bög - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
- One proposed source is månsing bög (“dupe”).
- Another is French bougre (“scoundrel”), from Medieval Latin Bulgarus (“heretic”).
- also compare dialectal böj (“leather bag”).
bög c
- (slightly colloquial) a homosexual male; gay, fag, queer, poof
Jag är bög
- I'm gay (see vara for why there is no article and more examples)
Det är ingen idé att du stöter på honom. Han är bög.
- There is no point in hitting on him. He's gay.
Vi hamnade på en bögklubb
- We ended up at a gay club
- (slang) a (male) person with an obsession for something, märkesbög ("brand fag"), prylbög ("gadget fag")
- (slang) a prison informant, in the compound golbög; snitch, rat
The word bög (in the meaning "male homosexual") has gradually since approximately the 1970s evolved from being a highly offensive and derogatory term to a word used by gay males to describe themselves in a conscious effort to rid the word and the concept it describes of their taboo status. It can nowadays be used in most mediums (including newspapers and national media broadcasts) as a fairly neutral and innocuous colloquial term, though context still dictates whether usage is considered derogatory or acceptable.
Derogatory synonyms: