
unexercised - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From un- +‎ exercised.

unexercised (not comparable)

  1. Not having been subjected to physical exercise.
    • 1969 October 10, “Dividend from Viet Nam”, in Time:

      Says Colonel Thomas Murray, chief Army psychiatrist in South Viet Nam: “Some of our psychiatrists are the most improbable military guys: soft, flabby, unexercised.”

    • 1988, Edmund White, chapter 5, in The Beautiful Room is Empty, New York: Vintage International, published 1994:

      [] Lou was a respectful reader of the boy books that were emerging then, those magazines of black-and-white photos of teenagers with shaved chests, sucked-in if unexercised stomachs, and cloth posing-straps who stood on a dais silhouetted against a sunburst of seamless paper.

    • 2012 December 16, Geeta Padmanabhan, “Movement, the best medicine”, in The Hindu:

      Unexercised joints get stiffer, but the wrong sort of exercise can strain the joints, damaging them further.

  2. (finance, law) Not having been exercised
    • 2007 January 30, Bloomberg News, “CNet Restatement Goes Back to 1996”, in New York Times‎[1]:

      Shelby W. Bonnie, the former chief executive, agreed to reprice 700,000 unexercised shares, the company said yesterday in a statement.