
binding - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Middle English byndynge; equivalent to bind +‎ -ing.

binding (comparative more binding, superlative most binding)

  1. (of an agreement, contract, etc.) Imposing stipulations or requirements that must be honoured.

    This contract is a legally binding agreement.

  2. (of food) Having the effect of counteracting diarrhea.

    Bananas and white bread are sometimes considered binding.

  • (antonym(s) of imposing stipulations or requirements that must be honoured): non-binding
  • IsiXhosa

Binding - ukunikezelela ngemithetho ethile

binding (plural bindings)

  1. An item (usually rope, tape, or string) used to hold two or more things together.
  2. The spine of a book where the pages are held together.
  3. (sewing) A finishing on a seam or hem of a garment.
  4. (programming) The association of a named item with an element of a program.
  5. (programming) The interface of a library with a programming language other than one it is written in.

    The Python binding is automatically generated.

  6. (chemistry) The action or result of making two or more molecules stick together.

spine of a book

sewing: finishing on a seam or hem of a garment

programming: association of a named item with an element of a program

chemistry: the sticking together


  1. present participle and gerund of bind

From Middle Dutch bindinge. Equivalent to binden +‎ -ing.

binding f (uncountable)

  1. binding, tying, act of applying bonds to someone or of fastening something
  2. connection, bond, tie (association or commitment to someone or something)

binda +‎ -ing

binding f (genitive singular bindingar, plural bindingar)

  1. bond, fixation
  2. knitting
  3. (grammar) definiteness


  1. Alternative form of byndynge

From binde +‎ -ing.

binding f or m (definite singular bindinga or bindingen, indefinite plural bindinger, definite plural bindingene)

  1. a bond, tie
    (chemistry) kjemisk binding - chemical bond
  2. a binding, fastening
  3. (psyschology) a fixation

From binde +‎ -ing.

binding f (definite singular bindinga, indefinite plural bindingar, definite plural bindingane)

  1. a bond, tie
    (chemistry) kjemisk binding - chemical bond
  2. a binding, fastening
  3. (psyschology) a fixation