kaut - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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- inflection of kauen:
kaut (transitive, 1st conjugation, present kauju, kauj, kauj, past kāvu)
- (transitive) to slaughter (in the sense of farming as for instance cattle or poultry)
Kaut cūku
- To slaughter a pig.
Miesnieks kaus bulli.
- The butcher is going to slaughter a bull.
Pārdot kautus putnus.
- To sell slaughtered poultry. (or simply to sell poultry)
- (transitive, archaic, poetic) To kill an opponent in a battle
Bez žēlastības kaut karā pretinieku.
- Without mercy to slaughter the opponent in war.
- (transitive) To flog or any similar acts of mild physical violence that would accompany scolding for some serious wrongdoing.
- kauties (reflexive)
- Used to stress the meaning of a particular word.
Būtu iedevis kaut latu.
- (You) could had given at least one lats.
Būtu kaut drusku siltāks.
- Could have been just a little warmer.
Viņš mēģināja kaut pāris rindiņu uzrakstīt.
- He tried to write at least a couple of lines.
Jāmin kaut viens piemērs.
- (You) have to name at least one example.
- Links parts of a sentence and expresses a wish (subjunctive mood).
Bērns ilgojās, kaut māte atnāktu.
- The child was longing for the mother to come.
- Links parts of a sentence and expresses an assumption/probability.
Kaut viņš to jau zināja, tomēr pārbaudīja.
- Even though he knew it already, nevertheless he checked it.
Kaut gan lija, laiks bija silts.
- Even though it was raining, the weather was warm.
Viņš strādāja, kaut arī bez prieka.
- He was working, without any joy whatsoever.
- Used to stress probability of a word.
Aizdošu grāmatu kaut rīt.
- I can lend you the book any time (be it tomorrow).
Viņš var atnākt kaut šodien.
- He can come any time (be it today).
To var izlasīt kaut vai skolas grāmatās.
- You can look that up even in text books.
- kaut vai particle
- used to express that an assumed obstacle is not going to be a hindrance
Es to nedarīšu, kaut vai tu lūgtos.
- I'm not going to do it even if you beg me.
Mums jābrauc, kaut vai zeme ar debesīm grieztos kopā.
- We have to go regardless of everything.
- at least
Būtu kaut vai pateicis kādu vārdu.
- Would have said at least something.
- kaut kur in the sense of an adverb - in an unknown, undefined location, somewhere
- kaut kas undefined pronoun - something undefined, something
Iedod man kaut ko padzerties!
- Give me something to drink!
Viņam kaut kas bija sakāms.
- He had something to say.
- kaut kāds pronoun, in the sense of an adjective - undefined regarding its qualities.
Iedod man kaut kādu rakstāmo!
- Give me something to write with! or more closely Give me a pen of some sort!
- kaut kad in the sense of an adverb - in an unknown, undisclosed, undefined time (talking about future, although that may not be in effect) - sometime.
- kaut kā in the sense of an adverb
- Not very well, in a slapdash manner - somehow
Viņš kaut kā nokārtoja pārbaudījumus.
- He somehow (managed) to pass the exams.
- Pretty, noticeably
Likās kaut kā savādi, ka tēva vēl nebija mājās.
- It seemed pretty odd, that father still wasn't home.
- kaut cik in the sense of an undefined number or an adverb - a little, a few (but with the implication that it's sufficient)
Man vēl ir kaut cik naudas.
- I still have some money.
Latviešu valodas skaidrojošā vārdnīca's entry for kaut
- kawd (Sittard)
- kald (Southeast Limburgish, North Limburgish)
- koud (Valkenburg)
- kaad (widespread variant)
From Proto-West Germanic *kald, from Proto-Germanic *kaldaz.
kaut (masculine koue, feminine kou, comparative kauer, superlative kottste)
- (Eupen) cold, chilly; the physical perception of something (objects, weather, body etc.) to have a low temperature
- (Eupen) cold, frigid (especially when referring to emotions)
kaut (neuter kautt, definite singular and plural kaute, comparative kautare, indefinite superlative kautast, definite superlative kautaste)
- “kaut” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.