
смета - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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смета (smeta) third-singular presentimpf (perfective пресмета)

  1. (transitive) to calculate
  2. (transitive, stative) to count on (rely)
  3. (transitive, stative) to believe, think
  4. (transitive, stative) to consider (as something)
    Те сметам за пријател.
    I consider you as a friend.
  5. (intransitive, nonstandard) to bother, vex, irk

Conjugation of смета (imperfective, present in )

l-participles imperfect aorist non-finite forms
masculine сметал adjectival participle сметан
feminine сметала adverbial participle сметајќи
neuter сметало verbal noun сметање
plural сметале perfect participle сметано
present imperfect aorist imperative
1st singular сметам сметав
2nd singular сметаш сметаше сметај
3rd singular смета сметаше
1st plural сметаме сметавме
2nd plural сметате сметавте сметајте
3rd plural сметаат сметаа
Compound tenses
perfect сум сметал present of сум (except in the 3rd person) + imperfect l-participle
има-perfect имам сметано present of има + perfect participle
pluperfect бев сметал imperfect of сум + imperfect l-participle
има-pluperfect имав сметано imperfect of има + perfect participle
има-perfect reported сум имал сметано perfect of има + perfect participle
future ќе сметам ќе + present
има-future ќе имам сметано future of има + perfect participle
future in the past ќе сметав ќе + imperfect
има-future in the past ќе имав сметано future in the past of има + perfect participle
future reported ќе сум сметал ќе + imperfect l-participle
има-future reported ќе сум имал сметано future reported of има + perfect participle
conditional би сметал би + imperfect l-participle
има-conditional би имал сметано conditional of има + perfect participle

Inherited from Old East Slavic *съмѣта (*sŭměta); see сме́тить (smétitʹ).

сме́та (smétaf inan (genitive сме́ты, nominative plural сме́ты, genitive plural смет)

  1. account, estimate, budget (reckoning, calculation)
  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973) “смета”, in Oleg Trubachyov, transl., Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Progress