in due course - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Prepositional phrase
- When the time is right; presently; eventually.
- The kitchen will be painted in due course.
- March 14, 2018, Roger Penrose writing in The Guardian, 'Mind over matter': Stephen Hawking – obituary
- […] he began to set his sights on some of the most fundamental questions concerning the physical nature of the universe. In due course, he would achieve extraordinary successes against the severest physical disabilities.
when the time is right
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
- Dutch: te zijner tijd (nl)
- Esperanto: post iom da tempo
- Finnish: aikanaan (fi)
- French: au moment voulu, en temps voulu, le moment venu (fr), en temps utile, en temps et en heure (fr)
- Maori: nāwai rā, nāwai nāwai
- Polish: we właściwym czasie
- Russian: в своё вре́мя (v svojó vrémja) (timely), до́лжным о́бразом (dólžnym óbrazom) (properly, duly), своевре́менно (ru) (svojevrémenno) (timely)
- Slovak: zavčasu, zavčas, včasne
- Swedish: i sinom tid (sv)