liveliness - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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liveliness (countable and uncountable, plural livelinesses)
- The quality of being lively; animation; energy.
- Antonyms: unliveliness; see also Thesaurus:devitalization
1947 January and February, Cecil J. Allen, “British Locomotive Practice and Performance”, in Railway Magazine, page 39:
The response to firing is remarkable, and though the 280 lb. pressure seems more in the nature of a reserve for emergencies than a continuous working figure, even with the present-day apology for coal it seldom fell below 250 lb., and could always be brought up to blowing-off point with little difficulty. To this liveliness of steaming the thermic syphons are doubtless the chief contributory.
the quality of being lively
- Albanian: gazmend (sq)
- Bulgarian: оживление (bg) n (oživlenie)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
- Dutch: levendigheid (nl)
- Finnish: vilkkaus (fi), vilkkaus (fi)
- French: vitalité (fr) f
- Georgian: ხალისიანობა (xalisianoba), სიცოცხლე (sicocxle), სიცხოველე (sicxovele), გამოცოცხლება (gamococxleba), მხიარულება (mxiaruleba), სიმხნევე (simxneve), გაცხოველება (gacxoveleba)
- Greek: ζωντάνια (el) f (zontánia)
- Irish: aibíocht f, abúlacht f, beogacht f, éirimiúlacht f, anamúlacht f
- Latvian: možums m, mundrums m, mundrība f, žirgtums m, spirgtums m
- Polish: żwawość (pl) f
- Portuguese: vitalidade (pt) f
- Romanian: vitalitate (ro) f, vioiciune (ro) f, însuflețire (ro) f, vivacitate (ro) f
- Russian: оживле́ние (ru) n (oživlénije)
- Spanish: vivacidad (es) f
- Turkish: canlılık (tr)