
一致 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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one; single; a

one; single; a; (before verbs) as soon as, once; (before a noun) entire (family, etc.)

to send; to devote; to deliver

to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey

trad. (一致)
simp. #(一致)


  1. in agreement; identical; in unanimity; in chorus; consistent; same
    輸入密碼一致 [MSC, trad.]
    输入密码一致 [MSC, simp.]
    Liǎng cì shūrù de mìmǎ bù yīzhì. [Pinyin]
    The two passwords that you entered are inconsistent.
    大家觀點一致 [MSC, trad.]
    大家观点一致 [MSC, simp.]
    Dàjiā de guāndiǎn dōu yīzhì. [Pinyin]
    Everyone has the same point of view.


  1. unanimously; without exception; consistently
    一致同意  ―  yīzhì tóngyì  ―  to agree unanimously
    一致反對一致反对  ―  yīzhì fǎnduì  ―  to be unanimously opposed


  1. to agree with; to be consistent with


  1. agreement; coincidence; unanimity; consistency
  2. (linguistics, grammar) agreement; grammatical agreement; concord
Kanji in this term
いつ > いっ
Grade: 1

Grade: S

一(いっ)致() (itchi

  1. agreement, harmony, unity
    kanzen ni itchi
    perfectly matching
  2. cooperation

一(いっ)致()する (itchi suruintransitive suru (stem 一(いっ)致(ち) (itchi shi), past 一(いっ)致(ち)した (itchi shita))

  1. to agree, to be in unison
  2. to cooperate
Katsuyōkei ("stem forms")
Mizenkei ("imperfective") 一致し いっちし itchi shi
Ren’yōkei ("continuative") 一致し いっちし itchi shi
Shūshikei ("terminal") 一致する いっちする itchi suru
Rentaikei ("attributive") 一致する いっちする itchi suru
Kateikei ("hypothetical") 一致すれ いっちすれ itchi sure
Meireikei ("imperative") 一致せよ¹
itchi seyo¹
itchi shiro²
Key constructions
Passive 一致される いっちされる itchi sareru
Causative 一致させる
itchi saseru
itchi sasu
Potential 一致できる いっちできる itchi dekiru
Volitional 一致しよう いっちしよう itchi shiyō
Negative 一致しない いっちしない itchi shinai
Negative continuative 一致せず いっちせず itchi sezu
Formal 一致します いっちします itchi shimasu
Perfective 一致した いっちした itchi shita
Conjunctive 一致して いっちして itchi shite
Hypothetical conditional 一致すれば いっちすれば itchi sureba
¹ Written imperative

² Spoken imperative

chữ Hán Nôm in this term


  1. chữ Hán form of nhất trí (to unanimously agree; to accord).