
valamiféle - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From valami (something) +‎ -féle (type of).

  • IPA(key): [ˈvɒlɒmifeːlɛ]
  • Hyphenation: va‧la‧mi‧fé‧le
  • Rhymes: -lɛ


  1. some sort of / kind of (not specified in detail or cannot be determined or of an unknown quality, property, or type)
    A fémdarab valamiféle ötvözetnek tűnt.The piece of metal looked like some kind of alloy.
  2. (slightly derogatory, of a person, object, thing) of sorts (not something with superior qualities; not particularly valuable)
    Valamiféle építmény volt a kertben.There was a structure of sorts in the garden.