
mahdollisuus - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  • ️Mon Jul 03 2023

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

mahdollinen +‎ -uus

  • IPA(key): /ˈmɑhdolːisuːs/, [ˈmɑ̝xdo̞lˌlis̠uːs̠]
  • Rhymes: -isuːs
  • Hyphenation(key): mah‧dol‧li‧suus

mahdollisuus [with first infinitive ‘to’ (with verbs)]

  1. possibility, chance, probability (the extent to which something is possible; the quality of being possible)
    Synonyms: todennäköisyys, (colloquial) mahis, (colloquial) mahku

    Sateen mahdollisuus huomenna on 30 %.

    There is a 30% chance of rain tomorrow.

    Meillä on 50 prosentin mahdollisuus voittaa.

    We have a 50% probability to win.
  2. possibility, choice (that which is possible)

    Sekin on yksi mahdollisuus.

    That is also a possibility.

    Ei ollut muuta mahdollisuutta kuin totella.

    There was no other choice but to obey.
  3. chance, opportunity (opportunity, possibility or probability)
    Synonym: tilaisuus

    Meillä on mahdollisuus.

    We have a chance.

The difference between mahdollisuus and tilaisuus is sometimes subtle, but mahdollisuus tends to be used when there is considerable uncertainty about the outcome or when there are several equally good options to choose from, whereas tilaisuus is a clearer opportunity to achieve or obtain something desirable which is likely to be missed if not taken.