filthy - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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From Middle English filthy, filthi, equivalent to filth + -y.
filthy (comparative filthier, superlative filthiest)
- Covered with filth; very dirty.
1953 July, Allen Rowley, “First Impressions of American Railways”, in Railway Magazine, page 492:
The coaches were filthy outside and did not appear to have been painted or washed for years. Inside there were uncomfortable seats covered with a cane-like material.
- Obscene or offensive.
1987, Michael Grumley, Final Diary:
Filthy smirking Pat Robertson has come in second in the Iowa Republican caucuses.
- Very unpleasant or disagreeable.
covered with filth; very dirty
- Azerbaijani: kirli (az), çirk, çirkli, bulaşıq
- Bulgarian: мръсен (bg) (mrǎsen), кирлив (bg) (kirliv)
- Catalan: impur (ca)
- Danish: snavset, beskidt
- Dutch: smerig (nl), vuil (nl)
- Esperanto: malpurega
- Finnish: likainen (fi), saastainen (fi), kuppainen (fi)
- French: crasseux (fr)
- Galician: cotroso, cotrento, cotrañento, porco (gl)
- German: dreckig (de), verdreckt (de), versifft (de) (slang)
- Greek:
- Ancient: ῥυπαρός (rhuparós)
- Hungarian: mocskos (hu), szennyes (hu)
- Irish: cáidheach
- Italian: sudicio (it), lercio (it)
- Japanese: 薄汚い (usugitanai)
- Kazakh: арам (aram)
- Korean: 누추 (ko) (nuchu)
- Kurdish:
- Latin: sordidus, paedidus, squalidus, caenōsus
- Maori: manuheko, paruparu, poke (mi)
- Norman: cracheux
- Norwegian: møkkete
- Old English: adeliht
- Ottoman Turkish: پیس (pis), مردار (murdar)
- Persian: پلید (fa) (palid)
- Polabian: x́örĕ
- Polish: brudny (pl)
- Portuguese: imundo (pt)
- Quechua: saqra
- Russian: гря́зный (ru) (grjáznyj), запа́чканный (ru) (zapáčkannyj), замы́зганный (ru) (zamýzgannyj)
- Scots: keechie, kichie
- Scottish Gaelic: caca
- Spanish: sucio (es), mugriento (es), mugroso, inmundo (es), cochambroso
- Swedish: smutsig (sv)
- Telugu: మురికి (te) (muriki)
- Tocharian B: kraketstse
- Turkish: pis (tr), kirli (tr)
obscene or offensive
- Bulgarian: циничен (bg) (ciničen), непристоен (bg) (nepristoen)
- Catalan: obscè (ca), groller (ca)
- Danish: svinsk, sjofel
- Finnish: likainen (fi), saastainen (fi)
- Galician: porco (gl)
- German: dreckig (de), schmutzig (de)
- Irish: graosta, cáidheach
- Italian: osceno (it), sconcio (it), laido (it), indecente (it), immorale (it)
- Kurdish:
- Central Kurdish: قۆڕ (qorr)
- Latin: sordidus
- Maori: poke (mi)
- Norwegian: slibrig (no)
- Polish: sprośny (pl)
- Portuguese: sujo (pt)
- Russian: гря́зный (ru) (grjáznyj), непристо́йный (ru) (nepristójnyj), неприли́чный (ru) (neprilíčnyj), по́шлый (ru) (póšlyj), вульга́рный (ru) (vulʹgárnyj), непотре́бный (ru) (nepotrébnyj), ме́рзкий (ru) (mérzkij)
- Scottish Gaelic: drabasda, drabasdach
- Spanish: sucio (es), obsceno (es), guarro (es), (Mexico) pelado (es)
- Swedish: snuskig (sv)
- Turkish: müstehcen (tr), açık saçık (tr), ayıp (tr)
very unpleasant or disagreeable
filthy (third-person singular simple present filthies, present participle filthying, simple past and past participle filthied)
- (transitive) To make very dirty; to saturate something with dirt.
2007, Tom Bissell, Chasing the Sea: Lost Among the Ghosts of Empire in Central Asia:
In the years following World War Two, Americans cut down vast forests, built thousands of factories, assembled millions of atmospherically toxic automobiles, and filthied the water throughout North America.
- (transitive) To cover in filth.
2009, Jeffery Deaver, Hell's Kitchen:
He shouldered his way inside, filthying his T-shirt on the charred wood.
to make dirty throughout; to contaminate