trece - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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< 12 | 13 | 14 > |
Cardinal : trece Ordinal : decimoterceru | ||
trece (indeclinable)
[a], [b] ← 12 | 13 | 14 → [a], [b] |
Cardinal (standard): trece Cardinal (reintegrationist): treze Ordinal: décimo terceiro Ordinal abbreviation: 13º Fractional (standard): treceavo Fractional (reintegrationist): treze avos |
From Old Galician-Portuguese treze, from Latin trēdecim.
- Hyphenation: tre‧ce
trece (indeclinable)
Inherited from Latin trāicere.
a trece (third-person singular present trece, past participle trecut) 3rd conjugation
- (intransitive) to pass through (enter and then leave a region in space)
- Synonym: parcurge
În loc să treacă prin oraș, șoferii pot folosi drumul de centură.
- Instead of passing through the city, drivers can use the ring road.
Radiațiile gamma trec prin zece centimetri de plumb.
- Gamma radiation passes through ten centimetres of lead.
Hainele nu lasă frigul să treacă.
- Clothes do not let the cold pass through.
- (intransitive) to pass by
De ce treci fără să saluți?
- Why are you passing by without saying hello?
De la fereastră se vede toată lumea care trece.
- From the window one can see everybody that passes by.
Soldatului i-a trecut un glonț pe la ureche.
- A bullet whizzed past the soldier’s ear.
- (chiefly intransitive with de) to have passed something (leave behind in one’s path)
Șoferul a trecut de ieșirea de pe autostradă fără să o observe.
- The driver passed the highway exit without noticing it.
- (intransitive) to exceed a value [with de]
- (intransitive, figurative) to leave behind, come to terms with something [with peste]
- Synonyms: depăși, lăsa în urmă
- (transitive) to cross a road, a river, a boundary or the like
- Synonym: traversa
- (transitive) to take someone over, help cross something
Bacul ne trece peste Dunăre.
- The ferry is taking us across the Danube.
- (intransitive, of time) to pass (go by)
- (intransitive) to pass (be in the past)
- (intransitive, of a sensation, state, emotion) to be over, pass, cease, no longer be felt by someone [with dative]
- (intransitive) approach a new action or subject, change focus [with la]
- a trece la fapte ― to walk the walk
După montare voi trece la vopsire.
- After putting it together, I’ll go on to paint it.
Să trecem acum la experiența dumneavoastră profesională.
- Let’s now discuss your work experience.
1984, Tudora Șandru-Olteanu, transl., Dormind la soare [Sleeping in the sun] (Globus; 407), Bucharest: Univers, translation of Dormir al sol by Adolfo Bioy Casares, page 170:
De la acest sentiment de siguranță am trecut iar la bănuieli și temeri de necrezut.
- From this feeling of safety I once again went over to unbelievable suspicions and fears.
- (intransitive) to change into a state
Molecula trece în starea excitată.
- The molecule enters an excited state.
A trecut de la prieten la dușman.
- He went from friend to enemy.
- (intransitive) to make a visit, come over [with la (+ person or place)]
- (transitive) to keep track, enter, catalogue, register, list in writing [with în (+ means of record)]
- Synonyms: cataloga, înregistra, înscrie
- (ambitransitive) to pass a test, an exam
- (transitive, informal) to pass a student
- Synonym: promova
- (copulative) to pass for [with drept ‘for’]
- (intransitive, colloquial, chiefly imperative, potentially rude) to go, move
- Treci înapoi în bancă. ― Back to your desk.
- (intransitive, less common) to turn into, develop into [with în]
- Synonyms: ajunge, deveni, se face, se transforma
- (reflexive, of produce) to become overripe, go out of season
- (intransitive, television jargon, of a program) to show (be on television)
- (reflexive, chiefly in the negative, obsolete, rare, of an endeavour) to succeed for someone [with dative]
- (reflexive, mostly obsolete, of deceit or claims) to be believed
- Synonym: (chiefly colloquial) ține
Like some very few other third conjugation verbs, such as crește, trece has an isolated imperative identical to the second person present form (treci), while the transitive or reflexive imperative accompanied by an accusative personal pronoun is identical to the third person present or infinitive form: treci râul (“cross the river”), trece-mă peste râu (“cross me over the river”).
- a trecut baba cu colacii
- îi trece prin cap
- îi trece prin minte
- îl trece toate apele
- întrece
- treacă-meargă
- treacăt
- trece ca gâsca prin apă
- trece cu vederea
- trece în revistă
- trecere
- trecător
- trecut
- trece in DEX online—Dicționare ale limbii române (Dictionaries of the Romanian language)
← 12 | 13 | 14 → |
Cardinal: trece Ordinal: decimotercero, décimo tercero Apocopated ordinal: decimotercer, décimo tercer Ordinal abbreviation: 13.º Fractional: treceavo | ||
Spanish Wikipedia article on 13 |
Inherited from Old Spanish treze, tredze from Latin trēdecim.
- IPA(key): (Spain) /ˈtɾeθe/ [ˈt̪ɾe.θe]
- IPA(key): (Latin America, Philippines) /ˈtɾese/ [ˈt̪ɾ]
- Rhymes: -eθe
- Rhymes: -ese
- Syllabification: tre‧ce
trece m (plural treces)
trece m or f by sense (plural treces)
- a member of the Council of Thirteen of the Order of Santiago
- “trece”, in Diccionario de la lengua española [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (in Spanish), online version 23.8, Royal Spanish Academy [Spanish: Real Academia Española], 2024 December 10