
päästä - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  • ️Sat Jul 01 2023

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Proto-Finnic *pä(ä)stäk. Cognate with Estonian pääsema (to escape, to reach), Votic pääse, and Livvi piästä (to come off, to come out).

  • IPA(key): /ˈpæːstæˣ/, [ˈpæːs̠tæ(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -æːstæ
  • Hyphenation(key): pääs‧tä


  1. (intransitive) to get to, reach, arrive at/in [with illative or allative; or (with verbs) with illative of third infinitive ‘to do’] (a place)

    Kuinka pääsen lentokentälle?

    How do I get to the airport?

    En päässyt aivan huipulle, koska puhkesi lumimyrsky.

    I didn't quite reach the summit, because a snowstorm broke out.

    Minun pitää päästä sinne tekemään yksi asia!

    I have to get there to do one thing!
  2. (intransitive) to get to go, be allowed/permitted to go
    päästä irtito get loose, separate

    Koska pääsemme käymään ulkomailla?

    When will we get to go abroad?
  3. (intransitive) to get in, be admitted to [with illative and translative ‘as’]
  4. (intransitive) to make it to, get to (a place/level), reach, attain, achieve [with illative and translative ‘as’]
  5. (intransitive) to come out/off, slip out/off, pop out/off; be worked (loose) [with elative or ablative]
    kenkä pääsi jalastathe shoe slipped off the foot
  6. (impersonal + ablative) to (suddenly) come out (of an emotion), to burst out

    Häneltä pääsi itku kun hän sai kuulla uutisen.

    She couldn't stop herself from crying when she heard the news.
    (literally, “A cry made its way out of her when she heard the news.”)
  7. to manage (to do; to happen by accident) [with illative of third infinitive]
  8. (intransitive) to get rid of (a person); to get over (a feeling) [with elative]

    Kuinka päästä peloistaan?

    How to get over one's fears?
  9. to avoid, escape, get out of, not have/need, be spared the necessity of [with elative of third infinitive]

    Pekka pääsi näkemästä kuinka hänen hevosensa tapettiin.

    Pekka avoided seeing how his horse was killed.

    Tein kaikkeni päästäkseni tapaamasta heitä.

    I did my best to avoid meeting with them.
  10. (intransitive) to evade, elude, escape, get off/by [with elative]
  11. (intransitive) to be released/discharged (from a hospital; from prison)

    Pääsen sairaalasta huomenna.

    I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

Elative singular of pää.

päästä [with genitive]

  1. in, after, a [period] from (after a period of time; usually relative to now, especially when talking about future events)
    Synonym: kuluttua

    Alle kuuden tunnin päästä pitäisi työkkäriin mennä, silti istun täällä.

    In under six hours I should go to the employment agency, and yet I'm sitting nevertheless here.
  2. (from) away (from a stated distance compared to something else)

    Tykinkuulan arvioitiin tulleen noin kilometrin päästä.

    The cannon ball was estimated to have come from around a kilometer away.
→○ illative päähän
inessive päässä
○→ elative päästä


  1. elative singular of pää
  • IPA(key): /ˈpæːstæˣ/, [ˈpæːs̠tæ(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -æːstæ
  • Hyphenation(key): pääs‧tä


  1. inflection of päästää:
    1. indicative present connegative
    2. second-person singular imperative present
    3. second-person singular present active imperative connegative