
Baam - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Middle High German boum, from Old High German boum, from Proto-West Germanic *baum, from Proto-Germanic *baumaz.

Baam m

  1. (southern Moselle Franconian) tree

East Central German


From Middle High German boum, from Old High German boum, from Proto-West Germanic *baum, from Proto-Germanic *baumaz.

Baam m (plural1 Baam, plural2 Beem, plural3 Baamer, plural4 Baim)

  1. (Upper Saxon, Erzgebirgisch) tree

    (Erzgebirgisch) Dar sieht en Wald vur lautr Baam net.

    He can't see the forest for the trees.
  • 2020 June 11, Hendrik Heidler, Hendrik Heidler's 400 Seiten: Echtes Erzgebirgisch: Wuu de Hasen Hoosn haaßn un de Hosen Huusn do sei mir drhamm: Das Original Wörterbuch: Ratgeber und Fundgrube der erzgebirgischen Mund- und Lebensart: Erzgebirgisch – Deutsch / Deutsch – Erzgebirgisch‎[1], 3. geänderte Auflage edition, Norderstedt: BoD – Books on Demand, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 20:

  • https://www.erzgebirgisch.de/b.baam_1.wort

From Middle High German boum, from Old High German boum, from Proto-West Germanic *baum, from Proto-Germanic *baumaz.


  1. (Bayreuth, Coburg, Nürnberg) tree
  • paam (Wiesemann spelling)

    From Central Franconian Boom, from Middle High German boum, from Old High German boum, from Proto-West Germanic *baum, possibly from Proto-Germanic *bagmaz.[1]

    Baam m (plural Beem, diminutive Beemche)

    1. tree

      Die Katz is uff‘em Baam.

      The cat is on the tree.

      Sogaar die Affe falle fun Beem.

      Even monkeys fall from trees.
    1. ^ Piter Kehoma Boll (2021) “Baam”, in Dicionário Hunsriqueano Riograndense–Português (in Portuguese), 3rd edition, Ivoti: Riograndenser Hunsrickisch, page 17, column 2

    Pennsylvania German


    From Middle High German boum, from Old High German boum, from Proto-West Germanic *baum, from Proto-Germanic *baumaz. Compare German Baum, Dutch boom, English beam.

    Baam m (plural Beem or Baem)

    1. tree

    From Middle High German boum, from Old High German boum, from Proto-West Germanic *baum, from Proto-Germanic *baumaz.

    Baam m (plural Bääm)

    1. (Palatine) tree