
particip - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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  1. first-person singular indicative/subjunctive present of participa (to participate)
  • IPA(key): /par.tiˈt͡ʃip/
  • Rhymes: -ip
  • Hyphenation: par‧ti‧cip

particip n (plural participiuri)

  1. Dated form of participiu (participle).
    • 1939 June, Mihail C. Gregorian, “Graiul și Folklorul din Oltenia nord-vestică și Banatul răsăritean”, in Arhivele Olteniei, year 18, numbers 101–103, page 108:

      Verbul a rage are participul trecut ras: []

      The verb a rage (to bray) has the past participle ras: []
  • IPA(key): /partǐt͡siːp/
  • Hyphenation: par‧ti‧cip

partìcīp m (Cyrillic spelling партѝцӣп)

  1. participle

particip n

  1. (grammar) a participle (verb form, resembling an adjective)

Borrowed from German Partizip.

  • IPA(key): /paʀtiˈt͡sip/
  • Rhymes: -ip
  • Hyphenation: par‧ti‧cip
  • Syllabification: par‧ti‧cip

particip m inan (related adjective participowy)

  1. (grammar) participle (non-finite form of a verb, used in compound tenses or in the passive, which expresses the result of the verbal process)
    Synonym: podźělnik

Declension of particip (masculine hard stem)