
Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/bergan - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Proto-West Germanic


From Proto-Germanic *berganą.


  1. to preserve, keep
  2. to protect, shelter
Strong class 3
Infinitive *bergan
1st sg. past *barg
3rd pl. past *burgun
Past ptcple *borgan
Infinitive *bergan
Genitive infin. *bergannjas
Dative infin. *bergannjē
Instrum. infin. *bergannju
Indicative Present Past
1st singular *bergu *barg
2nd singular *birgiʀi *burgī
3rd singular *birgidi *barg
1st plural *bergum *burgum
2nd plural *birgid *burgud
3rd plural *bergand *burgun
Subjunctive Present Past
1st singular *bergē *burgī
2nd singular *bergēs *burgī
3rd singular *bergē *burgī
1st plural *bergēm *burgīm
2nd plural *bergēþ *burgīd
3rd plural *bergēn *burgīn
Imperative Present
Singular *birg
Plural *birgid
Present Past
Participle *bergandī *borgan