
جنب - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Root ج ن ب (j n b), a Proto-Semitic noun *ganb- (side).

جَنَبَ (janaba) I (non-past يَجْنُبُ (yajnubu), verbal noun جَنْب (janb))

  1. to turn aside, decline
  2. to refuse, turn off
  3. to remove
  4. to shun, flee from
  5. to hit sideways

جَنَبَ (janaba) I (non-past يَجْنُبُ (yajnubu), verbal noun جِنَاب (jināb))

  1. to be far off
  2. to keep far
  3. to shun, avoid
  4. to cause to avoid
  5. to miss, long for

جَنَبَ (janaba) I (non-past يَجْنُبُ (yajnubu), verbal noun جَنَب (janab) or مَجْنَب (majnab))

  1. to lead by the side
  2. to place a horse as leader beside another

جَنَبَ (janaba) I (non-past يَجْنُبُ (yajnubu), verbal noun جَنَابَة (janāba))

  1. to be a stranger, reside among strangers

جَنَبَ (janaba) I (non-past يَجْنُبُ (yajnubu), verbal noun جُنُوب (junūb))

  1. to blow from the south
  2. to blow towards the south

جُنِبَ (juniba) I (passive-only, non-past يُجْنَبُ (yujnabu), verbal noun ?)

  1. to suffer from pleurisy
  2. to be exposed to the south wind

جَنَّبَ (jannaba) II (non-past يُجَنِّبُ (yujannibu), verbal noun تَجْنِيب (tajnīb))

  1. (transitive) to keep far, to remove to a distance
  2. (ditransitive) to cause (one) to avoid (something or someone)
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 92:14-18:

      فَأَنْذَرْتُكُمْ نَارًا تَلَظَّى / لَا يَصْلَاهَا إِلَّا الْأَشْقَى / الَّذِي كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ / وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا الْأَتْقَى / الَّذِي يُؤْتِي مَالَهُ يَتَزَكَّىٰ

      faʔanḏartukum nāran talaẓẓā / lā yaṣlāhā ʔillā l-ʔašqā / allaḏī kaḏḏaba watawallā / wasayujannabuhā al-ʔatqā / allaḏī yuʔtī mālahu yatazakkā
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  3. to put aside
  4. to lead walking by the side
  5. (transitive) to be distant from

جَنْب (janbm (plural جُنُوب (junūb) or أَجْنَاب (ʔajnāb))

  1. verbal noun of جَنَبَ (janaba, to turn aside, refuse) (form I)
  2. side, flank, half of the body
    ذَات الْجَنْبḏāt al-janbpleurisy
    ذُو الْجَنْبḏū l-janbafflicted with pleurisy
  3. boundary
  4. coast
  5. tract, region
  6. principal part
  7. combat, battle
  8. reproach

جَنَب (janabm

  1. verbal noun of جَنَبَ (janaba) (form I)

Declension of noun جَنَب (janab)

Singular basic singular triptote
Indefinite Definite Construct
Informal جَنَب
Nominative جَنَبٌ
Accusative جَنَبًا
Genitive جَنَبٍ

جُنُب (junub)

  1. (Islam) in a state of major (ritual) impurity

From Arabic جَنْب (janb).

  • IPA(key): /d͡ʒanb/, [d͡ʒamb]

جنب (janb)

  1. next to
  2. beside

جنب (janbm (plural أَجْناب (ʔajnāb))

  1. side, flank, half of the body
  2. part

From Arabic جَنَّبَ (jannaba).

جَنَّب (jannab) II (non-past يِجَنِّب (yijannib))

  1. to turn aside, decline
Conjugation of جنب
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m جنبت (jannabt) جنبت (jannabt) جنب (jannab) جنبنا (jannabna) جنبتوا (jannabtu) جنبوا (jannabu)
f جنبتي (jannabti) جنبت (jannabat)
non-past m أجنب (ʔajannib) تجنب (tijannib) يجنب (yijannib) نجنب (nijannib) تجنبوا (tijannibu) يجنبوا (yijannibu)
f تجنبي (tijannibi) تجنب (tijannib)
imperative m جنب (jannib) جنبوا (jannibu)
f جنبي (jannibi)

From Arabic جَنْب (janb).

جنب (janbm (plural جناب (jnāb))

  1. side, flank

South Levantine Arabic


From Arabic جَنْب (janb).

  • IPA(key): /ʒanb/, [ʒamb], [d͡ʒamb]

جنب (janb)

  1. next to, beside

جنب (janbm

  1. side, flank