particip - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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- first-person singular indicative/subjunctive present of participa (“to participate”)
particip n (plural participiuri)
- Dated form of participiu (“participle”).
- particip in DEX online—Dicționare ale limbii române (Dictionaries of the Romanian language)
- Iorgu Iordan, Alexandru Graur, Ion Coteanu, editors (1972), Dicționarul Limbii Române[1], volume 8, part 1, Bucharest: Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, page 149
partìcīp m (Cyrillic spelling партѝцӣп)
particip n
- (grammar) a participle (verb form, resembling an adjective)
Borrowed from German Partizip.
particip m inan (related adjective participowy)
- (grammar) participle (non-finite form of a verb, used in compound tenses or in the passive, which expresses the result of the verbal process)
- Synonym: podźělnik
Declension of particip (masculine hard stem)
- “particip” in Soblex