
borrar - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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  1. (transitive) to erase

From borra +‎ -ar.

borrar (first-person singular present borro, first-person singular preterite borrei, past participle borrado)

  1. (transitive or intransitive) to smudge (to smear ink, especially if accidentally)

    Borrei meu desenho com a tinta da caneta.

    I smudged my drawing with pen ink.
  2. (transitive) to blur (to make indistinct or hazy)

    Borramos os rostos que apareceram no vídeo.

    We blurred the faces that appeared in the video.
  3. (transitive) to rub out (erase something using an eraser)

    Ela borrou a palavra porque a tinha escrito errado.

    She blurred the word because she'd written it wrong.
  4. (transitive) to blot out or strike out; to obliterate (render text illegible by scribbling over it)

    Fiquei irritado e borrei tudo o que tinha escrito.

    I got mad and crossed out everything I'd written.
  5. (transitive) to make dirty

    Mamãe borrou a camisa com mostarda.

    Mama got a smear of mustard on her shirt.
    1. (transitive, figuratively) to damage the reputation of

      Os boatos de corrupção borraram o senador.

      The rumors of corruption damaged the senator's reputation.
  6. (transitive) to dirty with feces

    Aquela menina borrou a calcinha.

    That girl got poop on her panties.
    1. (reflexive, colloquial, literally) to crap one's pants (defecate into one's pants)

      Teve diarreia e se borrou todo.

      He had diarrhea and crapped himself.
    2. (reflexive, colloquial, figuratively) to crap one's pants (to be extremely frightened)

      Borro-me sempre que vejo uma mulher.

      I crap my pants whenever I see a woman.
  7. (intransitive, vulgar) to defecate

    Ele me diz que borrou no chão ontem à noite.

    He tells me he shit on the floor last night.

From borra (rough wool), formerly used for erasing.

  • IPA(key): /boˈraɾ/ [boˈraɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Syllabification: bo‧rrar

borrar (first-person singular present borro, first-person singular preterite borré, past participle borrado)

  1. to erase or delete
    • 1915, Julio Vicuña Cifuentes, Mitos y Supersticiones Recogidos de la Tradición Oral Chilena, page 17:

      La iniciación del Brujo está sujeta a cierto ritual, que le impone, entre otras cosas, las abluciones con el agua del Salto del Traiguén, a fin de que se le borre el bautismo.

      The initiation of the Witch is subject to a certain ritual, which requires, among other things, ablutions with the water of Traiguén Falls, so that the [Witch's] baptism is erased.

Selected combined forms of borrar

These forms are generated automatically and may not actually be used. Pronoun usage varies by region.

singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
with infinitive borrar dative borrarme borrarte borrarle, borrarse borrarnos borraros borrarles, borrarse
accusative borrarme borrarte borrarlo, borrarla, borrarse borrarnos borraros borrarlos, borrarlas, borrarse
with gerund borrando dative borrándome borrándote borrándole, borrándose borrándonos borrándoos borrándoles, borrándose
accusative borrándome borrándote borrándolo, borrándola, borrándose borrándonos borrándoos borrándolos, borrándolas, borrándose
with informal second-person singular imperative borra dative bórrame bórrate bórrale bórranos not used bórrales
accusative bórrame bórrate bórralo, bórrala bórranos not used bórralos, bórralas
with informal second-person singular vos imperative borrá dative borrame borrate borrale borranos not used borrales
accusative borrame borrate borralo, borrala borranos not used borralos, borralas
with formal second-person singular imperative borre dative bórreme not used bórrele, bórrese bórrenos not used bórreles
accusative bórreme not used bórrelo, bórrela, bórrese bórrenos not used bórrelos, bórrelas
with first-person plural imperative borremos dative not used borrémoste borrémosle borrémonos borrémoos borrémosles
accusative not used borrémoste borrémoslo, borrémosla borrémonos borrémoos borrémoslos, borrémoslas
with informal second-person plural imperative borrad dative borradme not used borradle borradnos borraos borradles
accusative borradme not used borradlo, borradla borradnos borraos borradlos, borradlas
with formal second-person plural imperative borren dative bórrenme not used bórrenle bórrennos not used bórrenles, bórrense
accusative bórrenme not used bórrenlo, bórrenla bórrennos not used bórrenlos, bórrenlas, bórrense


  1. present indicative of borra