
поряд - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From по́- (pó-) +‎ ряд (rjad). This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.

по́ряд (pórjad) (+ з + instrumental)

  1. next to (somebody/something), alongside, nearby, side by side
    Synonym: по́руч (póruč)

по́ряд (pórjad) (+ genitive case)

  1. next to, alongside, beside, by, side by side with
    Synonym: по́руч (póruč)

по́ряд (pórjadm inan (genitive по́ряду, nominative plural по́ряди, genitive plural по́рядів)

  1. (dialectal) order
    Synonyms: поря́док m (porjádok), лад m (lad)