
behandeln - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Middle High German behandeln (to touch with the hand), equivalent to be- +‎ handeln. Compare Saterland Frisian behondelje, Dutch behandelen, English behandle.

  • IPA(key): [bəˈhandl̩n], [bəˈhandəln]

behandeln (weak, third-person singular present behandelt, past tense behandelte, past participle behandelt, auxiliary haben)

  1. to treat (medicinally)

    Der Arzt behandelte mich.

    The physician treated me.
  2. to treat (physically, psychologically)

    Ich habe dich immer gut behandelt.

    I always treated you well.
  3. to cover

    der Reporter behandelt das Thema.

    The reporter is covering the subject.

Conjugation of behandeln (weak, auxiliary haben)

Composed forms of behandeln (weak, auxiliary haben)

  • behandeln” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • behandeln” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
  • behandeln” in Duden online
  • behandeln” in OpenThesaurus.de