
horren - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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  • IPA(key): (Southern) /oren/, [o̞.rẽ̞n]
  • IPA(key): (Northern) /horen/, [ɦo̞.rẽ̞n]


  1. genitive singular of hori


  1. genitive singular of hori

From horde (wooden lattice, wattle, sieve) +‎ -en, possibly via a by-form horre. This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.


  1. (mostly in specialized contexts) to sieve
    Synonym: zeven
    De ballast van het spoor wordt door de arbeiders gehord.The track ballast is being sieved by the labourers.
Conjugation of horren (weak)
infinitive horren
past singular horde
past participle gehord
infinitive horren
gerund horren n
present tense past tense
1st person singular hor horde
2nd person sing. (jij) hort, hor2 horde
2nd person sing. (u) hort horde
2nd person sing. (gij) hort horde
3rd person singular hort horde
plural horren horden
subjunctive sing.1 horre horde
subjunctive plur.1 horren horden
imperative sing. hor
imperative plur.1 hort
participles horrend gehord
1) Archaic. 2) In case of inversion.

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.


  1. plural of hor