domāt - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Borrowed from Old East Slavic думати (dumati) (cf. Russian ду́мать (dúmatʹ)), apparently together with doma (“thought”) (q.v.); both words are first mentioned in 17th-century sources.[1] Compare obsolete Lithuanian dūmoti, duomoti.
domāt (transitive or intransitive, 2nd conjugation, present domāju, domā, domā, past domāju)
- to think (cognitive activity whereby one goes over facts, ideas, impressions, feelings etc. so as to reach decisions, conclusion, understanding)
- loģiski domāt ― to think logically
- lēni domāt ― to think slowly
- domāt par dzīves mērķi ― to think about the purpose of life
- viņš domāja, ko darīt ― he thought about what to do
- priecājās un domāja par to, kad viņš īsti bijis laimīgāks ― (he) rejoiced and thought about when he had really been happier (than now)
- to think (to create images in one's mind, based on memory, imagination, etc.; to remember, to relive, to imagine)
- domāt par nākotni ― to think about the future
- domāt par aizvadīto dienu ― to think about the past day
- domāt par redzētajiem cilvēkiem ― to think about the people (one) has seen
- domāt par tikšanos ar draugiem ― to think about a meeting with friends
- droši vien arī viņš patlaban domā par savu tēvu vai māti ― he is probably now thinking about his father or mother
- to think, to have the opinion, to be convinced (that...)
- es domāju, ka viņš nav vainīgs ― I think that he is not guilty
- ko tu par to domā? ― what do you think about that?
- tēvocis visu, ko domāja, pateica skaidri un atklāti ― uncle said everything he thought, clearly and openly
- to think about, to care about, to take care of
- domāt par saviem bērniem ― to think about one's children
- domāt par savu ādu ― to think about one's skin / (figuratively) to watch one's back, think of one's survival
- tik viena vienīgā tu esi, māmiņa... tu, mani mīlējot, par sevi nedomā ― you are the only one, mother... you, loving me, don't think about yourself
- to think, to intend, to plan, to prepare (to do something)
- es domāju palikt mājās ― I think (= intend) to stay home
- svētku priekšvakaru viņš bija domājis pavadīt viens ― the eve of the holiday he had thought (= planned) to spend alone
- kuram no mums tas bija domāts? ― for which one of us was this thought (= meant, intended, planned)?
- nav ko domāt ― there is nothing to think (= plan, intend; i.e., it is not possible)
- nav ko domāt sadzīvot ar Kaspariem ― there is nothing to think (= it is not possible) to live with Kaspars
- to mean, to intend
- vai tas ir domāts man? ― is (~ was) this meant for me?
- prefixed verbs:
- other derived term:
- ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “doma”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN