
flokk - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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  1. indefinite accusative singular of flokkur

Borrowed from Italian flocco.

flokk m (plural flokkijiet)

  1. shirt
    flokk taċ-ċingisinglet, vest
    flokk ta’ taħtsinglet, vest
    flokk bla kmiemshirt without sleeves
    flokk bil-kmiemshirt with sleeves
  2. (nautical) slip knot
  3. (nautical) jib

From Old Norse flokkr ("flock, "flying swarm", "poem without refrain"), related to Old English flocc and thus cognate with English flock as well as its Scandinavian counterparts. Akin to Middle Low German vlocke ("crowd", "flock"). Not found in other Germanic languages.

flokk m (definite singular flokken, indefinite plural flokker, definite plural flokkene)

  1. a flock, herd, crowd (can be used to refer to both people and animals)

    Store flokker av rein vandrer over vidda

    Great herds of reindeer wander over the mountain plateau.

    En stor flokk mennesker ventet utålmodig på at konserten skulle begynne.

    A large crowd waited impatiently for the concert to begin.
  2. a school (e.g. of dolphins)
  3. A Norse ode or song that does not have a refrain

(flock): bande, bøling, forsamling, skare, gjeng, gruppe, skokk, klynge, kobbel, sverm


From Middle Low German vlocke, in this sense meaning speck or particle.

flokk m (definite singular flokken, indefinite plural flokker, definite plural flokkene)

  1. A snowflake, but larger and containing more liquid water than ordinary flakes

From Old Norse flokkr ("flock, "flying swarm", "poem without refrain"), related to Old English flocc and thus cognate with English flock as well as its Scandinavian counterparts. Akin to Middle Low German vlocke ("crowd", "flock"). Not found in other Germanic languages.

flokk m (definite singular flokken, indefinite plural flokkar, definite plural flokkane)

  1. a flock, herd, crowd (can be used to refer to both people and animals)

    Store flokkar av rein vandrar over vidda

    Great herds of reindeer wander over the mountain plateau.

    Ein stor flokk menneske venta utolmodig på at konserten skulle byrja.

    A large crowd waited impatiently for the concert to begin.
  2. a school (e.g. of dolphins)
  3. A Norse ode or song that does not have a refrain

(flock): bande, bøling, forsamling, skare, gjeng, gruppe, skokk, klynge, kobbel, sverm