
submittal - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From submit +‎ -al.

submittal (countable and uncountable, plural submittals)

  1. (rare) The act of submitting; submission
  2. (proscribed, rare)[1] Something submitted or to be submitted; a submission.
  3. (construction) Data about a product, such as shop drawings, material data, or samples.

Much rarer than synonymous submission.[2][3] Outside of technical use (notably in construction), submission is preferred.[1] Compare common proposal.

act of submitting, capitulation

  1. 1.0 1.1 Paul Brians, Common Errors in English Usage, submittal/submission
  2. ^ Google Books Ngram Viewer: submittal, submission
  3. ^ Google Books Ngram Viewer: submittal