tenet - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Borrowed from Latin tenet (“he, she, or it holds”), from teneō (“hold; have”). Compare obsolete tenent. See tenable.
tenet (plural tenets)
- An opinion, belief, or principle that is held as absolute truth by someone or especially an organization.
2009 May 10, “Enlightenment Therapy”, in The New York Times[1]:
The Buddhist concept of tanha, for example — roughly translated as “blind demandingness” — encapsulates many tenets of R.E.B.T. and points the way toward emotional equanimity: stop asking more of the universe than it can possibly deliver.
2017 February 20, Paul Mason, “Climate scepticism is a far-right badge of honour – even in sweltering Australia”, in The Guardian[2]:
Opposition to climate science has become not just the badge of honour for far-right politicians like Ukip’s Paul Nuttall. It has become the central tenet of their appeal to unreason.
an opinion, belief or principle
- Armenian: please add this translation if you can
- Belarusian: до́гмат m (dóhmat), дактры́на f (daktrýna), пры́нцып m (prýncyp)
- Bulgarian: до́гма (bg) f (dógma), при́нцип (bg) m (príncip)
- Catalan: dogma (ca) m, opinió (ca) f, creença (ca) f, principi (ca) m
- Chinese:
- Czech: princip (cs) m, dogma n, zásada (cs) f, krédo n
- Danish: dogme n, princip n
- Dutch: dogma (nl), grondregel (nl), overtuiging (nl), stelling (nl)
- Esperanto: dogmo
- Finnish: dogmi (fi), opinkappale (fi), periaate (fi)
- French: principe (fr) m, croyance (fr) f, dogme (fr) m
- Galician: principio (gl) m
- German: Dogma (de) n, Grundsatz (de) m, Glaubenssatz m, Theorem (de) n, Grundregel (de) f
- Greek: δόγμα (el) n (dógma)
- Hungarian: elv (hu), nézet (hu)
- Italian: principio (it) m, fondamento (it) m, credenza (it) f, dogma (it) m, cardine (it) m
- Japanese: 原則 (ja) (げんそく, gensoku), 原理 (ja) (げんり, genri)
- Kazakh: қағида (qağida), қағидат (kk) (qağidat)
- Korean: 원리(原理) (ko) (wolli), 원칙(原則) (ko) (wonchik)
- Malay: rukun, kepercayaan (ms)
- Maori: please add this translation if you can
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: grunnsetning (no) m or f, dogme n, prinsipp (no) n
- Nynorsk: grunnsetning (no) f, dogme n, prinsipp (no) n
- Persian: اَصْل (fa) (asl)
- Polish: zasada (pl) f, dogmat (pl) m
- Portuguese: dogma (pt) m
- Russian: до́гмат (ru) m (dógmat), доктри́на (ru) f (doktrína), при́нцип (ru) m (príncip)
- Spanish: creencia (es) f, principio (es) m, dogma (es) m
- Swedish: grundsats (sv) c, dogm (sv) c
- Tagalog: turo (tl)
- Turkish: düstur (tr), ilke (tr), prensip (tr)
- Ukrainian: до́гмат m (dóhmat), доктри́на f (doktrýna), при́нцип (uk) m (prýncyp)
- Vietnamese: nguyên lý (vi), nguyên lí (vi) (原理 (vi)), nguyên tắc (vi) (原則)