ҡарсыҡ - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Related to qart, qarï "old". See ҡарт (qart) for more.
ҡарсыҡ • (qarsıq)
- old woman
Борон-борон заманда йәшәгән ти ҡарт менән ҡарсыҡ.
- Boron-boron zamanda yəşəgən ti qart menən qarsıq.
- Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.
Зөбәржәт ҡарсыҡ уҫал булды, килененә көн бирмәне.
- Zöbərjət qarsıq uśal buldı, kilenenə kön birməne.
- The old Zubarjat was evil (and) made life impossible for her daughter-in-law (=never left her daughter-in-law in peace)