
skott - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Old Norse skopt (lock of hair, hair from the head) (whence also Nynorsk skoft (tail [of birds])), from Proto-Germanic *skuftą.

skott n (genitive singular skotts, nominative plural skott)

  1. (animals, especially dogs, cats and foxes) a tail
    Synonym: (of a dog or cat) rófa
  2. (dress) 18th century Icelandic women's head wear
  3. (automotive) a trunk, a boot, the luggage storage compartment of a car

Inherited from Old Swedish skut, skot, from Proto-Germanic *skutą. Cognate of English shot, German Schoss.

skott n

  1. a shot (firing a weapon)
  2. a shoot (on a plant)
  3. a bulkhead (on a ship)


  1. supine of sko