
orðflokkur - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From orð (word) +‎ flokkur (category).

  • IPA(key): /ˈɔrðˌflɔhkʏr/

orðflokkur m (genitive singular orðflokks, nominative plural orðflokkar)

  1. (grammar) part of speech, lexical category, syntactic category, syntactic class; (the function a word or phrase performs in a sentence or phrase)

    Að greina setningu í orðflokka.

    To parse a sentence.

Declension of orðflokkur (masculine, based on flokkur)

terms pertaining to orðflokkur (part of speech)

terms pertaining to orðflokkur (part of speech)