
спрашивать - Wiktionary, the free dictionary


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спроси́ть (sprosítʹ) +‎ -ивать (-ivatʹ)

спра́шивать (sprášivatʹimpf (perfective спроси́ть, verbal noun спра́шивание)

  1. to ask (to ask a question of) [with accusative or у (u, + genitive) ‘someone’, along with о (o, + prepositional) ‘about something’ or indirect question]
    Она́ спра́шивала меня́ о мое́й семье́.Oná sprášivala menjá o mojéj semʹjé.She was asking me about my family.
    Он спра́шивает у них, что хо́чет знать.On sprášivajet u nix, što xóčet znatʹ.He's asking them what he wants to know.
  2. to ask for, to request, to demand [with у (u, + genitive) ‘someone’, along with accusative or genitive ‘for something’]
  3. to call to account, to hold accountable, to make answer (for), to confront, to challenge, to question [with с (s, + genitive) ‘someone’ and за (za, + accusative) ‘about/for something’]

