
serap - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Inherited from Malay serap, from Classical Malay سرڤ (serap), from Proto-Malayic *sərəp, possibly from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *səʀəp (to penetrate).

sêrap (active menyerap, passive diserap)

  1. to absorb (in general senses)
  2. (physics, chemistry) to absorb (to take in energy and convert it)
  3. to absorb (to assimilate mentally)
    • 2020, Azri Yusra, DILEMA BANGKU KULIAH (Sebuah Bacaan untuk Menapaki Kehidupan Kampus)‎[1], Spasi Media, page 64:

      Satu minggu menjelang minggu tenang, pastikan bahwa kita menyerap dan memahami bacaan mata kuliah

      A week before quiet week, make sure that we absorb and understand the course readings
  4. to absorb (to spent the amount that was budgeted)
    • 2020, Komnas HAM, Marjinalisasi Hak Politik Penyandang Disabilitas‎[2], page 135:

      Jumlah ini lebih kecil dari biaya pengadaan tinta dan surat suara yang masing-masing menyerap anggaran sebesar Rp. atau 3.84 % dan Rp. 2.516.354.185 atau 2.34 % dari total anggaran penyelenggaraan Pilkada di Sulsel

      This amount is smaller than the cost of procuring ink and ballots, which each absorbed the budget of Rp. 4,131,123,000 or 3.84% and Rp. 2,516,354,185 or 2.34% of the total budget for organizing the Pilkada in South Sulawesi.
  5. (linguistics) to borrow (to adopt a word from another language)
    Synonym: pinjam
  6. to assimilate (of culture, etc.)
  • (dialectal, dated) serap mesra (very affectionate, intimate)

sérap (plural serap-serap)

  1. Alternative form of serep

From Proto-Malayic *sərəp, possibly from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *səʀəp (to penetrate). Cognate with Manggarai cerep.

serap (Jawi spelling سرڤ)

  1. to absorb (to include so that it no longer has separate existence)
  • serap” in Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu | Malay Literary Reference Centre, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017.
  • Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*serep”, in the CLDF dataset from The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–), →DOI

From Ottoman Turkish سراب (serab), itself from Arabic سَرَاب (sarāb, mirage).

serap (definite accusative serabı, plural seraplar)

  1. mirage, an optical phenomenon giving the illusion of a body of water