
grammatically - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From grammatical +‎ -ly.

grammatically (comparative more grammatically, superlative most grammatically)

  1. In a grammatical manner.
  2. Concerning grammar.
    • 2004, Andrew Radford, Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the structure of English, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, §1.7, page 23:

      For example, once the child is able to parse (i.e. grammatically analyse) an adult utterance such as Help Daddy and knows that it contains a verb phrase comprising the head verb help and its complement Daddy, then (on the assumption that the language faculty specifies that all heads of a given type behave uniformly with regard to whether they are positioned before or after their complements), the child will automatically know that all verbs in English are canonically (i.e. normally) positioned before their complements.