solitary confinement - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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solitary confinement (usually uncountable, plural solitary confinements)
- Forced isolation in a small space and the denial of contact with other persons, usually as a form of punishment for a prison inmate.
- Synonym: ad-seg
forced isolation
- Arabic: حَبْس اِنْفِرَادِيّ m (ḥabs infirādiyy)
- Chinese:
- Czech: samovazba f
- Dutch: isolatie (nl) f, isolement (nl) n, eenzame opsluiting f
- Finnish: eristäminen (fi)
- French: mitard (fr) m, isolement carcéral m
- German: Isolationshaft (de) f, Einzelhaft (de) f
- Greek: απομόνωση (el) f (apomónosi)
- Hindi: एकांत कारावास (ekānt kārāvās)
- Irish: braighdeanas aonair m
- Italian: isolamento (it) m, cella di isolamento f, segregazione (it) f, confino (it) m
- Japanese: 独房監禁 (どくぼうかんきん, dokubō kankin)
- Korean: 독방 감금 (dokbang gamgeum)
- Macedonian: самица f (samica)
- Maori: here taratahi
- Persian: انفرادی (fa) (enferâdi), سلول انفرادی (sellul-e enferâdi)
- Polish: karcer (pl) m
- Portuguese: prisão em solitária f
- Romanian: încarcerare solitară f
- Russian: одиночное заключение (ru) (odinočnoje zaključenije)
- Spanish: régimen de aislamiento m, incomunicación (es) f, reclusión solitaria f
- Turkish: hücre hapsi