
tjej - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Attested since 1851. From Tavringer Romani tjej, from Romani ćhaj (girl), a feminine form of ćhavo (boy). Derived from the root found in the Sauraseni Prakrit 𑀙𑀸𑀯 (chāva), corresponding to Pali chāpa (the young of an animal).

tjej c

  1. (colloquial) a girl (young girl)
    Synonyms: flicka, tös, brud

    Några tjejer i 14-årsåldern gick runt i affären

    Some 14-year-old girls were browsing the store

    en present till en sjuårig tjej

    a present for a seven-year-old girl

    Hur gammal är lilltjejen?

    How old is the little one?
  2. (colloquial) a girl, a gal (young woman (or older woman, ironically))
    Synonyms: kvinna, brud

    ragga på en tjej

    hit on a girl

    Det var bara vi tjejer i 50-årsåldern där

    It was just us gals in our 50s there
  3. (colloquial) a girlfriend
    Synonyms: flickvän, brud

    Imorgon ska mina kompisar få träffa min nya tjej

    Tomorrow my friends are going to meet my new girlfriend
  • Norwegian:

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From Romani ćhaj (girl), a feminine form of ćhavo (boy).


  1. a girl