
kolmonen - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  • ️Sun Jul 02 2023

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

kolme +‎ -onen

  • IPA(key): /ˈkolmonen/, [ˈko̞lmo̞ne̞n]
  • Rhymes: -olmonen
  • Hyphenation(key): kol‧mo‧nen


  1. three (digit or figure 3)
  2. number three (anything that is third or with the number three)
  3. third gear
  4. trey (playing card or score three)
  5. triplet (one of a group of three babies born from the same mother during the same birth)
  6. (card games, in the plural) three of a kind (three cards of the same rank in one hand)
  7. (pesäpallo, baseball) third (third base)

In Finnish, three as a value or count of something is kolme, but in Finnish three as an attribute of something is kolmonen. Hence e.g. a bus number three is referred to as kolmonen, and three as the face value of a die is also kolmonen, and so "three threes" in a dice game would be kolme kolmosta or kolmoskolmoset.