov, Ju. M. (2010) “до”, in Цахурско-русский словарь [Tsakhur–Russian Dictionary], Makhachkala: ДНЦ РАН, page 154a

From Old East Slavic [Term?], from Proto-Slavic *do, from Proto-Indo-European *de, *do.

до (do) (+ genitive case)

  1. to, toward
    Я йду до школи.Ja jdu do školy.I go to school.
  2. to (in the fixed expression 'Welcome to...!')
    Ласкаво просимо до Італії!Laskavo prosymo do Italiji!Welcome to Italy!
    Ласкаво просимо до Аргентини!Laskavo prosymo do Arhentyny!Welcome to Argentina!
  3. until
  4. by (not later than)
    до кінця́ столі́ттяdo kincjá stolíttjaby the end of the century
  5. (music) D (musical note)