
Wiktionary:About Chinese/Xiang/Loudi - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Wiktionary uses the following system to transcribe Loudi dialect of Xiang Chinese. See Module:hsn-pron-Loudi for the codes.

IPA Transcription Example Notes
/p/ b
/pʰ/ p
/b/ bb
/m/ m
/t/ d
/tʰ/ t
/d/ dd
/n/ n
/l/ l
/t͡s/ z
/t͡sʰ/ c
/d͡z/ zz
/s/ s
/t͡ɕ/ j
/t͡ɕʰ/ q
/d͡ʑ/ jj
/ɕ/ x
/ʑ/ xx
/k/ g
/kʰ/ k
/ŋ/ ng
/x/ h
/ɣ/ gh
IPA Transcription Example Notes
/z̩/ r only after /t͡s/, /t͡sʰ/, /d͡z/, /s/
/i/ i
/u/ u after /p/, /pʰ/, /b/, /m/, /k/, /kʰ/, /x/, /ɣ/
/ɤu/ after /t/, /tʰ/, /d/, /l/, /t͡s/, /t͡sʰ/, /d͡z/, /s/
/y/ y
/a/ a
/ia/ ia
/ua/ ua
/e/ e
/ie/ ie
/ue/ ue
/ye/ ye
/ɔ/ o
/iɔ/ io
/ʊ/ uo
/iʊ/ iou
/ɤ/ eu
/iɤ/ ieu
/ui/ ui
/yi/ yi
/in/ in
/un/ un
/yn/ yn
/ɔŋ/ ong
/iɔŋ/ iong
/uɔŋ/ uong
/ɤŋ/ eng
/iɤŋ/ ieng
/uɤŋ/ ueng
/ã/ ann
/uã/ uann
/ẽ/ enn
/uẽ/ uenn
/ɔ̃/ onn
/iɔ̃/ ionn
/ɪ̃/ inn
/uɪ̃/ uinn
/yɪ̃/ yinn
/n̩/ n
/m̩/ m
/ŋ̍/ ng
Tone name Tone value Transcription Example Changed tone value Transcription Example
dark level 44 1 33 1*
light level 13 2 33 2*
rising 42 3 1 3*
dark departing 35 4 5 4*
light departing 11 5 1 5*
neutral (unmarked)