
се - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Proto-Slavic *sę, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *sen, from Proto-Indo-European *swé.

се (se)

  1. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) the accusative short form of the reflexive pronoun себе си (sebe si), part of reflexive verbs, denoting that the subject is simultaneously the direct object; corresponds to myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

    Обичам се.

    Običam se.
    I love myself.

    Обича се.

    Običa se.
    He/She/It loves himself/herself/itself.
  2. (reciprocal, clitic) accusative reciprocal pronoun, denoting that the agents perform the mutual actions among themselves; corresponds to each other, one another
    Synonym: един друг (edin drug)

    Мария и Петър се обичат.

    Marija i Petǎr se običat.
    Maria and Petar love each other.
  3. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of autocausative verbs, denoting that the referent represented by the subject combines the activity of actor and undergoes a change of state like a patient

    Петър се обиди.

    Petǎr se obidi.
    Petаr became/was offended.
  4. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of anticausative verbs, denoting that the subject of the verb undergoes an action or change of state whose agent is unclear or nonexistent
  5. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and undetermined agent

    Говори се, че...

    Govori se, če...
    It is said that...
  6. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and determined agent

    Писмото се пише от мен.

    Pismoto se piše ot men.
    The letter is being written by me.
  7. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) inherent part of an unergative reflexive or reciprocal verb with no meaning of its own, and an obligatory part of the verb's lexical entry

From Proto-Mordvinic *śe, from Proto-Uralic *śe (it). Cognates include Moksha ся (), Finnish se, Estonian see.

IPA(key): /sʲe/

се (se)

  1. (demonstrative) that
    седе мейлеsede mejleafter that
    • 1821, Novum Testamentum Mordvinice litt. cyrill.‎[1], page 92:

      Чокшне се чиста ю̂втызе сонъ сынянстъ: уйдянокъ тона ю̂новъ.

      Čokšne se čista jûvtïze son sïńanst: ujďanok tona jûnov.
      That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.”
Declension of се(se)
singular plural
nominative се (se) сеть (seť), сетне (setne)
genitive сень (seń) сетнень (setneń)
dative сенень (seneń) сетненень (setneneń)
ablative седе (sede) сетнеде (setnede)
inessive сеньсэ (sensë), сень эйсэ (seń ejsë) сетнесэ (setnesë)
elative сеньстэ (senstë), сень эйстэ (seń ejstë) сетнестэ (setnestë)
illative сеньс (seńs), сень эйс (seń ejs) сетнес (setnes)
prolative сеньга (seńga), сень эзга (seń ezga) сетнева (setneva)
translative сень эзкс (seń ezks) сетнекс (setneks)
abessive сентеме (senteme) сетневтеме (setnevteme)
comparative сеньшка (seńška) сетнешка (setneška)
  • B. A. Serebrennikov, R. N. Buzakova, M. V. Mosin (1993) “се”, in Эрзянь-рузонь валкс [Erzya-Russian dictionary], Moscow: Русский язык, →ISBN
  • Entry #59 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.

Akin to Chechen сте (ste).

се (se)

  1. female

From Proto-Slavic *sę, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *sen, from Proto-Indo-European *swé.

се (se)

  1. Short reflexive direct object pronoun (all persons).
  2. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) the accusative short form of the reflexive pronoun себе си, part of reflexive verbs, denoting that the subject is simultaneously the direct object; corresponds to myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

    Се сакам.

    Se sakam.
    I love myself.

    Се сака.

    Se saka.
    He/she/it loves himself/herself/itself.
  3. (reciprocal pronoun, clitic) accusative reciprocal pronoun, denoting that the agents perform the mutual actions among themselves; corresponds to each other, one another

    Марија и Петар се сакаат.

    Marija i Petar se sakaat.
    Maria and Petar love each other.
  4. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of autocausative verbs, denoting that the referent represented by the subject combines the activity of actor and undergoes a change of state like a patient

    Петар се навреди.

    Petar se navredi.
    Peter became offended.
  5. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of anticausative verbs, denoting that the subject of the verb undergoes an action or change of state whose agent is unclear or nonexistent
  6. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and undetermined agent

    Се вели, дека...

    Se veli, deka...
    It is said that...
  7. (reflexive pronoun, clitic, formal) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and determined agent
  8. (reflexive pronoun, clitic) inherent part of an unergative reflexive or reciprocal verb with no meaning of its own, and an obligatory part of the verb's lexical entry

се (sjo)

  1. Alternative spelling of сё (sjo)

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *sę, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *sen, from Proto-Indo-European *swé.

се (Latin spelling se)

  1. oneself (clitic form of reflexive pronoun)
    1. myself
    2. yourself
    3. himself
    4. herself
    5. itself
    6. ourselves
    7. yourselves
    8. themselves
  2. (by extension, impersonal) Used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person where the impersonal subject does the verb unto itself

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *sь.

се (Latin spelling se)

  1. (obsolete) this is; here is
    • 1404, anonymous, Kočerin tablet, (Please provide the book title or journal name):

      се лежи вигань милошевиꙉь

      Here lies Viganj Milošević.
Tajik numbers (edit)
 ←  2 3 4  → [a], [b]
    Cardinal: се (se)
    Ordinal: сеюм (seyum)

Inherited from Classical Persian سِهْ (sih).

се (se) (Persian spelling سه)

  1. three